1 A Scientific Management Theory 1

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Principles of Islamic


Lecture 2: Prophet Muhammad ‫))ﷺ‬

And Scientific Management Theory

Prof Javed Iqbal Saani, PhD (UK), MBA (MIS, UK), MBA (Finance, UAJK), BBA, (UAJK)
 Pioneer of Islamic Management Theory (IMT)
 Author of 71 books and 22 research articles
 Holder of Quad-e-Azam Merit Scholarship worth $100, 000. 1
 Nominee for the “Award of Distinguished Scientist” by FRDN Seychelles, The UK Chapter.
Scientific Management theory

Taylor was considered the father of the theory. His premise

was based upon four areas:
1. Standardization

2. Time and task study

3. Systematic selection and training

4. Pay incentives

Nevertheless, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬had coined most of these factors

long time ago about which Taylor was not aware.
1-What is standardization?

“the process of making things of the same

type all have the same basic features.”
There is standard for Salaat

Hadhrat Ammar bin Yaasir (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that

he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying:
"When a person finishes his salaat, he gets one tenth, one
ninth, one eighth, one seventh, one sixth, one fifth, one fourth,
one third or one half of the maximum reward (according to the
quality of salaat performed by him)." [Abu Dawud and Nasai
with reference to Fazail -e-Amaal, p. 83 (Virtues of Salat).]
Allah has a standard for fardh salaat

It is stated in a hadith that Allah has a standard

for fardh salaat. An account is kept of the

measure by which a salaat falls short of that

standard. [Fazail-e-Amaal, p. 83 (Virtues of

2-Time and task study

• The essence of it is how much time is required

to complete an activity. Or the best time for

an action.

• We present some examples

Time required to complete an action

• Hajj is completed in five days

• Ramadhan consists of an Islamic month

• Fast completes from Dawn to Desk

The number of days needed to stay
with your new wife for socialisation
Narrated Anas: The tradition, (of the Prophet (‫ ) )ﷺ‬is
that if someone marries a virgin and he has already a
matron wife (with him), then he should stay with the
virgin for seven days; and if someone marries a
matron (and he has already a virgin wife with him)
then he should stay with her for three days. Sahih al-
Bukhari 5213, English reference: Vol. 7, Book 62,
Hadith 140.
3-Systematic selection and
Systematic selection
1. He selected Usman (RA) as an ambassador to Quraysh on the time of the
treaty of Hodhabia because he was well respected in Makkah and of mild
temperament after consultation.

2. When new rulings were to send to the infidels, he selected Ali (RA) to
convey his message to Abu Bakr (RA) who was the leaders of pilgrim of 9

3. The battle of Khyber was getting prolong, he selected Ali (RA) to launch a
fresh attack and he was successful to capture the fortress.
Systemic training

The Prophet set up teaching and learning centre in the

home of Arqam (RA) in Makkah for the training and

education of new and existing muslims.[Mubarikpuri,

p. 130]
Systemic training …
“When the first group of people from Madinah embraced Islam
in Mina, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬deputed Hadhrat Mus'ab bin Umair
(Radhiyallaho anho) to go with them to teach Islam and preach
to others. He remained busy all the time in teaching the Qur'an
and other Islamic practices to the people. He stayed with
Hadhrat As'ad bin Zararah (Radhiyallaho anho) and was
known as 'Muqree' (the teacher).”
4-Pay incentives

They wage according to performance is the key in the scientific

era. High performers get more than the average one. Many

people received wages according to “piece rate” policy.

Pay incentives …
There were two types of or payment prevalent in the

time of the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬.

1. Wages for the periodical work i.e. monthly

2. Piece rate (Wages according to the number of pieces

Pay incentives – Piece rate …

It was narrated that 'Ali said: “I used to draw water,

one bucket for a date, and I stipulated that they should

be good quality, dried dates.” [Sunan Ibn Majah,

English reference: Vol. 3, Book 16, Hadith 2447.]

Pay incentives – More for doing less

“It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the

Prophet(‫ )ﷺ‬said (that Allah said): "For every good

deed that the son of Adam does, he will have (the

reward of) ten the like thereof, except for fasting. It is

for Me and I shall reward for it.”

Striving in the Path of Allah (SWT)

“Whoever sends financial support in the cause of Allah and stays at home,

for every Dirham he will have (the reward of) seven hundred Dirham, 700.

Whoever fights himself in the cause of Allah, and spends on that, for every

Dirham he will have (the reward of) seven hundred thousand Dirham,

700,000.” Then he recited the Verse: “Allah gives manifold increase to

whom He wills.” [2:261] [Sunan Ibn Majah, English reference: Vol. 4, Book

24, Hadith 2761]

Striving in the Path of Allah (SWT)

Narrated Mu'adh ibn Anas al-Juhani: The Messenger of Allah

(‫ )ﷺ‬said: (The reward of) prayer, fasting and remembrance of

Allah is enhanced seven hundred times over (the reward of)

spending in Allah's path. [Sunan Abi Dawud 2498; English

translation: Book 14, Hadith 2492]


We can say from the above discussion that the

Prophet(‫)ﷺ‬had introduced four pillars of

Scientific Management which Tylor claimed

after 1400 years.

The Presentation has
been taken from my book
Prophet Muhammad
[PBUH] & Evolution
of Management
It is available on
Amazon.com worldwide

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