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Cultural Differences

Between Japan and

Japan Culture v/s U.S.A. Culture

Japan is often considered to be more culturally "western" than

other Asian countries. When it's compared to the United States,
there are certainly a lot of similarities, but Japan and the U.S.
also have many cultural differences. While a group of people
cannot be generalized as a whole, and culture in any country
can vary from region to region, here are fifteen cultural
differences that typically stick out to American expatriates in
15 Cultural Differences Between

 Religious practices differ.  Space is scarce in Japan.

 Japanese culture is more formal than  Japanese communication is subtle, whereas
American culture. Americans tend to be blunt.
 Japanese People are Nationalistic ,but  Japanese gender roles are strict.
Overall not very political.  Social hierarchy is important in Japan.
 America has diverse racial demographics,  Japan's culture is collectivist, and America's is
and Japan is predominantly Japanese.
 Japanese people bow, and Americans  Eating in public can be considered impolite.
shake hands.
 Train etiquette is strict in Japan.
 Japanese adults are more likely to live
with their parents than American adults.  Cash is not exchanged by hand.
 Tipping is not practiced in Japan.
Religious Practice Differ
Vast majority of Japanese people identify as Shinto,
Buddhist, or both at the same time. Though
Christian missionaries have been present in Japan
for hundreds of years, their presence has had little
effect on Japan's religious identity and philosophy.
Therefore, issues that are the basis of debates in the
Abrahamic faiths, such as gay marriage or teaching
creationism in schools, lack a religious foundation in
Japan. In Japan, Shinto and Buddhist practices are
predominantly limited to traditions, celebrations,
and superstitions more than strong spiritual beliefs.
For example, in America, a politician's religious
affiliation may become the cause of heavy debate,
but there are few such issues in Japan.
Japanese culture is more formal
than American culture
This generalization depends on which region of
Japan you are referring to, but overall, Japan,
especially Tokyo, is known for being socially colder
than most areas of the United States. People tend to
stand a relatively far distance apart when speaking,
and last names with honorifics are used when people
speak to or about one another. An example of this can
be seen in different approaches to customer service.
In America, ideal customer service is usually warm
and friendly. In Japan, it is formal and unobtrusive.
Waiters don't usually stop by tables to ask customers
how the food is or what their weekend plans are, and
strangers won't often chat while waiting for the bus.
Physically touching others in public is also less
common in Japan than it is in America.
Japanese People Are Nationalistic,
but Overall Not Very Political
Politicians in Japan have a shockingly low
approval rate. Politicians are quick to resign after
making mistakes, which is why Japan has
switched its prime ministers almost once a year
since 2005. Japan has a parliament system with
many parties, and politicians don't win elections
with a majority vote. In fact, Japanese people
have a notoriously low voter turnout rate. On the
other hand, Japanese people tend to have a lot of
love for their country, and they celebrate their
unique history, language, and culture in a way
that's not dissimilar to Americans.
America has diverse racial
demographics, and Japan is
predominantly Japanese.
The population of Japan is about 98% ethnic
Japanese, and the biggest minority groups
are Korean and Chinese people. Most
Japanese citizens have an identical ethnic
and national identity; therefore, seeing
people who don't appear to be of East Asian
descent can lead to instant assumptions. This
can affect society in the sense that because
Japanese people view their culture as
homogeneous, it is expected that everyone
understands the traditions and rules of
Japanese people bow, and Americans
shake hands.
The population of Japan is about 98% ethnic
Japanese, and the biggest minority groups
are Korean and Chinese people. Most
Japanese citizens have an identical ethnic
and national identity; therefore, seeing
people who don't appear to be of East Asian
descent can lead to instant assumptions. This
can affect society in the sense that because
Japanese people view their culture as
homogeneous, it is expected that everyone
understands the traditions and rules of
Greetings are usually informal, with first names
often used in initial introductions.
A handshake is the most common greeting when
meeting someone for the first time or in
professional settings.
Handshakes should be firm and accompanied with
direct eye contact throughout the greeting,
especially in business contexts. Being the first
person to offer your hand can reflect confidence.
However, be aware handshaking can seem overly-
formal and awkward in casual settings.
Many people hug in informal situations or to greet
close friends and family.
It is important to smile during greetings.
Americans generally smile a lot and are likely to
appreciate when similar warmth is reciprocated.
Tipping is not practiced in Japan.
Tipping is not practiced at establishments in
Japan. It can even be insulting to tip because
doing so is considered to be an affront to an
employee's salary. If you leave a few bills on
the table after eating out, prepare to have the
waiter run after you with your "forgotten"
item. In America, tips are meant to show
appreciation for good service. Considering
that many service jobs in the U.S. pay
minimum wage or less, tipping has become a
necessity in order for waiters and waitresses
to survive.
Japanese communication is subtle,
whereas Americans tend to be
Being too direct in Japan can be considered
rude. This can be seen in body language too.
People in the U.S. are taught to look directly in
someone's eyes when speaking or listening to
show that they are actively participating in the
conversation. In Japan, extended eye contact
can be uncomfortable between people who
aren't close, and eyes are often averted.
Japanese people also tend to be more reserved
than Americans, and they share less personal or
sensitive information, even with close friends.
Eating in public can be considered
In the U.S. people are often seen eating snacks
or small meals while traveling on public transit,
during their commute, while shopping, or while
they run errands. In Japan, people are less likely
to eat while strolling about. People in Japan
usually eat while sitting in restaurants, cafes, or
at their own kitchen tables. Eating on the go can
be messy, and food odors in places that are not
designated for eating can be unpleasant to
others. Even though people in Japan
occasionally eat on the go, they don't do it often.
Train etiquette is strict in Japan.
In the U.S., people tend to do whatever they want while
riding trains or buses. People are often observed eating
snacks, talking on their phones, listening to music (with or
without headphones,) texting, playing mobile games,
sleeping, working, dancing, etc. In Japan, most people adhere
to social etiquette that discourages disruptive activities on
trains and buses. People typically silence their phones while
they're utilizing public transportation, and they don't usually
answer phone calls. Because sexual harassment has been a
widespread issue on Japanese trains, many rush hour routes
offer cars that are solely for female commuters so they won't
be at risk of groping or harassment.
Japanese gender roles are strict.
In 2012, Japan received an embarrassing rank in the Global
Gender Gap Report, which measured women's equality in
various countries. America received 22nd place, and Japan
received the 101st spot. There are very few female
politicians and CEOs in Japan. When women join
companies, they are often expected to quit when they get
married to become housewives and stay-at-home mothers.
The concept of masculinity can also be very strict, though
among youth culture—typically university-aged people or
younger—there is some gender androgyny celebrated in
fashion, appearances, and theatrical roles.
Japan's culture is collectivist, and
America's is individualistic.
Japanese culture places importance on groups
and communities. Satisfaction and pride are
meant to be found within the group you belong
to. In the United States, people tend to find
satisfaction in their own accomplishments, and
people tend to focus on their own aspirations.
An example of this can be observed in Japanese
business culture. In Japan, employees tend to
work for one company for their entire lives.
Company loyalty is valued, and promotions are
often given on the basis of seniority.

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