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AAiT, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Zerihun Alemayehu
 Pumping: is the operation of lifting water or increasing pressure of
any fluid.

 Pump: is a mechanical machine, which is used for lifting water or

any fluid to a higher elevations or at higher pressures.
Purposes of Pumping
Specific purposes in WS system;
• To lift raw river water to carry it to treatment plant.
• To lift water available from wells to an elevated storage tank.
• To lift treated water to elevated storage tanks flow automatically under gravity
into distribution system.
• To pump water directly into the distribution system.
• To increase the water pressure at certain points in the distribution system.
• To take out water from basins, sumps, tanks etc.
Types of pumps
 Classification based on mechanical principle of operation
(i) Displacement pumps
(ii) Centrifugal pumps
(iii) Air lift pumps
(iv) Miscellaneous pumps

 Classification based on type of power required

(i) Steam engine pumps
(ii) Diesel engine pumps
(iii) Electrically driven pumps

 Classification based on the type of service called for

(i) Low lift pumps
(ii) High lift pumps
(iii) Deep well pumps
(iv) Booster pumps
Selection of pump/pumping system
• Capacity of pump (Q)
• Lift required (H)
• Suction conditions (NPSH)
• Floor /space requirement
• Flexibility of operation
• Starting and priming characteristics
• Available energy
• Initial costs and running costs.
Centrifugal pumps
Rotodynamic pumps which
convert Mechanical energy into
Hydraulic energy by centripetal
force on the liquid.
Centrifugal pumps…
 key performance parameters of centrifugal pumps are;
 Capacity, head, BHP (Brake horse power), BEP (Best efficiency
point) and specific speed.

pump operating curve

Pumping parameters
• Head:
A Centrifugal pump  velocity energy to a liquid  pressure/potential energy.

We can predict the approximate head of any centrifugal pump by calculating the peripheral velocity
of the impeller and substituting into the above formula. A handy formula for peripheral velocity is:
Pumping parameters
• SUCTION LIFT exists when the source of
supply is below the center line of the pump.
• SUCTION HEAD exists when the source of
supply is above the center line of the pump.
• STATIC SUCTION LIFT is the vertical distance
in meter from the centerline of the pump to
the free level of the liquid to be pumped.
• STATIC DISCHARGE HEAD is the vertical
distance between the pump centerline and
the point of free discharge
• TOTAL STATIC HEAD is the vertical distance
between the free level of the source of
supply and the point of free discharge or
the free surface of the discharge liquid.
Pumping parameters
 FRICTION HEAD (hf) is the head required to overcome the resistance to flow in the
pipe and fittings.

 TOTAL DYNAMIC SUCTION LIFT (hs): is the static suction lift _ the velocity head at the
pump suction flange + the total friction head in the suction line.

 TOTAL DYNAMIC SUCTION HEAD (hs): is the static suction head + the velocity head at
the pump suction flange _ the total friction head in the suction line.

 TOTAL DYNAMIC DISCHARGE HEAD (hd): is the static discharge head + the velocity
head at the pump discharge flange + the total friction head in the discharge line.

 HEAD (H) or TOTAL Dynamic HEAD (TDH)

 TDH = hd + hs (with a suction lift)
 TDH = hd - hs (with a suction head)
Pumping parameters
• Power and Pump Efficiency

 Pump input or brake horsepower (BHP) is Q  TDH  Sp. wt.

the actual horsepower delivered to the WHP 
pump shaft. Q  TDH  Sp. wt.
 Pump output or hydraulic horsepower BHP 
75  Pump Efficiency
(WHP) is the liquid horsepower delivered by
the pump.
WHP Q  TDH  Sp. wt .
Pump Efficiency  
 The work performed by a pump is a function BHP 75  BHP
of the total head and the weight of the
liquid pumped in a given time period.
 Power= W/t ; 1 hp = 75 kg-m/s
 Work done by the pump = Wt. x H m-kg/sec w = 10KN/m3 at 4oc
P = ρ V g H /t
Example 1
Population of a city is 120,000 and
Rate of water supply per head per day is 200 liters.
Calculate the BHP of motor to raise the water to an overhead tank 50 m high.
Length and diameter of the rising main is 200m and 40cm, respectively.
Assume motor efficiency 90 % and the of the pump 60 %.
Take f = 0.01 and peak hourly demand as 1.5 times the average demand.
Solution of example
• Average demand = 120,000 x 200
= 24 x 106 L/day
= 24000 m3/day (0.28 m3/sec)
• Peak hr demand = 1.5 x 0.28 m3/sec = 0.42 m3/sec
• Weight of liquid delivered by the pump
=1000 kg/m3 x 10 m/sec2 = 10 KN/m3
• Total static head = 50 m

H = hs + hf = 50 + 2.85 = 52.85 m
η = 0.9 x 0.6 = 0.54

Pumping parameters
• For some piping system designs, it may be desirable to consider a multiple pump
system to meet the economic and flexibility requirements.
• Two typical options include
 parallel and
 series configurations of pumps.
Pumps operating in parallel
• For a purpose of increasing the total discharge.
• Pumps should deliver the same head.
• The total system flow rate is equal to the sum of the flow rates of
contributions from each pump.

Q1 Q2 Q3
Pumps operating in series
• For a purpose of increasing the total head.
• The pumps connected should deliver the same discharge.
• The total system head is equal to the sum of the contributions from
each pump.



H1 Q Q Q
• Cavitation is a phenomenon of cavity formation or the formation and collapse of

• Cavities develop when the absolute pressure in a liquid reaches the vapor
pressure related to the liquid temperature.

• When the net positive suction head (NPSH) is reduced  NPSHmin  detrimental

• The net positive suction head (NPSH)available should be greater than NPSH required 
•NSPH is given as

+ + V2/2g

Where Pa is atmospheric pressure,

Pv is vapor pressure of fluid and
hls head loss in the suction pipe

NPSHR is obtained from manufactures

Example 2
The pump shown in the figure below has a head characteristics that can be expressed by;
H = 100 – 6000Q1.85
Where; H = pump head in meters and
Q = discharge in m3/s.
640 m
a. Calculate the head and discharge of the pump. Elev.
b. Check the potential for cavitation if the anticipated
1500 m length
maximum vapor pressure and minimum absolute
barometric pressure are 0.40m and 9.70m, respectively. 200 mm diameter
NPSHrequired for the pump is 3.0 m. Neglect minor head C = 100
603 m
600 m
P Elev.

50 m length

250 mm diameter

C = 100
Example 2: Solution
 First calculate the TDH
 TDH = Hs + hld+ hls
 Hs = 640 – 600 = 40 m

 After inserting D and L we get

TDH = 40 +8067.66 Q1.85

 Since the TDH and the head delivered by the pump has to be the same we have:

100-6000 Q1.85 = 40 +8067.66 Q1.85

 Q = 0.0523m3/sec &
 H = 74.45m
Example 2: Solution
• Since NSPHR = 3.0 m

• NPSHA = Habs – (Hvap + hls + suction lift)

– Habs = 9.70 m,

– Hvap = 0.40 m and

– Suction lift = 603m - 600m =3 m

• NSPHA = 9.7 – (0.4 + 0.3824 + 3)

= 5.92 > 3  no cavitation




Purpose of WS system
 Provide potable water supply to fixtures from water sources

 For sanitation (toilets, shower/bath and laundry)

 Cooking (kitchen)

 Gardening and

 fire protection
Types of System
 Direct connection from the main to all fixtures
 Direct connection to overhead tank and then to all fixtures
 Pumped system

- Direct pumping to fixtures (fire fighting)

- Pumping from ground/underground/ storage to overhead tank
then to all fixtures
Building areas requiring water supply system

Hand wash

Water closet

Bath tub
Hand wash Basin (HWB)
Water closet (WC)

Bath tub faucet

Bath Tub (BT) Shower head (SH)

Kitchen sink (KS)
Dish Washer (DW)

Laundry (LA)
Urinals (UR)

Emergency Shower (ESH)

Eye wash (EW)

Design of building WS system
• Obtain architectural elevation, section and floor plans
• Decide on the type of system and location of storage
Storage tank /Cistern
 Capacity
– Likelihood and frequency of supply breakdown
– Type and use of buildings
– Number of occupants
– Recommended min. storage in l/h/d is given in EBCS 9 (Table 3.3)
• Offices = 25
• Hotels (per bed) = 100-150
• Restaurant (per seat) = 60
Pipe sizing
 Prepare layout of pipes & valves for the rooms requiring water supply installation
(from source to each fixtures)

 Isolation valve location (ref. Table 3-4, EBCS 9)

Location for valve

At water meter Note: criteria for water meter placement
At each flushing cistern ref: Page 41 EBCS 9)
Read: - on max. length for pipes for hot water
At each appliance from heater (Table 3.5)
At each pumping apparatus - Rec. hot water storage (Table 3.6)
At each storage tank
At each branch serving each floor in
Pipe sizing
Pipe sizing
Pipe sizing
Pipe sizing
 Number each junction
 Determine the flow rate
 Loading units - a factor or number given to an appliance relating flow rate to the duration and
frequency of use (probable simultaneous usage).

( )

For fixtures where simultaneous

flow is unlikely
Pipe sizing


For pipe 1-2
12 wash basins x 0.5 = 6
10 WCs x 0.5 = 5
2 urinals x 0.5 = 1 Q=0.25 √ 14=0.935 𝑙/ 𝑠𝑒𝑐
2 sinks x1 =2
Total loading units = 14
wb bath wc

sink w/m cloaks wc

First floor

Ground floor

main at 3 bar minimum pressure

Pipe sizing
Determine the effective pipe length
Effective length = Measure pipe length + equivalent pipe length

Table B1, EBCS 9

Pipe sizing
Pipe sizing
 Calculate the available head at the point of concern
Pipe sizing
 Select velocity; Maximum water velocities in pipe work are given in table
3.8 (EBCS 9) for different water temperature
Water temperature Maximum water velocity
(oC) (m/s)
10 3.0
50 3.0
70 2.5
90 2.0

 Assume a pipe diameter based on selected velocity

 Determine percentage head loss for the
selected velocity from nomograph and
multiply by the effective length

 Calculate the head loss in the pipe for

the determined effective length of pipe,
discharge and diameter using HW or

 Then calculate the residual head and if

it is less than the head required for a
particular fitting, repeat steps by
assuming another set of velocity &
• A typical shower will require a minimum of 1m head
• A basin tap needs 0.5m and
• A bath tap 0.8m to give a satisfactory discharge.
Pipe sizing tabulation chart Initial mains head available = __ m

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Desig Assum Head Pipe length (m) Total Vertical Residual Residual Final tube
Pipe Loadin n flow Velocit drop(+) Availabl head diameter
e tube loss head head
reference g units rate y or e head
diamet (m/m) Actual Effectiv loss (11-9) required (mm)
(l/s) (m/s) er rise(-) at fitting









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