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By Cengiz Aytamatov

Name and Surname: Bürge Bersu Gören

Class: 11/H
Number: 819
Cengiz Aytmatov Life Story
Cengiz Aytmatov Life
◦ He was born to a Kyrgyz father and Tatar mother. Aitmatov's
parents were civil servants in Sheker. In 1937, his father was
charged with "bourgeois nationalism" in Moscow, arrested,
and executed in 1938.
◦ Young Aitmatov was brought up by a single mother. He
attended the Russian
school. He also worked from an early age. Then Kyrgyz
Agricultural Institute in Frunze, but changed from the study
of livestock to the study of literature at the Gorky Literature
Institute in Moscow, where he lived from 1956-58.
◦ For the next eight years he worked for Pravda. His first two
publications appeared in 1952 in Russian: "The Newspaper
Boy Dziuio" and "Ашым." His first work published in
Kyrgyz was "Ак Жаан" (White rain, 1954). After that his
well-known work and our subject "Jamila" (Cemile)
appeared in 1958.
• He received the Lenin Prize in 1963. His works have
been translated into more than one hundred fifty
languages. He represented the Soviet Union and Russia
in 1990-1994, and then Kyrgyzstan as ambassador
until 2008.

• Aitmatov suffered kidney failure, and on 16 May 2008

was admitted to a hospital in Nuremberg, where he
died of pneumonia on 10 June 2008 at the age of 79.

• His obituary in The New York Times characterized

him as "a Communist writer whose novels and plays
before the collapse of the Soviet Union gave a voice to
the people of the remote Soviet republic of Kyrgyz"
and adds that he "later became a diplomat and a friend
and adviser to the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev."
Cemile: She is the main character of the novel. She is a very beautiful,
respectful, generous and brave girl. She married with Sadık at a very
young age. But in time, she loves Danyar.

Danyar: He is one of the most important secondary character. He was

wounded in one leg during the war and was discharged. He has a very
calm, quiet and introverted personality. He loves Cemile.

Sadık: While he was working with Cemile's father, he saw Cemile and
married with her. In the first months of their marriage, he had to go to
the army.

Seyit: The novel is told through his mouth. He is a middle school

or high school student. He has the ability to paint. In fact, he is also in
love with Cemile.

Sadık's Mother: She is a hardworking, strong woman.

Summary of Cemile
Cemile, a very beautiful girl; She goes to a noble, wealthy family as a bride. Camile's husband
Sadık had to go to the front shortly after his marriage because of the war. Cemile stayed at
home with Sadık's youngest brother and mother-in-law.

Cemile is a girl who never complains and is full of life despite everything. The child can't help
watching and admiring him. Since almost all men go to war, women are asked to carry supplies
to the battlefield, however Cemile's mother-in-law opposes this. But when Cemile takes Seyit
(Sadık's brother) and states that she can do this job, they start to carry supplies together.
Meanwhile, Danyar, who has returned from the war injured, begins to help them.

Cemile's husband writes a letter to his family to send news but he just say "Greetings to my
wife, Cemile." only at the end of the letter. Danyar, who was always with Cemile in those days,
attracts Cemile's attention day by day. She shows much more interest and warmth than her
husband, whom she can't see, hear or even know if he is alive.

At first, Seyit is angry about it, but over time, he starts to give both of them rights. Moreover,
he wants to paint a picture of their pure togetherness and puts a memory of them together on pa
Cemile's husband was wounded in the war and was hospitalized. Now there is little
time left for her to come back, and this disturbs both Cemile and Danyar. Danyar
thinks that Cemile will prefer Sadık, but Cemile declares her love for Danyar and
says she wants to be with him.

The next day, while sitting outside, Seyit sees Danyar and Cemile running away
together. He runs after them and shouts, but no one hears him. In the end, he couldn't
stand it and stayed where he was and started to cry. That day, he realizes that he is
actually in love with Cemile. On the one hand, he is happy for Cemile and Danyar,
on the other hand, he experiences the pain of losing his first love, Cemile.
Things get messy when Cemile's husband returns to the village. Everyone starts
looking for Cemile and Danyar, but they cannot find them. The author, on the other
hand, silently watches what happens without saying anything to anyone. One day, he
sees the picture he drew of his brother Cemile and Danyar and gets very angry with
his brother.

Seyit doesn't say anything and always wants to paint. In a sense, he wants to appease
his love for Cemile by painting. Finally, he begins to study painting and moves
towards becoming a painter, but he can never forget his first love, Cemile.
My opinion about this book
I chose this book because i fell in love with this book
after i had read it. I'm already into love books, also this
book is defined by Louis Aragon "The most beautiful
love story in the world." And this impressed me. I
think te flow of the story and the depth of the characters
were handled very well. Especially the development of
the character of Seyit impressed me a lot. When i was
reading, I felt myself in the novel.
Thank you for listening me.


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