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Comparative Analysis of

Risk and Return in Turkey

and Canada
Simra Zubair (1672-2020)
Tayyaba Jabeen (2213-2020)
Muneeba (280-2020)
Shahana Saleem(2284-2020)
Temur Ali Sheikh (1767-2020)
Ali Raza (2150-2020)


● This presentation, we delve into a Comparative Analysis of Risk
and Return in Turkey and Canada. Uncover the unique economic
dynamics, risk factors, and investment opportunities that
distinguish these two nations, providing valuable insights for
strategic decision-making in the global financial arena.
● We'll even look at how big events like COVID-19 and the war in
Ukraine shake things up.
Turkey Stock Market
● Borsa Istanbul is the primary stock exchange in Turkey, providing a
platform for the buying and selling of various financial instruments,
including stocks, bonds, and derivatives.
● Turkey actively seeks foreign investment in its stock market.
● The Turkish stock market can experience periods of volatility. Factors
such as economic conditions, political stability, and global market trends
can influence stock prices.
● Investors in the Turkish stock market should carefully analyze market
trends, economic indicators, and regulatory developments to make
informed investment decisions.
Canada Stock Market
● The primary stock exchange in Canada is the Toronto Stock Exchange
(TSX). It is one of the largest stock exchanges globally, hosting a diverse
range of companies from various sectors.
● Canada actively seeks foreign investment in its stock market.
● Companies listed on the TSX often having operations and investors from
around the world. It is influenced by global economic trends, commodity
prices, and international trade.
● Investors in the Canadian stock market should consider factors such as
economic indicators, corporate earnings, and global market conditions when
making investment decisions.
Risk and Return Analysis
Canada stock exchange
● In 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 & 2021 Canada stock
exchange has positive return but risk level is high.
● In 2015, 2018 & 2022 has a negative return and also
have a high risk.
● In 2023 Canada stock exchange has a positive return
and as compare to 2023 turkey stock exchange risk they
have a lower risk.
Turkey stock exchange
● In 2014, 2017, 2019 & 2020 turkey stock exchange has
positive return and risk level is high.
● In 2015, 2016, 2018 & 2021 turkey stock exchange has
a negative return and also have a high level of risk.
● In 2022 turkey stock exchange also have a negative
return but according all the above years in 2022 the
have the highest level of risk 11.81%.
● In 2023 turkey stock exchange has positive return and
also have a high risk.
As a investor, I would like to invest in Canada stock exchange
because they have lower risk then turkey stock exchange in
2023. Also compare to other years canada stock exchange has a
lower risk and many years they have positive return as
compare to turkey stock exchange.
Candle stick Charts
Mars is a cold
Turkey Stock Exchange
Canada Stock Exchange
What is Bearish and Bullish Market
● Bullish Market: Years like 2019, 2017, and 2016 exhibit
positive returns with relatively lower volatility. These
periods suggest a bullish market sentiment, showcasing
consistent or upward-moving trends with lower market
volatility, indicating investor confidence and stability in the
● Bearish Market: Instances such as 2018 and 2015, which
depict either negative returns or higher volatility, reflect a
bearish market sentiment. These years signify a more
cautious or pessimistic market outlook, potentially marked
by periods of uncertainty or decline in investor confidence,
leading to either negative returns or increased market
External Factors Analysis
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Stock
● Economic Disruption: A major drop in economic activity resulted from the
pandemic's widespread shutdowns and business closures. Investor confidence
and business earnings were badly hurt by this interruption.
● Increased uncertainty: Investors experienced a great deal of worry due to the
virus's quick spread and the unknowns surrounding its severity and longevity.
In the stock markets, this uncertainty raised risk aversion and put pressure on
● Central Bank Reaction: In response to the pandemic, central banks worldwide
implemented hitherto unheard-of monetary and fiscal stimulus programs.
Although this stimulus increased stock market volatility, it also served to
stabilize the financial system and lessen the impact of the economic crisis.
Impact of Russia-Ukraine War on Stock
● The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which broke out in February 2022,
made the uncertainty and volatility in the world's capital markets even worse.
The war raised concerns about geopolitical instability and a possible wider
conflict, as well as causing interruptions to global trade, supply lines, and
energy sources

Overall Impact
● Both events caused significant economic disruption, increased uncertainty,
and heightened geopolitical risks. These factors led to increased volatility and
declines in stock prices, highlighting the sensitivity of financial markets to
global events.

Risk-Return Relationship
● Turkey: Higher returns with higher risk.
● Canada: Moderate returns with lower risk.
Market Trends
● Turkey: Fluctuating returns with higher volatility.
● Canada: Steadier returns with lower volatility.
● Turkey's stock market exhibits higher volatility and
potential for higher returns, appealing to risk-tolerant
investors. Conversely, Canada's market offers steadier,
more moderate returns, attracting those seeking stability
with lower risk tolerance. Understanding these
contrasting market behaviors is crucial for informed
investment decisions aligning with individual risk
preferences and investment goals.

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