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Overcoming Smartphone Addiction

Experiencing Psychology in Practice

Nafla Nassar - 21601800

12th December 2023
The tragic death over a smartphone dispute
(Newswire, 2022)

• A 12-year-old child from Anuradhapura has died by suicide after his

parents refused to let him use the mobile phone.
• Relatives of the deceased child said that he used to play mobile games
frequently with the mobile phone given to him by his parents for online
• The child’s aunt said that he had died by hanging himself on the roof of the
house, using a rope.
• She also suspects that the child had prepared the rope based on a
mobile game he used to play.
• She urged the authorities to look into this incident and ban such mobile
• The victim is a grade 7 student of St. Joseph’s college, Anuradhapura.
Definition of Smartphone Addiction
• Smartphone addiction (SA) is generally conceptualized as
a behavioral addiction including mood tolerance, salience,
withdrawal, modification, conflict, and relapse (Ratan et
al., 2021)

Features of an addiction (Sussman & Sussman, 2011)

• (a) engagement in the behavior to achieve appetitive effects,
• (b) preoccupation with the behavior,
• (c) temporary satisfaction,
• (d) loss of control, and
• (e) suffering negative consequences.
Effects of Smartphone Addiction
Physical consequences (Karishma et al., 2023)

• Addictive use of smartphones has been shown to

have a negative association with neural pathway of
inhibition, ability to make decisions, memory
enhancement, etc.
• Excessive smartphone usage can lead to physical
issues such as eye strain known as DIGITAL EYE
STRAIN, poor posture, disrupted sleep patterns,
increased stress levels, and potential long-term
problems like musculoskeletal disorders.
Effects of Smartphone Addiction
Psychological consequences (Karishma et al., 2023)

• Psychologically, smartphone
addiction may result in anxiety,
depression, decreased attention
span, irritability, decreased
productivity, and a reliance on
the device for emotional
regulation, impacting mental
Effects of Smartphone Addiction
Social consequences (Karishma et al., 2023)

• Socially, addiction to smartphones can

lead to social isolation, strained
relationships, decreased face-to-face
interactions, and a decline in
communication skills, affecting personal
connections and social life.
How do I check myself
for an addiction?
Do it yourself!
To assess smartphone addiction, ask yourself
these questions (Smith, 2022)
1. Do I feel anxious without my phone?

2. Do I neglect other responsibilities due to phone use?

3. Is my phone the first and last thing I check daily?

4. Do I prioritize my phone over face-to-face interactions with family and friends?

5. Do I find it challenging to engage in activities or hobbies that don't involve my phone, feeling disinterested or restless without it?

6. Am I unable to resist the urge to check my phone when I know I shouldn't be using it?

7. Have I experienced physical symptoms such as headaches, eye strain, or neck pain due to excessive phone use?

8. Do I tend to turn to my phone to avoid dealing with negative emotions or to distract myself from situations that require my attention or

9. Do I believe my phone usage has become excessive, and do I feel the need to cut back?

10. Do I find it challenging to control my phone usage despite attempts to reduce it?



1-3 - No signs of addiction

4-6 - Getting addicted/Slightly addicted

7-10 - Addicted/ Reliant

How do I manage my phone usage?

Learn Digital Hygiene

Books on Digital Hygiene

• Written by Karina Chotchaeva
• Approximately 1500 LKR
Tips to battle addiction
Stop using your phone for essentials

• Buy an alarm clock

• Buy a planner
• Check your email on your laptop
• Limit digital usage to a specific time during
the day
• Avoid downloading unnecessary apps
• Shut off unnecessary notifications.
• Establish tech-free zones such as the
washroom and bedroom, especially during
meals or before bedtime.
Tips to battle addiction
Include outdoor activities

• Instead of a video game like PUB-G

opt to engage in outdoor activities or
hobbies that don't involve phones,
such as sports, hiking, reading, or
socializing face-to-face.
• Break the cycle of dependency by
finding alternative sources of
enjoyment and relaxation away from
the screen.
Karishma, Awinashe, M. V., Jain, A., Santhosh, V. C., Choudhury, B. K., Alessa, N., & Babaji, P. (2023). Smartphone
addiction and its impact on knowledge, cognitive and psychomotor skills among dental students in India: An
observational study. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 12, 77.
Newswire. (2022, February 13). Tragic death of 12-year-old over mobile phone dispute. NewsWire.
Ratan, Z. A., Parrish, A.-M., Zaman, S. B., Alotaibi, M. S., & Hosseinzadeh, H. (2021). Smartphone Addiction and
Associated Health Outcomes in Adult Populations: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, 18(22), 12257.
Smith, K. (2022). Phone Addiction Quiz. PSYCOM.
Sussman, S., & Sussman, A. N. (2011). Considering the Definition of Addiction. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health, 8(10), 4025–4038.

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