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Mental Health Activity

Kapangan National High School

Let's dive
Glass of Water
 Drink a glass of water at every meal.
 Staying hydrated is key to feeling your best.
 So, make sure you drink a glass of water with every meal .
Practice Positive Self-Talk:
o Positive self-talk involves speaking to yourself more kindly and
seeing yourself in a more positive light.
o Positive self-talk can increase confidence, reduce negative physical
and mental symptoms, and lead to greater life satisfaction.
o Positive self-talk takes practice and should be done daily to make it a
Practice Positive Self-Talk:

Negative: I’ve failed and now I’m not good at anything and have embarrassed myself.
Positive: I tried, and while I might not have succeeded, my actions were brave.

Negative: I’ve never done this new thing before, I’m sure I’ll be bad at it.
Positive: This is a great opportunity for me to learn how to do something new; maybe I’ll even be
good at it!

Negative: I’ll disappoint everyone if I change my mind and make a different decision.
Positive: My decisions are my own, and I have the power to change my mind. The right people will
understand this.
Practice Positive Self-Talk:
GOOD morning SELF..
I LOVE Myself
I am thoughtful
I Do great things
This is a wonderful day
Connect with loved ones:
• Send photos or newspaper clips that made you
think of the person.
• Send a favorite recipe.
• Bake a favorite treat and send it through grab,
lalamove, or errand boys.
• Send hand-written or decorated cards.
• Read a book together, virtually.
Connect with loved ones:
• Send a jigsaw puzzle or other gift they might enjoy that would help with brain
health too
• Connect via teleconference for one-on-one or large group discussions, and ask
them to tell stories of their memorable holiday celebrations
• Say grace with each other over the phone before a meal
• Drive by a loved one’s house to wave and chat with on the phone while
physically able to see each other from the house to the car
• Create a recurring activity that you can put on the calendar, e.g., always call on
Sunday at 5 pm, so they know to look forward to it (and you remember to do
A Mindfulness Practice

Notice five things that you can see. Look around


Notice and name five things that you can see.

Then write in your paper (½ crosswise).
A Mindfulness Practice

Notice four things that you can feel. Tune

in to your sense of touch.

Notice and describe the texture of four

things you can touch. Then write in your
paper (½ crosswise).
A Mindfulness Practice

Notice three things you can hear. Listen carefully.

Notice and name three sounds you hear in your

environment. Then write in your paper (½ crosswise).
A Mindfulness Practice

Notice two things you can smell.

Notice and name two smells you recognize.

Then write in your paper (½ crosswise).
A Mindfulness Practice

Notice one thing you can taste.

Focus and name one thing that you can taste right now.
You can take a sip or bite of something, or simply notice the
current taste in your mouth. Then write in your paper (½
Keep track of your accomplishments:

1.Write down all the awesome things you do. You're worth it !
Take home Activity:
Draw a self-portrait and cut out different affirmations or write on your own words to
describe all of the qualities you love about yourself.

1. What can you say about the activity?

2. How are you feeling before the discussion?
3. State your feelings during the discussions.
4. Please write how you feel after the discussions and the activity.
5. What is your thought right now?
6. What do you think about the survey on suicide?
7. Is it okay to discuss suicide within the class?

1. I am Important
2. I am Special
3. I can DO Great things.
• stress-management intervention for medical students (Greeson, Toohey, & Pearce, 2015).
• “high yield investment”; (Schure et al., 2008)


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