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Networking, Relationship

Building & Social Media

Networking Is Connecting
⚫ At school
⚫ At work
⚫ Meeting with friends
⚫ Family gatherings
⚫ Job fairs and events
⚫ Social media

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Who is in your Network?
⚫ Your network is comprised of everyone you
connect with.

⚫ Your network is your family, friends, colleagues,

teachers, employers, and people you meet.

⚫ You build your network as you develop positive


Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Hidden Job Market
⚫ In your relationships
⚫ Your reputation
⚫ Your ability to show your strengths and skills
⚫ Research companies of interest (their

⚫ Walk in whenever possible or contact a person by

phone or email

⚫ Find jobs before they are advertised

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

The 5 B’s of Networking
⚫ Be likeable – Say something interesting about
yourself to connect with others.

⚫ Be brief – Prepare something in writing to


⚫ Be social – Show interest in others.

⚫ Be positive – Smile and listen (takes your
mind off
of your own problems).

⚫ Be thankful – Practice an attitude of gratitude.

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.
Career Success Formula

⚫ Know your strengths

⚫ Build needed skills
⚫ Develop character
⚫ Explore opportunities

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Introduce Yourself
Write down and then share:

⚫ A Skill
⚫ A Value
⚫ Something interesting about yourself

From ―Fire Up Your Profile For LifeWork


Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Personal Contact
―Personal contact and face-to-face conversations are
still the best way to network and build
relationships for work and business, but LinkedIn
is a professional social media tool for
introductions and follow-up to enhance and
expand your social
network.‖ from Fire Up Your Profile For LifeWork
Success, by Nancy J. Miller, M.S

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Expand Your Circle of Influence

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Your Profile Is a Marketing Tool
Your Profile is an effective marketing tool for your
business or job search. Using social media to build
relationships takes time and planning, but there
is no financial cost and there are many rewards.

―Fire Up Your Profile For LifeWork Success‖

page 179.

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Your Profile is Your
Success Story
⚫Show what you can offer an employer that no one
else has.

⚫Share important character traits you bring to your

job or business.

⚫List skills and experience you have that are needed

in your business or career field.

⚫Share accomplishments you are proud of.

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

What Do You Want To Share
⚫ How do you want to write your name?
⚫ What information about yourself do you want to
make public?

⚫ Gather accomplishments in one place.

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Summary Is the Key
⚫Get their attention so they will keep reading.
⚫Know who you want to speak to.
⚫Make your summary into a one sentence
―Headline‖ to get the attention of your

⚫Include a call to action.

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Call to
Let your audience know you want them to do next:

⚫ Read your resume.

⚫ Connect with you.
⚫ Send you an email message.
Be sure to give your contact information where it is
readily visible in your Summary.

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

What Can You Do With
⚫ Add your resume
⚫ Make connections
⚫ Follow up after networking
⚫ Join groups
⚫ Show gratitude
⚫ Develop good job search habits
⚫ Demonstrate Your Ability to Use Social Media

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Add Your Resume
You can access your resume from any
computer or device.
•Use the ―Edit‖ tool to edit your
•The Media tool (next in the row)
to add a PDF file or link (click
•The Arrows allow you to move things
around on your profile.

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Show Gratitude
⚫ Recommend people (not the same as

⚫ Ask for recommendations.

⚫ Show appreciation for the work of

⚫ Share information of interest from

friends and

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Join Groups
⚫ Check the groups that people you respect are in.
⚫ Do a search for subjects or groups.
⚫ Search for Businesses, Associations, Networking

⚫ Find an open group in the Group Directory.

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Job Search on LinkedIn
⚫ You can click the Jobs tab to search for companies.
⚫ Use the Search drop down menu to find
Businesses – look for businesses that interest you.

⚫ Use the Search drop down menu to find Jobs –

look for jobs in your location.

⚫ In Groups use the Jobs tab to look for jobs from

your group.

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Social Reputation
⚫Maintain a professional reputation on social
⚫You never know who is connected to whom in
your network.
⚫Protect your privacy.
⚫Everything you put on the internet leaves a

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

Good Practice
Using social media is good practice for your job

⚫ Describing your skills and experience—preparation

for writing your resume

⚫ Sharing projects, classes, presentations,

community work—you can see your
accomplishments and any gaps you want to fill.

⚫ Showing gratitude—you won’t forget your thank

you letter.

⚫ Connect – see responses to your profile.

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.
Fire Up Your Profile For
LifeWork Success
For more information on how to create a fired
up profile go to:

⚫Creative LifeWork Design

⚫Buy the book, ―Fire Up Your Profile For

Success‖ available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

⚫Email Nancy:

Presentation by Nancy J. Miller, M.S.

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