Romero Education and Family Educ and Schooling

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School of Teacher Education

The Family
Classification of Family
Family Structure/Composition
Based on Dominance
Based on Number of Spouses
General Functions of a Family
Educational Implications
What is family?
• U.S. Census Bureau definition: “a
group of two or more people
(one of whom is the householder) related by
birth, marriage, or adoption
and residing together…
[and] related subfamily
What is family?
•the most
basic social

What is family?
• It is in the family that most of us learn the
norms of the larger society (socialization)
• We spend most of our lives in families
• Major life events such as births,
marriages, and deaths take place within
the family
• Families fulfill a number of social
functions that other institutions cannot
Classification of family?
• Family of orientation - in which
we born and raised

• Family of procreation - (formed
through marriage), in which we
have children 7
Family Structure/Composition
• Nuclear or conjugal (based
on marriage)

• Extended or consanguine
(shared blood)
E Patriarchal

O Matriarchal

D Matrifocal
N Matricentric
C Equalitarian
E 9
BASED Monogamy- consisting of only one husband and one wife married at a
time. This means that a widower or a widow can marry again.


NUMBER Polygamy- one man married to two or more women at the same time.


SPOUSES Polyandry- one woman married to two or more men at the same time.

General Functions of a Family

reproduction and rearing of the young

 cultural transmission or enculturation

provide the needed socialization of the

child with respect to his role and status
General Functions of a Family

provide love and affections and a sense of

security for its members
provide environment for personality development
and growth of self-concept in relation to others
 serve as an important mechanism for social
Educational Implications
• since the average Filipino family is
• Since the family is a very
big, the school should teach the
important institution, education advantages of small families
for the family life should be part • enculturation being a
of the curriculum
• People who intend to get
function of the family should
married should be oriented pass on only worthwhile
regarding their obligations so values, customs, mores,
that the marriage will be beliefs, and traditions.
successful (healthful living, ethical standards,
socialization, psychomotor, others
In Japan, there is a school for skills)
brides and grooms.
Educational Implications
• sex is the propagation
of the race and should • young people should
therefore be engaged not rush into marriage,
only by married people but should give
• it is not only the themselves time to find
children who need an out whether they are
education, but also the really in love and
parents suitable for each other.
Educational Implications
• since children are the ones who
suffer from broken homes, couples
should try hard to be reconciled
and their parent, relatives, and
friends, should help them toward
this end
• couples should consult marriage
counselors if they often quarrel or
are drifting apart so that the
marriage may be saved.

• All the educative functions
mentioned above belong to the
cultural transmission or
enculturation function of the
family, that of transmitting the
knowledge, beliefs and practices
of the old generation to the young
Education and School
Purposes of Schooling
Multiple School Function
Manifest and Latent Function of Education
Functions of Schools
Education and School

• transmission of is an organization that provides

knowledge, skills and instruction; an institution for
understanding teaching of children

• Purposes of Schooling
Intellectual Purpose

Political Purpose

Social Purpose

Economic Purpose
• Purposes of Schooling
Intellectual Purpose to teach basic cognitive skills such
as reading, writing and mathematics
to transmit specific knowledge

To inculcate allegiance to
the existing political order
Political Purpose (patriotism)

• Purposes of Schooling
To socialize children into the various roles,
Social Purpose behaviors, and value of the society. This process
referred to by sociologist as socialization is a
key ingredient in the stability of any society

To prepare students for their later

occupational roles and to select,
Economic Purpose train and allocate individuals into
the division of labor

Multiple School Function  Technical/Economic
 Human/Social Functions
 Political Functions
 Culture Functions
 Education Functions
Human/Social Functions
Refer to the contribution of schools to
human development and social
relationships at different levels of the

Technical/Economic Functions
Refer to the contributions of
schools to the
development and needs of
the individual, the
institution, the local
community, the society and
the international community
Political Functions
Refer to the contribution of schools to the
political development at different levels of

Culture Functions
Refer to the contributions of schools to the
cultural transmission and develop at different
levels of society.

Education Functions
Refer to the contribution of schools to the
development and maintenance of education at
the different levels of society

Manifest Function
of Education
 Social Control – schools are responsible for
teaching values such as discipline, respect,
obedience, punctuality and perseverance
 Socialization – from kindergarten to college,
schools teach student the student role, specific
academic subject and political socialization
 Social Placement – schools are responsible
for identifying the most qualified people to fill
available position in the society
Manifest function
of education
Transmitting culture – as a social institution,
education performs a rather conservative
function-transmitting the dominant culture
Promoting Social and Political Integration – by
transforming its population composed of
diverse ethnic and religious groups into a
society whose members share to some extent
at least a common identity
Agent of Change – education can stimulate or
bring about desired social change
Examples of Manifest
function of education

Instruction and Training –

development of critical and creative
thinking and task essential for
maintenance of society
Sorting – grouping students based
on talents and abilities
Socialization – teaching the duties
of citizenship, patriotism, and
Latent function
of education

Restricting some Activities

 In our society there are laws that require
children to attend to school or complete a
primary and secondary education
 Keep students off the street and out of the
full-time job market for a number of years,
by helping keep unemployment within
reasonable bounds
Latent function
of education

Matchmaking and Production

of Social Networks
 Because school brings together
people of similar ages, social class,
and race, young people often meet
future marriage partners and develop
social networks that may last for many
Latent function
of education

Creation of Generation Gap

 Students may learn information in
school that contradicts beliefs held by
their partners or their religion
 A generation gap is created when
education conflicts with parental
attitudes and beliefs
Example of Latent
function of education

Developing youth culture that conflicts with parents

Obtaining potentials mates – “marriage market”
Custodial or care-giving service while parents work
Challenging authority
Restricting job competition by keeping young people
temporary out of the labor force
The Function of Schools by Calderon (1998)
o Conservation
Function – the school conserves
and preserves through its libraries and other
devices recorded accumulated experiences of the
past generations such as knowledge, inventions,
mathematics, science, historical facts, skills,
customs, traditions, languages, literature, music,
writing, and the arts.

The Function of Schools by Calderon (1998)

o Instructional Function –
The main concern of the
school is to pass on the
accumulated experiences of
the past generations to the
incoming generations.

The Function of Schools by Calderon (1998)

o Research Function –
the school conducts research
to improve the old ways of
doing things or to discover
the unknown facts or systems
to improve quality of human

The Function of Schools by Calderon (1998)

o Social Service Function -

this may be done through
some kind of outreach
programs which could be form
of literacy, health, means of
livelihood, recreational
activities, etc..


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