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• A sandstorm, also known as a dust
What is a storm, is a meteorological phenomenon
characterized by strong winds carrying
sandstorm? sand, dust, and debris across the Earth's
surface. These storms typically occur in
arid or desert regions where loose sand
or dry soil is prevalent. Sandstorms can
vary in size and intensity, ranging from
small local disturbances to massive,
continent-spanning events.
• Sandstorms are driven by • Duration: Sandstorms can vary
powerful winds that can gust at in duration, ranging from a few
speeds of 25 miles per hour (40 hours to several days, depending
kilometers per hour) or more. on the intensity of the storm and
These winds can pick up and the prevailing weather
carry particles of sand and dust conditions.
over long distances.
What to do in case of a sandstorm

Stay Informed Indoor Shelter Wear Protective


Cover Your Nose Avoid Physical

and Mouth Activity

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