Grade 11 Lesson 1 Knowing and Understanding Oneself

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Knowing and
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners
must be able to:
1) explain why knowing oneself can make a person
accept his/her strengths and limitations and ultimately
improve his/her perception and behavior towards others;
2) Share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and
Do you
anyone like
Walking with their head down
Not making eye contact when talking
Teasing, name calling, or saying negative things
about others
 Speaking very loudly and aggressively
 Excessive boasting about their achievement
 Evading Social interactions
Constantly apologizing
Walking with their
head down
Not making Eye contact
when talking
How about the
person using
negative “I and I
am” Statement
I am useless I never get it right

I must be perfect
I could never do that
I must not make a mistake

My family would be better off without me

Teasing, name calling, or saying
negative things about others
Speaking very loudly and
Excessive boasting about their achievement
Constantly apologizing
Self-esteem is how you feel for
yourself while Self-concept is
what you think of yourself.

Confidence is state of mind.

/ Actual Self
“Knowing oneself is the beginning of
wisdom”. This renowned quote is often
attributed to Socrates. But what exactly
do you benefit when you know and
understand who you are?

When a person has a self-knowledge, he

understands his strengths and
weaknesses, his passions and fears, his
life’s desires and dreams. This means he
is aware of his eccentricities
(peculiarities) and idiosyncrasies
(habits), likes and dislikes, tolerance and
limitations. The person knows his
purpose in life (Doherty, 2017).
Meg Selig (2016) suggests that when a person
knew who he is, he develops understanding of
himself, he would be happier because he can
express who he is. He develops less inner
conflict, make better decision and better choices
about everything and understands what
motivates him.

Subsequently, she emphasized that when a

person knows himself better, he has the
resistance to social pressure, he is grounded in
his values and preferences and is less likely to
say “yes” when he wants to say “no” and at the
same time develops tolerance and
understanding of others. He can easily help and
empathize with others.
“knowing yourself is the
beginning of all
- Aristotle
Going through
process will regain
self-worth and
Development is the
process that help
teens overcome
these challenges.
Personal Development
The process of improving
way of enhancing one’s
personality by taking
measures to improve one’s
way of life.
Dimensions of the self
Physical Dimension - is responsible for giving us the
ability to move our muscles, to perceive our surroundings,
and to think of the ideas and opinions that bring wonders
to our lives and of others.
Psychological Dimension - It refers to the individual as a
set of characteristics, behaviors, attitudes, cognitions, and
Spiritual Dimension - it allows us to view
ourselves in a spiritual level – as spiritual being. This
dimensions cannot be observed but can be subjectively
altered and perceived by the person.
Attitude can be both
implicit and explicit.
The three components
of Attitudes
 Affect
 Behavior
Affect - In psychology, is the term used
to represent emotions directed to the
self, the environment and to others.
Cognition - Is the way we think. It
encompasses our thoughts in different
level, ranging from ourselves to our
environment, from imaginary to
perceivable reality.
Behavior - Is the action form or
manifestation of attitude. It’s the way a
person acts or behaves.
Factors That Could Influence
Social factors (social environment)
Operant conditioning
What is personal
Personal effectiveness means making use of all the personal
resources – talents, skills, energy and time, to enable you to
achieve life goals.
Experience includes knowledge and skills that we acquire in the
process of cognitive and practical activities.
Knowledge is required for setting goals, defining an action plan
to achieve them and risk assessment.
Skills also determine whether real actions are performed in
accordance with the plan. If the same ability is used many times
in the same situation, then it becomes a habit that runs
automatically, subconsciously.
Here are some skills that will greatly increase the
efficiency of any person who owns them:
1. Determination
2. Self-confidence
3. Persistence
4. Managing stress
5. Problem-solving
6. Creativity
7. Generating ideas
How to build
on your
strengths and
work on your
Most failures emanate from
weaknesses that are not recognized or
probably recognized but not given
appropriate attention or remedy. This
could be a weakness in
communications, personality or ability.
Instead of giving up or indulging in self-
pity, you should take action.
There are three kinds of people in this world

Moviegoer Actor Scriptwriter

The first is the Moviegoer.
This person watches the movie
of their lives, admires some parts
and criticizes others. Aside from
that, they do nothing else. All she
says the whole day is, “I like this
thing and but I don’t like that
thing.” The Moviegoer feels she
has absolutely no control of their
lives --- except to comment about
it. Moviegoers are the most
pathetic, miserable people in the
Moviegoer world.
The second is the Actor.
This person does not only watch the movie
of her life. She actually realizes she’s the
Actor – and can control a big part of her life.
She can actually make or break the movie –
by how well she delivers her lines and how
she portrays her character. Actors are a
happy bunch, realizing they’re the start of
the show and enjoy some level of control.
But many times, they wish the movie would
end in another way – but realize that they
Actor have no say in such things.
The third is the Scriptwriter.
This person does not only watch,
and she doesn’t only act, but she
actually creates the entire movie
from her mind. She determines what
she will say, what she will do, and
how the movie will end. She realizes
she has enormous control over her
life, and sees to it that the movie of
her life will turn out beautiful.
By the way, the Producer of the movie is God. He tells
you, “Make the movie beautiful, and I will give you all
that you need for success.”

Who are you among these three people?

Do you merely watch your life go?
Or do you act out a script that you feel has been
handed to you?
Or do you write the script and make your life
Essential Understanding
 Achieving one’s full potential requires
understanding ourselves, accepting our
strengths and weaknesses, and being
aware of the developmental tasks and
challenges that accompany our

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