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Internet Traffic Characterization

Amogh Dhamdhere

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What is covered in this talk…

 Why characterize Internet traffic ?

 Measurement and analysis methodologies.
 Measurement studies.
 Variation of Internet traffic (time of day, day of week effects)
 Packet level characteristics (packet sizes).
 Flow level characteristics (Flow sizes, flow durations).
 File size distributions.
 Distribution by application.
 Distribution by protocol.

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What is not covered…

 Everything that will be covered in future presentations !!

 Delay and loss measurements
 TCP related measurements (TCP flavors etc)
 Self similarity of Internet traffic
 Flow measurements
 Peer to peer traffic measurements

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Goals of this research..

 Observe Internet traffic characteristics.

 Develop reasonable models to understand these characteristics.
 Failure of traditional mathematical modeling techniques (e.g. Queueing
 Earlier models deal with issues which are non-critical from the practitioner’s
point of view.
 Attempt to close the void between theory and practice.

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Why Characterize Internet Traffic ?

 Provisioning network resources (capacity, buffer, etc)

 How should the network be provisioned to satisfy certain constraints.
 Constraints may differ with the type of traffic.
 E.g. Buffer provisioning
 Current tools (eg SNMP) may not be sufficient

 Analyzing network performance

 TCP performance
 Routing performance

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Why Characterize Internet Traffic ?

 Obtain characteristic workloads for use in simulations

 Typical packet sizes
 Typical flow durations
 Most commonly used TCP flavors

 Important for ISPs to formulate policy decisions (Service Level Agreements)

 Developing techniques to detect network anomalies e.g. Denial of Service


 Verify ‘rule of thumb’ type design guidelines.

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Measurement Methodologies

Objectives of a monitor:
• Collection of detailed traffic statistics from heterogeneous network links.
• Non-interference with the measured network (non-intrusiveness).
• Obtaining a global view of the monitored network from a reasonable number of
monitoring points.

Types of monitor:
• Active monitors
• Passive monitors

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IPMON (Sprint)

 Passive monitor for the Sprint backbone network.

 Capable of monitoring links of capacities ranging from OC-3 to OC-48.
 Uses an optical splitter on the monitored link.
 Records packet traces including IP and TCP/UDP headers, timestamp.
 Trace sanitizer.
 Analysis component:
 Flow statistics (start and end time of flows, flow sizes)
 Protocol (TCP, UDP) and application (web, email, streaming) split of traffic.

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Other Projects

 OC3MON (MCI) - Passive monitor designed for OC3 links (155 Mbps).
 NetScope (AT&T) - A set of tools for traffic engineering in IP backbone
 Network Analysis Infrastructure (NAI) - Performance of vBNS (very high
speed Backbone Network Service) and Abilene networks.
 Some routers have built-in monitoring capabilities.
 Netflow – Cisco routers.

 Commercial tools
• Niksun’s NetDetector and NikScout’s ATM Probes.

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Measurement Studies

Wide Area Internet Traffic Patterns and Characteristics – Thompson, Miller,

Wilder, MCI Telecommunications, 1997.

• One of the first studies of commercial backbone traffic.

• Used the OC3MON traffic monitor described earlier, at two locations on
MCI’s commercial backbone.
• Characterize traffic on timescales of 24hrs and 7 days in terms of traffic
volume, flow volume, flow duration, packet sizes, traffic composition (by
protocol, application).
• Two links monitored. Domestic and International.

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MCI Study – Daily and weekly effects

 Traffic volume shows a clear diurnal pattern, with traffic tripling from 06:00
through 12:00 noon EDT.
 Traffic decreases by about 25% during the weekend.
 The two directions of the monitored link are not symmetric.

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MCI Study – Asymmetry in packet sizes

• Packet sizes are different in the two directions, and are roughly inversely
proportional to each other.

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MCI Study – Packet size distributions

• Packet size distributions are trimodal.

• 40-44 bytes - TCP ACKs, control segments etc.
• 552 or 576 bytes - Default MSS when MTU Discovery is not used is 512 or 536
• 1500 bytes MTU for Ethernet.

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MCI Study – International Link Traffic

• International link traffic shows similar time of day, day of week effects.
• Packet sizes in the two directions are asymmetric – Larger packets in the
U.S. to U.K. direction.

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MCI Study – Protocol and Application Mix

• Protocol composition
• TCP dominates (95% of bytes, 90%
packets, 75% flows)
• UDP second (5% bytes, 10% packets,
20% flows)
• ICMP most of the remaining.
 Application composition
 Web (75% bytes, 70% packets, 75%
 Other (may also be web-related)
 DNS (1% bytes, 3% packets, 18%)
 SMTP (5% bytes, 5% packets, 2% flows)
 FTP (5% bytes, 3% packets, <1% flows)
 NNTP (2% bytes, <1% packets, <1%
 Telnet (<1% bytes, 1% packets, <1%

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Measurement Studies

Trends in Wide Area IP Traffic Patterns – McReary, Claffy, CAIDA, 2000.

• Data collected by the NAI project from May 1999 through March 2000 at
the NASA Ames Internet Exchange.
• Analysis of packet size distributions, protocol/application mix etc.
• Show increasing trends in traffic from new (at that time) applications e.g.
streaming media, online games, Peer to Peer (Napster).
• No change in the overall trend in the TCP/UDP traffic ratio as compared to
the analyses at MCI and CAIDA in 1998.

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CAIDA Study – Packet Size Distributions

 Packet size distributions show same trimodal trend as previous


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CAIDA Study – Protocol and Application Mix

 Protocol mix
 TCP and UDP are still the most popular protocols, and in roughly the same

 Application mix (TCP)

 Web is still the most popular application
 New applications like peer to peer file sharing (Napster) now appear in the list.
(Napster at 5th position)

 Application mix (UDP)

 Streaming media (RealAudio) now comprises a substantial portion of total UDP
 Online games (Half Life, EverQuest, Unreal, Quake 3) also have substantial

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CAIDA Study – Long Term Trends

• The protocol mix of the traffic (TCP and UDP) does not change significantly
over time.
• Decline in the contribution of FTP to the overall traffic mix.
• Possibly due to shift from active to passive mode FTP, because of an increase
in packet filtering firewalls.
• Alternate protocols for file transfer.
• Decline in the fraction of RealAudio traffic.
• RealAudio traffic has remained fairly constant, while other traffic has increased.
• Decline in the fraction of game traffic

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CAIDA Study – Long Term Trends

• Significant increase in peer to peer traffic (Napster)

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CAIDA Study – Short Term Trends

• Email traffic increased significantly in November and early December,

decreasing after December holidays.

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CAIDA Study – Short Term Trends

• Online gaming shows day of week effects, with traffic nearly doubling over
weekend periods.

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Measurement Studies

Longitudinal study of Internet traffic from 1998-2001 – Fomenkov, Keys,

Moore, Claffy, CAIDA, 2001.

• Unique long term view of Internet traffic.

• Multiple observation sites (20)
• Four metrics of measured traffic
• Number of bytes.
• Number of packets.
• Number of flows.
• Number of source-destination pairs (port number and protocol fields ignored).
This measures the number of Internet hosts communicating via the monitored

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Longitudinal Study

• Bit and packet rates show diverse behavior

• Some sites show sustained growth, some are constant and some fluctuate
between growth and reduction.
• No clear diurnal pattern in the measured traffic !
• No consistent long term growth – Refutes the notion that Internet traffic ic
universally and rapidly increasing.

• Usage patterns
• Traffic composition varies significantly from site to site.
• WWW traffic reached maximum between late 1999 and early 2000.
• Has been constant or decreased since.
• This could be due to the onset of noticeable amounts of P2P traffic.

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Longitudinal Study – Application Mix

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Measurement Studies

Packet Level Traffic Measurements from the Sprint IP Backbone – Fraleigh,

Moon, Lyles, et al. Sprint Labs, 2003

• Most recent (2001-2002) study of traffic on a commercial backbone link.

• Analyses the impact of new applications (distributed file sharing, streaming
• New results for end-to-end loss and delay performance of TCP
• Measurements of network delays in the backbone and U.S. transcontinental
• Methodology – Uses the IPMON architecture described earlier.

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SPRINT Study – Traffic Load

 Traffic load in bytes

 SNMP is not able to capture the burstiness of the traffic at smaller timescales.

• Most backbone links are utilized under 50%. Less than 10% of the backbone
links experience utilization higher than 50% in any 5 min interval.

• Noticeable peaks in traffic load are observed due to DoS attacks.

• Traffic in a bidirectional link is asymmetric.

• Many applications are inherently asymmetric.
• Hot potato routing.

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SNMP is not able to capture the

burstiness of the traffic at
smaller timescales.

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SPRINT Study – Application Mix

• Application mix varies from link to link.

• In most cases, web represents more than 40% of total traffic (As seen in
previous studies)
• However, on some links, the web contributes less than 20%, while P2P
accounts for 80%.
• Streaming applications are a stable component of the traffic.

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SPRINT Study - Flows

 The number of flows and the traffic load are not necessarily correlated.
i.e a large number of flows does not always mean a large traffic load.

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Measurement Studies – Flow level

Understanding Internet Traffic Streams: Dragonflies and Tortoises – Brownlee,

Claffy – CAIDA.
• Results of flow level measurements from two links: OC3 link (Auckland) and
OC12 link (UCSD)
• Uses an extension of NeTraMet to monitor stream lifetimes.
• Previous classifications of flows were on basis of size (packets or bytes)
• Elephants (large transfers)
• Mice (short transfers)
• Propose alternate classification of TCP flows on basis of their lifetime.
• Tortoises (long lasting transfers)
• Dragonflies (short duration transfers)
• Here flows are defined as sets of packets traveling in either direction
between a pair of end-points.

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Dragonflies and Tortoises

 Percentages of streams and bytes.

 Long Running (LR) streams (>15 mins)
account for about 1% of the streams.
 Very Short streams (<2 sec) account
for 40 – 70 % of streams, showing a
diurnal pattern of variation.
 At UCSD site, 50% of all bytes were in
LR streams, while this fraction was 5%
for Auckland. Most of these streams
are non-web traffic.

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Short Streams – Streams lasting less than 15 mins

 Lifetime distributions
 45% of streams have lifetimes
less than 2 sec.
 Distributions do not change
rapidly over time.

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Short Streams – Streams lasting less than 15 mins

 Byte size distributions

 Short stream size distributions for
UDP, non-web TCP and web TCP
are considerably different.
 Distributions are stable over long
periods of time

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Tortoises – Streams lasting more than 15 mins

 Bit rates
 Longer duration LR streams are low-rate (interactive) or high rate (multimedia)
with approximately equal frequency.
 Medium duration LR streams tend to be high-rate. (file transfers)
 UDP streams run at constant bit rates, but these rates may change in response
to the application’s state (online games).

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Tortoises – Streams lasting more than 15 mins

 LR stream lifetimes
 LR stream lifetimes seem to follow a power law distribution.

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Measurement Studies – Flow level

Internet Stream Size Distributions – Brownlee, Claffy, CAIDA 2002.

• Measurements of
• Per minute distributions of stream sizes in bytes for a period of one hour.
• Two different types of traffic considered: Web traffic, and non-web TCP traffic.

• Web streams
• 87% under 1kB, 8% between 1 and 10 kB, 4.8% between 10 and 100 kB.

• Non-web streams
• 89% under 1kB, 7% between 1 and 10 kB, 1.5% between 10 and 100 kB.

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Internet Stream Size Distributions

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File Size Distributions

The Structural cause of file size distributions – Downey, 2001.

• A new model for the operations that create new files.
• Files appear because of common operations.
• Copying.
• Translating and filtering.
• Editing.
• Using this, the distribution of file sizes can be predicted to be lognormal.
• Start with a single file of size s*.
• Select a file size s at random from the current distribution.
• Create a new file with size fs and add to the distribution. (f is a factor chosen from
some other distribution.
• Hence size of nth file is sn = s* · f1 · f2 · f3…

• log(sn) = log(s*) + log(f1) + ….

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File Size Distributions

 File sizes on web servers

 Studies by Arlitt and Williamson claim file size match the Pareto model.
 This may not be true !!
 Some of the analyzed data sets better fit the lognormal model.

 Traces of downloaded files.

 Fits a hybrid model with lognormal distribution with a Pareto tail.
 Two mode lognormal model is also a good match.

 Summary – The distribution of file sizes is NOT heavy tailed !

 Implications on self-similarity of Internet traffic
 Most explanations assume that distribution of file sizes is long-tailed.
 Need to revise explanations of self-similarity.

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Non-commercial networks

Some results from the abilene network during the duration of one week.

• Application mix
• Web traffic is much lower as compared to commercial backbone networks.
• Email traffic is higher.
• Measurement traffic amounts to 5% of all traffic !!

• Protocol mix
• TCP is still the most dominant (90% of bytes).
• UDP accounts for 5%.
• ICMP around 4%.
• Numbers similar to that on commercial backbone links.

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Future Directions

 Self-similarity – The need to verify assumptions.

 Downey questioned the assumptions about file size distributions.
 Inter-arrival time distributions.
 Transfer length distributions.
 Burst size distributions.
 Dependence of traffic characteristics on TCP algorithms.

 Measurement based forecasting of DoS attacks and flash crowds.

 Real time monitoring of critical parameters. Use this characterization to

automatically make decisions.
 Provisioning.
 Routing etc.

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Future Directions

 Characterization of P2P traffic.

 Previous measurement studies on P2P systems focused on node behavior,
topology etc.
 Need to better characterize the traffic generated by P2P applications.

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Thank You !

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