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APL 106 : Fluid Mechanics (Mechanical Engineers)


P M V Subbarao
Mechanical Engineering Department

An Engineering Science Responsible for

Development of Several Human
Initiated as an “AHA! (Eureka) Moment…
The Flammarion Engraving

Depicts a Genius
putting his head
through the edge of
the cosmic firmament

Symbolizes humanity’s quest for Amalgamation of

Engraving from Camille Flammarion, knowledge.
L’atmosphère: météorologie populaire, 1888,
p. 163/public domain.)
The Real & Well-known stories behind
Archimedes Eureka! Experiment
• Archimedes, Born in 287 BC in the city of Syracuse, Italy.
• He was a great Mathematician, Physicist, Engineer, Inventor, and
Archimedes Principle: The Story We Know
The Real Story Behind Archimedes
Eureka!Archimedes Eureka Experiment: Archimedes & the
Giant Ship Syracusia

• In the 3rd Century BC, Hieron commissioned a sailing craft that

would be 50 times bigger than a usual ancient warship.
• He named it “The Syracusia” after his city Syracuse.
• Hieron, the ruler of this Sicilian city of Syracuse, chose
Archimedes to supervise an exotic scale engineering design.
The First Floating Palace

• A warship which is also the size of a Palace.

• In Archimede’s day, no one had attempted
anything like this.
• Hundreds of workers were to Labour for
years on constructing the Syracusia.

• Hundreds of workers were to Labour for years on constructing

the Syracusia.
• Syracusia was made of pine and fir from Mount Etna, ropes from
hemp grown in Spain, and pitch from France.
• The ship was to feature a flower-lined promenade, a private
swimming pool, and a bathhouse with heated water—a library
filled with books and statues, a temple to the goddess Aphrodite
and a gymnasium.
Ensure Success in Maiden Voyage

• To construct something of such a vast scale

only for that to sink on its maiden

• One day Archimedes was sitting in the bathhouse wondering how

a heavy bathtub could float?
• When inspiration came to him – an object partially immersed in a
fluid is buoyed up by force equal to the fluid’s weight displaced
by the object.
• In other words, if 2000 tonnes of Syracusia displaced exactly
2000 tonnes of water, it would just barely flow if it displaced
4000 tonnes of water; it would float with no problem. Of course,
if it only displaced 1000 tonnes of water.
The Eureka effect (Aha! moment)

• Refers to the common human experience of suddenly

understanding a previously incomprehensible problem or concept.
• The Aha! Moment as a memory advantage, but conflicting results
exist as to where exactly it occurs in the brain.
• It is difficult to predict under what circumstances one can predict
an Aha! moment.
• Insight is a psychological term that attempts to describe the
process in problem-solving when a previously unsolvable puzzle
becomes suddenly clear and obvious.
• Often this transition from not understanding to spontaneous
comprehension is accompanied by an exclamation of joy or
satisfaction, an Aha! moment.
The Persons Using Insight

• A person utilizing insight to solve a problem is able to give

accurate, discrete, all-or-nothing type responses.
• Individuals not using the insight process are more likely to
produce partial, incomplete responses.
• A recent theoretical account of the Aha! the moment started with
four defining attributes of this experience:
 First, the Aha! the moment appears suddenly.

 Second, the solution to a problem can be processed smoothly, or


 Third, the “Aha! moment” elicits a positive effect.

 Fourth, a person experiencing the Aha! the moment is convinced

that a solution is true.
Means for Human Proliferation across
the planet.

It has been determined that the first sea-worthy ships were not even
built by humans but by their evolutionary predecessors, Homo
Erectus, nearly 800,000 years ago.
The oldest known reference to a ship was from approximately
10,000 BCE, where a carving depicted a reed rowing ship that
carried twenty men.
An essential Engineering Science Evolved out
of Human Migration, Settlement & Civilization
An Obvious Choice for Creation of
Civilizations across the planet.

Siphons in Roman Aqueducts

Timeline of Fluid Mechanics History

Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci & Origin of Pictorial
Fluid Mechanics
Leonardo : famously named a Master of Water

• Leonardo was once famously named a Master of Water in the

records of the Florentine government.
• Explored diverting the river Arno away from Pisa so as to cut
access to the city, then Florence’s enemy, from the sea.
• Controlling water as a way of wielding power.
• Leonardo’s military designs for the Venetian Republic to fortify
the Isonzo River in the Friuli against possible Ottoman attack.
• Worked for Francis I, he reprised river diversion plans for the
river Saudre.
• Leonardo sketched for Ludovico an enticing array of military
technologies to enhance performance in war and creation of
Direct Energy Weapons for Indian
25 March 2023:
Recently, India’s Air Chief Marshal highlighted
the need to push the development of Directed
Energy Weapons (DEWs) and Hypersonic
Weapons and integrate them into its airborne
platforms to get the desired range and accuracy
21st Century Made Fluid Mechanics as Universal
Engineering Tool.
Fluid Flows in Transportation Sector
Environmental Fluid Flows
Weather & Fluid Flows
Biological Fluid Flows
Knowledge of Viscous Fluid Flow for Design of
Artificial Heart Valves
Fluid Flows for Sports
Fluid Mechanics: An Inspiring
Engineering Science

• Attracted the attention of Philosophers, Mathematicians

and Skillful engineers.
• Professor of Medicine dedicated his life fluid flow through
ducts and pipes…
• Great painter developed ‘Science of Defence’ to ensure
• …..
• …..
• ….
The Pedagogical Value of Fluid Mechanics

• A Curriculum development in the fluid mechanics for foundation

levels for the engineering students at university level has to be
assessed against the requirements of engineering education
productive pedagogy in the new era.
• Four corners are essential for productive pedagogy namely
• Intellectual quality,
• Connectedness,
• Supportive learning environment and
• Recognition of difference.
• These are to be checked against the contents during the
developments of curricula to comply with the outcomes which
match the international standards.

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