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Britishers came to India ac as traders. There aim was to get share of spice. There last hope of getting share in
trade of spice was India as Dutch defeated them and took control of spice trade. In 1600, Queen Elizabeth I
gave monopoly of spice trade in India to East India Company through a charter.
At that time India was ruled by Mughals and it was important to get farman form Mughal emperor
to get permission of trading. Captain William Hawkins presented himself at court of Mughal
empire. He wasn’t successful in receiving farman which were given temporarily in 1612. During reign
of King James I an official ambassador was sent to Mughal court. The visit wasn’t successful but
Farman was issued by Prince Khurram for limited trade. They started to build there factories. In
reign of great Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir, the challenged Mughals but were defeated.
They were forced to leave there factories for exceeding there limits. After paying challan in 1690Queen Elizabeth I
they resumed there trade. During reign of Mughal emperor Farukhsiyar the farman was restored
After having control in India for trade, they had to face oppositions from other European
Nationalities. The British trained local sepoys any fortified the cities the had. They use Nawabs to
Fight against other Nawabs. Through it they became powerful. They started to gain more territorial
Rights as Mughal empire weakened. The lord Vassely came up with ‘Subsidiary Alliance’.
Subsidiary Alliance was basically a treaty between the British East India Company and the
Indian princely states, by virtue of which the Indian kingdoms lost their sovereignty to the English.
It also was a major process that led to the building of the British Empire in India.
In 1803 the British captured Delhi, the capital of Mughal empire and took the Mughal emperor Shah Alam under
his protection.
In 1852, the Lord Dalhousie came up with doctrine of lapse. According to this doctrine, if any Indian ruler dies
without leaving a male heir, his kingdom would automatically pass over to the British. For next 100 years India
was ruled by British(1757-1857).
In 1857 there was a revolt by Indians. The revolt of 1857 was the conscious beginning of the Independence
struggle against the colonial tyranny of the British. There are various names for the revolt of 1857 – India's First
War of Independence, Sepoy Mutiny, etc. The revolt began on May 10, 1857, at Meerut as a sepoy mutiny. The
revolt spread rapidly but was put down by British.
After war of 1857, the queen Victoria announced her proclamation on Indi at in 1 November 1858, at Durbar of
After 1858 the India was divided into 560 princely states whose rjas or nawabs had to follow britsh polices. The
subdivision of states was districts. The whole structure was managed by officers who were selected through test of

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