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Agile Model

 Agile is a software development methodology based on

iterative and incremental development
 continuous deliveries through iterations and evolves
throughout the process by gathering feedback from the
end users
 Emphasize on face to face communication with customers.
Users can add requirements at any stage.
 Agile methodologies work in each iteration and release a
working software at the end of each iteration
 Iterations are short time frames(time boxes) that typically
last from 1 to 4 weeks.
Principles of agile model

 Requirement change is allowed at any stage of the

 Releases will be very fast
 Good communication between developer,business analyst
and customers
 Customer satisfaction
 Developers and test engineers will be doing meeting every
now and then in order to make sure what else we can do
to satisfy customer.
What is agile testing?

 Typeof software testing which we do by following

the principles of agile model.
Agile scrum methodology

 Scrum is just one of the frameworks by which you can

implement agile.
 The first step is the creation of the product backlog by the
product owner(PO)
 It’s a to-do list of stuff to be done by the scrum team.
Then the scrum team selects the top priority items and
tries to finish them within the time box called a sprint.
 Daily meeting is performed to assess the work done.
 A working software (shippable product) is delivered at
each iteration
 A scrum project has 3 roles, 3 artifacts, and 5 events.

3 Roles in Agile
Product owner
Scrum master
Scrum team

3 Artifacts in Agile
 Product Backlog
Sprint Backlog.
Product Increment
5 Events in Agile
Sprint Planning
Daily Scrum
Sprint review
Sprint retrospective.

 ProductOwner – He represent the stakeholders

and he is the voice of the customer
 Creates user stories, product backlogs and
prioritize product backlog.
 Hasthe final authority and should always be
available for the team.
Scrum Master

 Scrum Master is not a team leader but act as a shield for

the team from external interference’s & also removes
barriers in the program.
 Facilitates the daily scrums.
 coaches the team to best possible performance.

Scrum Team

 The scrum development team is generally size of 5-9

peoples with self-organizing and cross-functional skills
who do actual work like Analysis, Design, Development,
Testing, Documentation etc.
Product Backlog
 The product backlog is a kind of bucket or source where
all the user stories or requirements are kept.
 Maintained by the Product Owner.
 The list of Product Backlog Items are prioritized by the
Product Owner as high and low and also could re-prioritize
the product backlog constantly.
Sprint Backlog
 In the Sprint planning meeting the team picks list of User
stories from Product Backlog.
 These selected items moved from Product backlog to
Sprint backlog.
Product Increment

 TheProduct Increment is the sum of all Product

Backlog items completed during a Sprint and all
previous Sprints.

 Atthe end of a Sprint the new Product Increment

must be in a usable condition and meet the Scrum
Team's Definition of Done
 Sprint is a predefined interval or time frame in which the
work has to be completed and make it ready for review or
ready for production deployment
 Duration is 2 to 4 weeks.
 Scrum projects make progress in a series of “sprints”.

Sprint Planning
 Sprint Planning is the initial ceremony while starting a Sprint.
 The purpose of the Sprint Planning meeting is to create a
Sprint Goal, select user stories from the Product Backlog to
Sprint Backlog and discuss them in detail.
 The user stories should be well-formed and clear enough for
the team to understand.
Daily Scrum

 Itis a daily meeting to keep track of the progress

of the team and to address any obstacles faced by
the team.
 Status review and not for problem solving
 All sprint team members participate
Sprint Review
 Its all about demonstrating the work done and gathering the feed
 The key outcome of the Sprint Review meeting is an overall
picture of the Project completion date

Sprint Retrospective
 The entire team inspects the iteration and decide what can be
done to improve the process.
 Done after every sprint.
Scrum Terminologies
User Story
 A User Story can be thought of as a requirement, feature
which has some business value.
 User stories are short, simple descriptions of a feature told
from the customer perspective

Time Boxing
 A timebox is a time period of fixed length allocated to achieve
some objective
 In agile development, iterations and sprints are examples of
 Tasks are descriptions of the actual work that an individual or
pair does in order to complete a story.
 They are manageable, doable, and trackable units of work

Story Points
 Story points are a unit of measure for expressing an estimate of
the overall effort that will be required to fully implement a
product backlog item or any other piece of work
 Velocity measures how much work a team can complete in
an iteration.

Burndown Chart
 A burndown chart shows the amount of work that has been
completed in an epic or sprint, and the total work
 Burndown charts are used to predict your team's
likelihood of completing their work in the time available.

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