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 Quality is conformance to requirements

 Quality is defined as meeting the customer requirements
for the first time and every time.
 Quality is much more than the absence of defects
which allows us to meet customers expectations.
 Quality is an important factor affecting the organizations
long term performance.
 Quality improves productivity and competitiveness of any
 Quality management is the process that ensures that only the best
products are developed and delivered to customers through a well-
planned and structured process.
 It contains Quality Assurance and Quality Control.

 Higher level of customer satisfaction
 Identifies defects across the software life-cycle.
 Ensures end product meets customer expectation.
 Leads to planned methods and process that save time,money,efforts.
Quality Management


Quality Quality
Assurance Control
Quality Assurance

 Quality Assurance is a planned and systematic

set of activities necessary to provide adequate
confidence that products and services will
confirm to specified requirement and user
 It is process oriented
 Defect prevention activity
Quality Control

 Quality control is a product-oriented activity that

focuses on identifying the defect.
 Itinvolves checking the product against a
predetermined set of requirements and validating
that the products meets the requirements.
 It is product oriented.
 Defect detection method.
Relationship between QA,QC and Testing

 The main aim of QA is prevention of bugs in the

 The main aim of QC is detecting errors by inspecting
and testing the product.
 Testing is a subset of QC
Quality Assurance methodology has a defined
cycle called PDCA cycle. The phases of this
cycle are:
 Plan(P):
Organization should plan and establish
the process related objectives and determine
the processes that are required to deliver a
high-Quality end product.

 Do(D): Development and testing of processes

and also do changes in the processes.
 Check(C):Monitoring of processes,modify the
processes and check whether it meets the
predetermined objectives.

 Action(A): A quality assurance tester should

implement actions that are necessary to achieve
improvements in the processes.
 An organization must use QA to ensure that the
product is designed and implemented with correct
 Thishelps reduce problems and errors in the final

 Verificationin Software Testing is a process

of checking documents, design, code, and
program in order to check if the software has
been built according to the requirements or
 To identify defect in the product early in the
life cycle

Validation in Software testing is

checking if the software product
actually meets the exact needs of the
customer or not.
 Finds Bugs that verification can not
Review Process

 Planning
 Initiate Review
 Individual Review
 Issue communication and Analysis
 Fixing and Reporting
Roles in a formal Review

 Author
 Management
 Facilitator
 Review Leader
 Reviewer
 Scribe
Review Types

 Informal Review

 Walkthrough

 Technical Review

 Inspection
Informal Review

 Also called pair review.

 Generally one to one meeting

 No agenda

 Results are not formally reported


 Led by the author of the work product

 Main aim-Find defects, improve software
product, consider alternative implementation
 Individual preparation before the meeting is
 Scribe is mandatory
 Review Reports are produced.
Technical Review

 Evaluating the work product, motivating and

enabling the author to improve the future work
 Reviewers should be technical peers of the
author and technical experts in the same or
other disciplines.
 Individual preparation is required.
 Reports are produced.

 Facilitated by the moderator

 Meetings are planned in advance
 Main aim-Detecting defects, evaluating the
quality, preventing future similar defects
through author learning and root cause
Review Rules

1. The product is reviewed, not the producer

2. Defects and issues are identified, not corrected

3. All members of the reviewing team are

responsible for the results of the review
Test Standards

 External Standards
 Familiarity with and adoption of industry
test standards from organizations

 Internal Standards
 Development and enforcement of the test
standards that testers must meet
External Standards
CMM level 5 Optimizing
CMM level 4 Managed
CMM level 3 Defined
CMM level 2 Repeatable
CMM level 1 Initial
 Institute of Electrical and Electronics
 Founded in 1884

 Have an entire set of standards devoted to

 Testers should be familiar with all the
standards on the attached IEEE document
(included an abstract for each one)
That a Tester should be aware of
 610.12-1990 IEEE Standard Glossary of Software engineering
 730-1998 IEEE Standard for Software Quality assurance Plans
 828-1998 IEEE Standard for Software Configuration
Management Plan
 829-1998 IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation.
 830-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software
Requirement Specification
 1008-1987 (R1993) IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing(ANSI)
 1012-1998 IEEE Standard for Software Verification and
1012a-1998 IEEE Standard for Software Verification and
Validation- Supplement to 1012-1998 – Content
Map to IEEE 122207.1
 1016-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design
 1028-1997 IEEE Standard for Software Reviews
 1044-1993 IEEE Standard Classification for Software Anomalies
 1045-1992 IEEE Standard for Software Productivity Metrics ( ANSI)
 1058-1998 IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans
 1058.1-1987 (R1993) IEEE Standard for Software Management Plans (ANSI)
 1061-1998 IEEE Standard for Software Quality Metrics Methodology
ISO - International Organization for
SEI CMM - Software Engineering
Institute - Capability
Model(Carnegie Melon
PCMM - People Capability Maturity
Six Sigma - Zero Defect Orientation.
Internal Standards
The use of Standards…
 Simplifies communication
 Promotes consistency and uniformity

 Eliminates the need to invent yet another

solution to the same problem
 Provides continuity

 Presents a way of preserving proven


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