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Learning Objectives
 Find buttons and menus  Use Excel features such
in the Excel 2013 ribbon. as split screen, paste
 Write correct formulas in special, show formulas,
an Excel worksheet. and displaying grid lines
 Apply relative and and headers in your
absolute addressing in applications.
 Use basic and advanced
Excel formulas.
 Copy formulas from one Excel functions.
 Use Excel functions for
cell to another or to a
range of cells. business intelligence
queries in databases.
Commercial Software
 often have unique features and capabilities
 they can be expensive
 generally require advanced training to
understand and apply
 may work only on specific computer
Spreadsheets software
 are effective platform for manipulating data
and developing and solving models; they
support powerful commercial add-ins and
facilitate communication of results.
 provide a flexible modeling environment
and are particularly useful when the end
user is not the designer of the model.
Basic Excel Skills
 Opening(windows+R), saving(ctrl+S), and printing files(ctrl+P;
 using workbooks and worksheets;
 moving around a spreadsheet;
 selecting cells and ranges(Shift+space;ctrl+space;shift+
 inserting/deleting rows and columns (ctrl+(+); ctrl+(-)
 entering and editing text, numerical data, and formulas in
 formatting data (number, currency, decimal places, etc.);
 working with text strings;
 formatting data and text; and
 modifying the appearance of the spreadsheet using borders,
shading, and so on.
Text String
To join strings, use the & operator

To extract the leftmost characters from a string, use the LEFT function.

To extract the rightmost characters from a string, use the RIGHT function.

To extract a substring, starting in the middle of a string, use the MID function.
To find the position of a substring in a string, use the FIND function.

To get the length of a string, use the LEN function.

To replace existing text with new text in a string, use the SUBSTITUTE function.
Separate Strings
Explanation: to find the position of the
comma, use the FIND function (position
6). To get the length of a string, use the
LEN function (11 characters).
reduces to =RIGHT(A2,11-6-1).
=RIGHT(A2,4) extracts the 4 rightmost
characters and gives the desired result

Explanation: to find the position of the

comma, use the FIND function (position
6). =LEFT(A2,FIND(",", A2)-1) reduces to
=LEFT(A2,6-1). =LEFT(A2,5) extracts the 5
leftmost characters and gives the desired
result (Smith).
Excel Formulas
 addition (+)
 subtraction (-)
 multiplication (*)
 division (/)

Exponentiation uses the ^ symbol;

for example, 25 is written as 2^5.
Cell references
 Relative address uses just the row and column
label in the cell reference
Example: A8 or D8

 Absolute address uses a dollar sign ($ sign)

before either the row or column label or both
Example: B$4, $B5 or $B$4

 $ sign before a row label (for example, B$4) keeps the
reference fixed to row 4 but allows the column reference
to change if the formula is copied to another cell.
 $ sign before a column label (for example, $B4) keeps
the reference to column B fixed but allows the row
reference to change.
 $ sign before both the row and column labels (for
example, $B$4) keeps the reference to cell B4 fixed no
matter where the formula is copied. You should be very
careful to use relative and absolute addressing
appropriately in your models, especially when copying

Which one we choose makes a

critical difference if you copy
the cell formulas
Model Assumptions
 A Linear Demand Prediction Model
D = a − bP D- Demand Rate
P- unit price
a- constant that estimates the
demand when the price is zero
b-the slope of the demand function

 A Nonlinear Demand Prediction Model

D = cP D- Demand Rate
P- unit price
c-the demand when the price is 0 and d +
0 is the price elasticity.
d-we can do this mathematically using
logarithms, but we’ll see how to do this
very easily using Excel in Chapter 11
Demand Prediction Model
Model Assumptions in Excel
 A Linear Demand Prediction Model
D = a − bP
 A Nonlinear Demand Prediction Model

D = cP
Copying Formulas
 to select the cell with the formula to be copied, click the Copy
button from the Clipboard group under the Home tab (or simply
press Ctrl-C on your keyboard), click on the cell you wish to copy
to, and then click the Paste button (or press Ctrl-V).
 enter a formula directly in a range of cells without copying and
pasting by selecting the range, typing in the formula, and pressing
 To copy a formula from a single cell or range of cells down a
column or across a row, first select the cell or range, click and hold
the mouse on the small square in the lower right-hand corner of
the cell (the “fill handle”), and drag the formula to the “target”
cells to which you wish to copy.
Other Useful Excel Tips
 Split Screen
 Paste Special
 Column and Row Widths
 Displaying Formulas in Worksheets
 Displaying Grid Lines and Row and Column
Headers for Printing
 Filling a Range with a Series of Numbers.
Thank you!

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