PBL Physiology During Exercise

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F: Fact I: Idea L: Learning Issues A: Action plan

Before the race, Jimmys heart rate was 65 beat per minute and he was breathing 12 breaths per minute. His body temperature was 370C. He was well hydrated and his weight 80Kg. At the start, his heart rate was 85 beat per minute and he was breathing 18 breaths per minute. Jimmy felt nervous excitement and his mouth was dry. At the end of the first minute, jimmys heart rate was 201 beats per minute and he was breathing 68 breaths per minute, fast and

At halfway mark, his heart rate was 180 beat per minute. His respiratory rate was also down slightly and his body temperature 380C. At the finish, his heart rate was 208 beat per minute and breathing nearly 80 times per minute but still could not get enough air. His body temperature was 400C. Sweat was pouring out of his body and muscle pain at his arms and legs. Back at the dock, Jimmys heart rate and respiratory rate were almost back to normal. His body temperature was still half degree above normal. He drank small

Our body need to have a mechanism that can control our internal body environment. This mechanism will help us to have a normal condition of body. This mechanism will regulate the change in our body system blood pH, body temperature, glucose level, heart beat rate, and breathing rate. There is another factor for example

Learning Issues
At the start 1) What is responsible for raising Jimmy's heart and respiratory rate and stimulating sweating just before the race? 2)Why is the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system active just before the race? 3) What changes do you think are occurring in the digestive and urinary systems at this time? 4) What is happening to Jimmy's blood glucose levels just before the race?

One minute in 1) Rowing full speed is putting new demands on Jimmy's body. What are these new demands and how does the body respond to them? 2) What changes in Jimmy's muscles promote unloading of O2 from hemoglobin for use by the muscle cells? 3) Why do Jimmy's muscles feel like they are burning? 4) What conflict is produced between Jimmy's need to keep his body cool and his need to remove nitrogenous wastes

At the halfway mark 1) Since the end of the first minute, Jimmy has decreased the demands his muscles are making. How has he done this? And why has he done this? 2) What are the changes in his conditions as a result?

At the finish 1) Jimmy has stopped rowing and his muscles are now at rest. Why are his heart and breathing rates still so high? 2) Why is he sweating more now than during the race? 3) What changes have occurred to his blood chemistry since the start of the race? Think about glucose levels, pH, lactate levels, and temperature.

Back at the dock 1) What changes have occurred in the last 10 minutes to allow Jimmy's heart and respiratory rates to come down? 2) Why is Jimmy four pounds lighter than at the start of the race? 3) What effect has this water loss had on his endocrine system? 4) Why did Jimmy only take sips of water after the race? What could happen if he drank as much as he wanted to?

Research regarding this topic via:
Reference book Mader, S.S.(2007). Essentials of Biology. First Editiion.McGraw- Hill, Higher Education, 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York Campbell, N.A. Reece, J.B. Urry, L.A. Cain. M.L. Wasserman, S.A. Minorsky, P.T. Jackson,R.B. (2008). Biology. Eight Edition.Pearson International Edition. Pearson Benjamin Cumming, San Francisco. Lauralee Sherwood (2007). Human Physiology from Cells to Systems 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. United State of America. Lee Ching (2005). Pre-U Biology Volume 1 STPM Matriculation. Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Selangor. Mader, S., S. (2007). Essentials of Biology. United State: Mc Graw Hill. Solomon, E.P., Berg, L.R., & Martin, D. W. (2005). Biology. United State. USA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.


Dr Gabe Mirkin. (2008). High Body Temperature during Exercise. Found on September 22, 2010 from http://www.drmirkin.com/fitness/9638.html Why do I sweat more after I stop exercising? (2008). Found on September 22, 2010 from http://www.wellsphere.com/exercise-article/why-do-i-sweat-more-after-i-stop-exerc Casiday, R. Frey, R. (1999). Blood, Sweat, and Buffers: pH Regulation During Exercise. Found on September 22, 2010 from http://www.chemistry.wustl.edu/~edudev/LabTutorials/Buffer/Buffer.html Anxiety & Panic Attacks Symptoms. (2010). Diperolehi pada September 21, 2010 daripada http://www.npadnews.com/anxiety-symptoms.asp Iliades C. (2010). How Stress Affects Digestion. Diperolehi pada September 21, 2010 daripada http://www.everydayhealth.com


At The Start
1) What is responsible for raising Jimmy's heart and respiratory rate and stimulating sweating just before the race? An anxiety leads to release of the hormones norepinephrine by the adrenal glands, which help regulate metabolism. This cause it to speed up of heart and respiratory rate. Our body and skin gets still while we are in stress. This exerts pressure on sweat glands and sweat is poured out on skin.

2) What changes do you think are occurring in the digestive and urinary systems at this time? Reduced activity of the digestive organs and urinary system. Metabolic rate increase in stressful situation. Blood is rerouted to those organs essential for emergency action. Blood vessels going to the brain, muscles, and heart are dilated, whereas those to the skin and kidney are constricted.

When stress activates the "flight or fight" response in central nervous system, digestion can shut down because central nervous system shuts down blood flow, affects the contractions of digestive muscles, and decreases secretions needed for digestion.

3) Why is the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system active just before the race? Although the heart can beat independently, its rate is, in fact, carefully regulated by the nervous system and endocrine system. Since the heart and respiratory rate raising, this effect the sympathetic division autonomic nervous system active. Sympathetic nerve operate to stimulate organs and to mobilize energy, especially in response to stress.

4. What is happening to Jimmy's blood glucose levels just before the race? His blood glucose level was raise because most types of stress lead to production of hormones which raise blood pressure. During the stressful situation, adrenal medullary hormones initiate an alarm reaction enabling to think more quickly or fight harder. The adrenal medullary hormone raise fatty acid and glucose levels in the blood.

STRESS HYPOTHALAMUS SYMPATHETIC NERVES ADRENAL MEDULLA EPINEPHRINE AND NOREPINEPHRINE Heart Constricts blood vessels in skin, kidneys Dilates blood vessels in muscles, brain. Blood level Increase cardiac output Stimulate conversion of glycogen and glucose

Raise blood sugar level.

Run longer, fight harder.

5. Why is Jimmy's mouth dry? Jimmy's mouth dry since he would not maintain the proper fluid balance due to sweat. The fluids are diverted for use in other parts of the body during stressful. Even a small level of dehydration can have a negative impact.

One Minutes In
1) Rowing full speed is putting new demands on Jimmys body. What are these new demands and how does the body respond to them? This activity cause fatigue and muscle cramps possibly due to insufficient oxygen. The depletion of fuel molecules and the accumulation of lactate during rowing full speed.

The shift to lactate fermentation is temporary but oxygen is required. 80% of lactate exported to the liver where used to regenerate more glucose for the muscles cells. 20% of lactate is metabolized in muscles cells in the presence of oxygen. Additional oxygen needed to oxidize lactate, thereby restoring the muscles cells to their normal stage. Skeletal muscles cells store large quantities of glucose (glycogen) to metabolize anaerobically for short periods.

Glucose is plentiful after a meal and serve as the major energy source. High glucose level is needed for Jimmy to row full speed. Glucose undergo glycolysis to form 2 molecules of pyruvate and yields only 2 molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose. Part of the energy produced release as heat. So, this is why his body temperature increase 0.5C.








2) What changes in Jimmy's muscles promote unloading of O2 from hemoglobin for use by the muscle cells? His muscle cells shift briefly to lactate fermentation due to anaerobic condition (lack oxygen) where the degeneration of glucose cannot proceed beyond glycolysis which takes place in the cytosol and yields only 2 molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose. The untapped energy of glucose molecule remains locked in the bond of pyruvate molecules which converted to lactate if they do not enter the pathway that ultimately leads to oxidative phosphorylation.







3) Why do Jimmy's muscles feel like they are burning? Jimmys muscles feel like they are burning because his muscles was contracting. Muscles contraction process require ATP where ATP hydrolysis changes the position of the myosin head relative to actin. Because ATP is the only energy source that can be directly used for contractile activity to continue, ATP must constantly be supplied.

Only limited stores of ATP are immediately available in muscle tissues, but there are 3 pathways that supply additional ATP as needed during muscle contraction. There are transfer of a high energy phosphate from creatine phosphate to ADP, oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis. Based on this explanation, the heat production (ATP) will increase that makes Jimmys muscles feel like they are burning. As we know, part of energy produced release as heat.



4) What conflict is produced between Jimmy's need to keep his body cool and his need to remove nitrogenous wastes from his blood? What did he do before the race to help alleviate this conflict? The conflict that Jimmy faced is related to the osmoregulation. Osmoregulation is the term refer to the mechanism that control the rate of water intake and water loss in our body. In order for Jimmy to cool down his body, he need to sweat (refer to thermoregulation).

While in order for Jimmy to remove his nitrogenous wastes (urea, uric acid), he need to excrete the wastes via excretion system. Jimmy needs to ensure that his body get enough water to replace the water loss to cool down his body and remove nitrogenous wastes by drinking lots of water.

At The Halfway Mark

1) Since the end of the first minute, Jimmy has decreased the demands his muscles are making. How has he done this? And why has he done this? Jimmy put himself into trance, shutting out the pain, the external distraction and concentrating on keeping the power up to decrease the demands of his muscles are making. He done this because, at 250 meters to the finish line, Jimmy needs to focus and get ready for the sprint to win.

2) What are the changes in his conditions as a result? The changes are his heart rate has decrease, his respiratory rate was down slightly and his body temperature was increase. Heat production (thermogenesis) is increased by such muscle activity as moving or shivering. In some mammals, certain hormones can cause mitochondria to increase their metabolic activity and produce heat instead of ATP. This is why his body temperature increased.

At the finish
1) Jimmy has stopped rowing and his muscles are now at rest. Why are his heart and breathing rates still so high? Human body has a lag feature built for heart rate and breathing rate. This rate does not decrease in instant when Jimmy stops from heavy activity ( rowing during race) His body needs to cool down or warm down again to levels before his stat rowing in order for breathing and heart rate to decrease to normal.

The part of that reducing his high breathing and heart rate after he stops rowing need a lag time (since Jimmys body need to cool down). Lag time is the period for heart and respiration rate recovery to normal heart beat.

2) Why is he sweating more now than during the race? He just increases his rowing (Refer to the paragraph 7 and 8) before his stop rowing. This will cause his muscle to work more hard. So, more energy will need to drive his muscle. Thus, cellular respiration is needed to convert glucose (usually from food) to energy. This process released heat. This will increase the body temperature. Thus his body has to work very hard to prevent overheating.

Body temperature cannot drop in instant even though he just stops rowing. When he stops rowing, at certain time the heart slows down also and pumping less blood to the skin. As a result the heat accumulates in his muscle. This heat can cause the temperature of Jimmys body to increase. So, Jimmy sweats more right after finish rowing than during his rowing throughout the race

The decreasing the amount of blood pumped to the skin to released heat when he stop rowing after race also occur. So the temperature rises higher and Jimmy will sweat more.

3) What changes have occurred to his blood chemistry since the start of the race? Think about glucose levels, pH, lactate levels, and temperature. The glucose level of his blood is increase during the race since it need to transfer to the target muscle via blood for energy generate. It will back to normal level after race.

Glucose will undergo series of reaction in order to generate energy

This mechanism reduce the excess glucose level in bloodafter race since less energy needed when the rest finish.

The pH level of blood will decrease During rowing, the muscles use up oxygen highly than normal level as they convert chemical energy in glucose to mechanical energy. This O2 comes from hemoglobin in the blood. CO2 and H+ are produced during the breakdown of glucose, and are removed from the muscle via the blood. The production and removal of CO2 and H+, together with the use and transport of O2, cause chemical changes in the blood. These chemical changes, unless offset by other physiological functions, cause the pH of the blood to drope pH level.

The lactate acid will form during race and will increase it amount during race .
Jimmy breathes faster and deeper to supply the oxygen required by his body since increased of metabolism. Eventually, his body metabolism exceeds the oxygen supply and begins to use alternate biochemical processes that do not require oxygen. These processes generate lactic acid, which enters the blood stream.

The blood temperature also increased Since the more blood flow through the blood vessel when Jimmy rowing due to the fact that the heart pump blood hardly to meet the oxygen need by body tissue. The red blood cell will increase and lead to increase temperature.

Back At The Dock

1)What changes have occurred in the last 10 minutes to allow Jimmy's heart and respiratory rates to come down? The additional oxygen is already oxidise lactate, thereby, restoring the muscle cells to their normal state. This allow Jimmys heart and respiratory rates decrease.

2) Why is Jimmy four pounds lighter than at the start of the race? Total body weight is the result of the sum of bones, muscles, organs, body fluids and adipose tissue. Water makes up about 60% to 65% of total body weight and is the most variable component. The body metabolism for Jimmy is really high when he starts the race. Hence this is lead to the increase of body temperature. More sweat will be form in order to cool Jimmys body. More sweat form indicated that the body have lost a lot of water.

So, the loss of water due to sweating will cause decrease in the water weight of the body and directly affect the decrease of the body total weight. Besides that, there is another factor that is the body calories. Weight is determined mostly by the balance of calories ((how many you burn vs. how many you eat each day). Since Jimmy using more muscle groups with arm motion during the race, extra muscles burn up extra calories with each step. This help Jimmy to lose weight.

3)What effect has this water loss had on his endocrine system? His blood become more concentrated due to loss of water. When the hypothalamus detect that the blood is too concentrated, ADH is released from the posterior pituitary. Upon reaching the kidney, ADH causes water to be absorbed again. As the blood become diluted, ADH is no longer released. This is the negative feedback because the effect of the hormone acts to shut down the release of hormone.

4)Why did Jimmy only take sips of water after the race? What could happen if he drank as much as he wanted to? Drinking excess amount of water after being dehydrated will lead to hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is the result of drinking excessive amount of plain water which causes low concentration of sodium in the blood. This is due to sodium lost in sweat. The replaces of the lost fluid with water will have a decreased blood-sodium concentration.


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