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‫• ‪CVC & CVP‬‬

‫* تحت اشراف‪/‬‬ ‫* إعداد الطالب ‪/‬‬

‫د‪ /‬عبدربه أبو بارعه‬ ‫‪-‬عبدهللا حسين المخير‬
‫‪ -‬نسيم العنس‬
also known as a central line, central venous line, ,)CVC( -
.is a catheter placed into a large vein
Catheters can be placed in veins in the neck (internal-
jugular vein), chest (subclavian vein or axillary vein), groin
(femoral vein), or through veins in the arms (also known as
.a PICC line)
o Central Venus Pressure Monitoring
o Volume Resuscitation
o Lack of Peripheral Access
o Total Parenteral Nutrition
o Blood Transfusion
o Blood Sampling (frequent blood draws)
o Infusion of Concentrated Solutions
o Hemodialysis •
Bleeding disorders coagulopathies (eg: Hemophilia -
A&B, DIC, prolonged PT ,PTT)
Anticoagulation Or thrombolytic therapy (on -
continuous IV Heparin infusion, oral Warfarin)
Combative patients -
Distorted local anatomy -
Cellulitis, burns, severe dermatitis at site -
Vasculitis -
Presence of pace maker -
fever -
Aseptic solution .1 •
Lidocaine .2 •
Sterile gauze .3 •
Catheter .4 •
Dilator .5 •
Guide wire .6 •
Gloves and gown.7 •
Syringe .8 •
:Nursing care• •
.Check vital signs- •
.Administering prophylaxis antibiotic- •
.Check Pt general condition - •
Closed observation for vital signs and any potential- •
.complication •
.Wound care - •
:Complications of «CVC» insertion•
o Pneumothorax
o Tension Pneumothorax
o Arterial Puncture/Laceration
o Bleeding/Hematoma
o Cardiac Dysrhythmias
o Air Embolism
o Catheter Malposition
o Catheter Embolism
o Pericardial Tamponade
o Tracheal injury
o Nerve injury
o Thrombophlebitis
o Pulmonary Embolism
o Sepsis Bowel or Bladder Perforation
The central venous pressure(cvp): Describe pressure of
blood in the thoracic vena cava near the right atrium of
the heart. CVP reflect the amount of blood returning to
the heart and the ability of the heart to pump mp the
blood in to the arterial system
To assess patient & fluid volume status-
To assess preload of the heart -
To Provide information about the Right Ventricular -
function and allows for evaluation of right-sided heart
for hemodynamics and evaluation of patient response -
_to therapy
Monitoring central pressures (RA & CVP) -
Monitoring RV overload -
Rapid Infusion of fluid/transfusion -
:"Factors causing increase in "CVP•
.Elevation in vascular volume -
Increase in cardiac output (hyper dynamic cardiac -
.)Depressed cardiac function RV infarct, RV failure -
.Cardiac tamponade -
.Constrictive pericarditis -
.Pulmonary hypertension -
.Chronic left ventricular failure -
:"Factors causing decrease in "CVP•
.Reduce in vascular volume -
.Decreased main systemic pressure (eg; late shock states) -
.Vasodilation (drug induced) -
.Venous pressure tray -
.Disposable CVP manometer set -
Leveling device (such as rod from reusable CVP -
.pole holder for carpenter's level or rule

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