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Eng . Mohammed IssamELdin Taha Kazamel

Eng . Abdelhamid Ibrahim Abdelhamid
Eng . Haitham Mohamed Fathy Elseddek Ali
Eng . Hazem Elsaeid Elsaeid Elhashmey

(Under supervision)

Dr.Hazem Rashid
Professor of Contemporary Management
What is managerial decision-

Managerial decision-making is the

process of selecting from two or more
alternatives in order to achieve a desired
outcome. It is a critical function of all
managers, regardless of their level or
*Why is managerial decision-making important?

*Managerial decision-making is important

because it affects all aspects of an
organization. From hiring and firing employees
to setting strategic goals, managers are
constantly making decisions that impact the
success of their organization.
What are the different types of
managerial decisions?
Managerial decisions can be classified into
three main types:

1- Strategic decisions are long-term decisions

that have a significant impact on the future
of the organization. Examples include
deciding which markets to enter, which
products to develop, and how to allocate
2-Tactical decisions are short-term decisions
that are made in order to implement strategic
decisions. Examples include setting sales
goals, developing marketing campaigns, and
managing production schedules.

3-Operational decisions are day-to-day

decisions that are made in order to keep the
organization running smoothly. Examples
include hiring and firing employees,
scheduling shifts, and ordering inventory.
What are the steps in the managerial
decision-making process?
There are six main steps in the managerial
decision-making process:

1- Identify the problem or opportunity. The first

step is to identify the problem or opportunity
that needs to be addressed. This can be done
by gathering information from a variety of
sources, such as customer feedback, market
research, and financial data.
2- Define the objectives. Once the problem
or opportunity has been identified, it is
important to define the specific
objectives that the decision should
achieve. This will help to focus the
decision-making process and ensure that
all alternatives are evaluated against the
same criteria.
3- Develop alternatives. Once the
objectives have been defined, it is time to
develop a list of possible alternatives. This
should be done in a creative and open-
minded way. It is important to consider all
possible options, even if they seem
4- Evaluate the alternatives. Once
the alternatives have been
developed, they need to be
evaluated against the defined
objectives. This can be done using a
variety of methods, such as cost-
benefit analysis, risk assessment,
and decision matrices.
5- Select an alternative. Once the
alternatives have been evaluated, the
manager needs to select the
alternative that is most likely to
achieve the desired outcome
6- Implement the decision and monitor the
results. Once the alternative has been
selected, it needs to be implemented and
the results monitored. This will help to
ensure that the decision is effective and
that any necessary adjustments can be
What are some common challenges
in managerial decision-making?
Some common challenges in managerial
decision-making include:
1-Limited information. Managers often have
to make decisions with limited
information. This can be due to time
constraints, resource constraints, or the
unpredictable nature of the business
2- Uncertainty. Managers often have to
make decisions in uncertain conditions.
This can be due to factors such as market
fluctuations, technological change, and
competitive dynamics
3- Bias. Managers are human beings,
and they are susceptible to bias. This
can lead to making decisions that are
not in the best interests of the
How can managers improve their decision-
making skills?

There are a number of things that

managers can do to improve their decision-
making skills:

1- Gather as much information as possible.

This will help to reduce uncertainty and
make better informed decisions .
*2- Use a variety of decision-making tools
and techniques. There are a number of
different decision-making tools and
techniques available, such as cost-benefit
analysis, risk assessment, and decision
matrices. Using a variety of tools and
techniques can help to reduce bias and
make more objective decisions .
3- Seek input from others. Getting
input from others can help to identify
new alternatives and reduce bias.

4- Be willing to change your mind. It is

important to be willing to change your
mind if new information becomes
available or if circumstances change.

Managerial decision-making is a critical

function of all managers. By understanding
the managerial decision-making process
and the common challenges that managers
face, managers can improve their decision-
making skills and make better decisions for
their organizations.

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