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I have to = Yo tengo que

You have to = Tienes que, Tienen que (ustedes)

Sujeto + have to / has to + verb simple present
They have to = Tienen que

We have to = Tenemos que

Sujeto + dont have to / doesn’t has to + verb simple present
She has to = Ella tiene que
Do / Does + Sujeto + have to / has to + verb simple present
He has to = Él tiene que

It has to= Tiene que

• I have to work late tonight. (Tengo que trabajar hasta tarde esta noche.)
• You have to study for the exam. (Tienes que estudiar para el examen.)
• We have to clean the house. (Tenemos que limpiar la casa.)
• He has to go to the dentist. (Él tiene que ir al dentista.)
• She has to submit her report. (Ella tiene que entregar su informe.)
• We don't have to attend the meeting. (No tenemos que asistir a la reunión.)
• They don't have to finish today. (No tienen que terminar hoy.)
• She doesn't have to cook dinner tonight. (Ella no tiene que cocinar la cena esta noche.)
• It doesn't have to be perfect. (No tiene que ser perfecto.)
• Does he have to attend the meeting? (¿Tiene que asistir a la reunión?)
• Does she have to finish the report today? (¿Ella tiene que terminar el informe hoy?)

Adjetivo comparativo + "than" + el objeto comparado

She is taller than her brother. (Ella es más alta que su hermano.)
This book is more interesting than that one. (Este libro es más interesante que ese.)

"The" + adjetivo superlativo + "noun superlativo" + "in/of" + grupo

She is the tallest girl in the class. (Ella es la chica más alta de la clase.)
This is the most interesting book of all. (Este es el libro más interesante de todos.)

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