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Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

N° 01. Greetings song

Armas Ruiz Asbel
Hello! Hello! My dear friends. According to the song answer the
I am going to greet you. following questions:

How are you? I´m fine. 1. What do you think about the song?

Take care. Thank you!

Good bye! Nice to meet you. ---------------------------------------------

Good morning my dear friends. 2.How do you greet in the morning?

I´m going to greet you.

How are you? I ´m very good. ---------------------------------------------

Take care. Thank you! 3.How do you greet in the afternoon?

Good bye! See you later.

4. How do you greet in the evening?
5. How do you say before go to bed?
6. How are you today?
Good afternoon. My dear friends
I´m going to greet you.
How are you? I´m great
7. Why do we clap?
Take care. Thank you.
Good bye! Have a nice day.
Good evening my dear friends.
8. Are you happy or sad?
I´m going to greet you.
How are you? I´m ok.
Take care. Thank you!
Good night. See you later. 19
(repeat the chorus)
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2


Armas Ruiz Asbel
¡Maqta shipash! (2) Yanasallaakuna. Kay qutsuta ñawintsay tsaypiq
hukwan katipar yaskishun:
Nuqa naparillayshaykim
1. ¿Imataq kay qutsu qampaq nin?
¿Imanawtan kaykanki? Allillam kaykaa.
Shumaqlla kawaykullaay !Payllaa! ---------------------------------------------

Shumaqmi riqinakamushkantsik. 2. Imanawtaq hunaq quyallachaw

Alli hunaq yanasallaakuna.
Nuqa naparillaykishayki.
¿Imanawtan kaykanki? Alli allim kaykaa.
3. ¿Imanawtaq inti shaaraykaptin
Kwidakii. ¡Payllaa! napanakuntsik?
Aywallaa! Tsaypita tuparishun.


NUQA NAPARILLAY KAYNAWLLAA (2) ----------------------------------------------


munarnin napanakunki?


Alli hunaq. Kuyay yanasakuna.
Nuqa naparillaysishayki.
6. ¿Imanawtaq kanan kaykanki?
¿Imanwtan kaykanki? Allishllam kaykaa.
Kwidaki. Payllaa.
¡Aywallaa! Alli shumaq hunaqniyki.
7. ¿Imanirtan paqchishun?
Alli paqas kuyay yanasakuna.
Nuqa napariyaykishayki.
¿Imanawtan kaykanki? Alli Allim kaykaaa.
8. ¿Kushiku aw llakishqaku
Kwidaki. ¡Payllaa! kaykanki?
Alli punuy. Tsaypita rikanakurishun. …………………….………………..
(kutir kutir corota qutsuramuy) 20
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Arteaga Luz
Reading N° 02. TWO SHELVES

My brown shelf is beautiful because it's big and old. The

shelf is in my living room. The shelf is behind the table on
the left side of the desk. There are some colorful pens in
it. There a cream of hands in it. There are two pair of
glasses on the right side of telephone in the shelf. There
are some colorful notebooks in it. There’s a pencil case on
the left side of the pack of pens in my shelf.

There’s my favorites books in it. My favorite bilingual book

is in the shelf, too. The first bilingual book is very special
because my best friend give it to me. It’s love and
languages is learn a new culture.

In that book contents Spanish, French, German, Italian

and English but I decided to study in Quechua.
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Arteaga Luz


Musqu shumaq istantii kakun hina hatun, awkis kakuyan.

Istantiqa kaway wayichaw kaykan. Estantiqa qipan
churanachaw uma allawkanchaw kaykan escritoriochaw.
Atska llimpinkunawan qillqakuna rurinchaw kaykayan.
Crema makikunata llushiynapaq kaykan. Ishkay lentis
allawkanchaw telefunokama stantichaw churaykayan.
Atska llimpiyuq kwadernukuna rurinchaw kaykayan.
Kartucheranpis itsuqchaw kaykan qillqakuna estantichaw

Kuyana maytukuna kaykayan. Kuyana atska qallu

maytukuna istantichawpis kaykayan. Puntachaw atska
tukuy laaya qallunkunapita maytu kan, alli yanasam
quykumarqan. Shumaqmi qallukuna musyatsikmantsik,
mushuq kawaykunatapis.

Maytukunaqa qillqashqa Ispañulchaw, Franceschaw,

Alemanchaw, Italianochaw hina Ingléshchawpis kaykayan
tsaymi kichwata yachakushaq nir kushi akrashqa.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Bonifas Mercedes
N° 03. The King lion´s birthday (tale)

One sunny day “The king of the jungle” our friend lion
celebrated his birthday with their best Friends. The
alligator, the elephant, the iguana, the ostrich and the
unicorn wanted to make a big surprise. The alligator
offered to prepare an apple cake. The elephant brought a
sweety chocolate eggs. The iguana said: I will prepare a
lots of ice cream. The ostrich brought an orange juice and
the unicorn brought an ukulele for singing and dancing.
Everybody were very happy waiting to the best friend
Lion who arrived and started the party.
That was the best day for the Lion who was excited and
thanked his friends for making him a very nice surprise for
his birthday.

1. Where was the party?
2. Who did surprised for?
3. Who are the Lion´s friends?
4. What did Lion´s friends bring to the party?
5. How did the Lion feel?
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2


1. Where was the party?

2. Who did surprised for?

3. Who are the Lion´s friends?

4. What did Lion´s friends bring to the party?

5. How did the Lion feel?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Bonifas Mercedes
Leonpa santun (Willakuy)

Rupaq mitachaw tsay yanasanchik león nishqan tsay

yurikurqan watana ruranapaq llapan kuyashqa
yanasankunawan hatun arashwan, elefantiwan, ichik
arashwan, avestruz, unicornion nisqanwan llapan
allish kushikuyta quyaanaq.

Tsay hatun arash awninaq pastel manzanata

ruratsinanpaq, elefantina runtupita chocolate
mishqanta apamunaq, ichik arashna ninaq ñuqa atska
shikata ruramushaq. Avestruzna naranhapa yakunta
apanaq. Unicornio nishqannash Ukililita
qutsuyaananpaq, tushuyaananpaqpis apanaa.

Tsaypita llapan kushishqa kayaanaq tsay shumaq

Leon yanasanta shuyarar tsaypitash raymi qallarinaq
tsay kaptin tsayshi kanaq shumaq hunaq Leon
nishqanpaq, allaapa kushishqa kanaq llapan
yanasankunawan tsay yurikunqan hunaq kaptin.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2


1. ¿Maychawtaq raymi karqan?

2. ¿Pikunataq qaranayarqan /qilliyarqan?

3. ¿Pikunataq leonpa yanasankuna kayaanaq?

4. ¿Imataq leonpa yanasankuna santunchaw apayarqan?

5. ¿Imanawtaq león kaykarqan kikin shunqunchaw?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : Bruno Diestra Stephanie

N° 04. the white cat with black laptop

The white cat and the laptop. They are my lovely pet
and favorite thing. I love them. White is fifteen months
and the laptop is eight months.
White last winter had 2 males babies. They are Polo and
Negri. Polo has sky blue, green eyes and Negri has
light green eyes. Polo is like his mother completely
white. Negri has gray fur and a tiny white spot in his
chest like his father cat.
Both cats are very cute but one of them is smaller than
other. I like his sky blue eyes.
In the morning, they always wake up me, because they
are hungry.
They like eating cat´s cookies and soup. They like
playing all day.
White the mother usually sleeps on the sofa but her
friend Tom sleeps on the chair.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawitntsay: Bruno Diestra Stephanie

Yuraq mishiwan laptop. Paykunaqa kuyay ashmaami hina
allaapa kuyana cosasnii. Paykunata kuyaa. yuraq mishi
pitshqa chunka killayuq hina laptopqa puwaq killayuq

Blanca Patricia Pukutay yuraq mishi pasaq alalay

killakunachaw ishkay urqu wawankuna kapurqan.
Paykuna Polowan Negrim shutinkuna kayan. Polo anqash
qumir ñawin kapun hina Negripa qumir ñawinkuna
kapun. Polo mamannaw llapanninchaw yuraq aqtsan
kapun. Negri suqu aqtsan kapun hina huk ichik shumaq
yuraq pintish qasqunchaw rikapun paypaqpis taytanpa
aqtsankuna siqishqa kapun.

Ishkan mishikuna allaapa shumaq kayan sitsun hukninqa

ichikmi hukninpita. Allaapa shumaq ñawinta kuyanaa.

Patsa waraqchaw, paykunaqa qichaytsillaman

warayllachaw punta warayllachaw, paykunaqa mallaqar

Paykunaqa mishki mikikunata yachayanar hina kaskitapis

upuyan. Paykuna llapan hunaqchaw pukllayta atinayan.

Yuraq maman hanan sillunchaw punun sitsun Tom

yanasam uraynin taakunachaw punukun.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : Carranza Giorgina

N° 05. Nice and chubby indian pigs

Two years ago I bought a couple of indian pigs. These I brought them
from Cajamarca city. They were very nice, large and gave birth more
little indian pigs. So they began to reproduce.

That motivated me to put my business selling indian pigs until today is

going very well and I hope to continue like this.
The indian pig business is highly value in our country as it is one of the
flagship dishes or main course, 20 indian pigs will be sold a day and at
the weekend approximately 50 indian pigs are sold.


1. Where did he buy those indian pigs?

2. Why did he buy those indian pigs?
3. What kind food do people cook in our country?
4. How many indian pigs did they sell in a day?
5. How many indian pigs did they sell in a week?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Nawintsay : Carranza Giorgina


Ishkay watachaw, ñuqallaa ishkay hakakunata Cajamarka

markapita apamurqa rantikurir. Paykuna allaapa shumaqmi
kayarqan, chaypita (tsaypita) ichik hakankunata
wachayaramurqan. Tsaynaw atska mirakarkamurqan.

Kayqa yarpatsimarqan hakakunata rantikurinapaq hina

kananyaq allim aywaman tsaynawllam kaykayta munallaa.
Haka rantikuy kay markatsikchaw allaapa allim kakun hina
paykuna huk mishkiq mikunam kay pirupita kakun, ishkay
chunka hakakunatam hunaq hunaq ratikuu hina ushanan
semanachaw pitsqa chunqa hakakunata ratikurqan.

Tapukuykunata yaskishun:

1. ¿Maychawtaq pay hakakunata rantirqan?

2. ¿Imanirtaq pay hakakunata ratinkurqan?
3. ¿Imataq kay peru markachaw astka mikuyan?
4. ¿Ayka hakakunataq hunaqchaw rantikurqan?
5. ¿Ayka hakakunataq semanachaw rantikurqan?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Story :
Castillo Vásquez Yoryina

Once upon a time there was a old woman who left her
poor house for bring leaves for her guinea pigs. Then
when she came back she saw a smoke that close the way
ten she asked what happened she was scary.

Ten she saw to her house threw the mountain but the
smoke left of her house she run and came to her it, her
house was completely burn there was nothing the fire
burn everything.

After that the old woman knew she close her hands, gave
some words to God, she said: she cry until her tears

This life isn´t life I Live alone where I sleep today, what I
eat because everything was burned the fire God, God
why you carry to me.

I don´t have any more things in this life, I am very sad.

One neighbor knows the situation calls to Huará s fire
fireman help, helps the old woman house was burnt,
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Willakuy : Castillo Vásquez Yoryina

N° 06. AWICHAPA WaSiN NINA rupashQa

Huk hunaqshi apallan awicha hakankunapaq

qurakunata apayta munar uqshawan katashqa rumi
wayinpita, aywanaq, yarkunaq. Chaypitanash
kutikanchawnash qushni naanichaw kuntatakunaq,
¿imaraq rupaykikan? nir, mantsakashaqa rikachakur
wayinman kutinaq.

Chayshi wayiman hirkapita rikaykuptin wayinqa qushni

kakikanaq chaynash ayqinaq wayinman, wayinman
charirnash rikaykunaq mana imanpis kanaqnatsu
ninawan llapan rupashqa kanaq.

Chayshi chakwanqa qunqurikur makillanta

chukparkurkur allaapa tayta Apunintsikman mañ akuy
wiqinnin ushakaykanyaq waqarnir kanaq.

Kay kaway vidachaw hapallallam kaa, ¿maychawraq

punurishaq? nir ¿imataraq mikurishaq? imayllaapis
ushakashqa, ¡Tayta! ¡Tayta apakayamankiman!

Manam imaniipis kay kaway vidachaw kapamannatsu,

tsaynaw llakishqa kaykarqan. Chayshi huk vecinu
wiyayriptin Waras markaman qallakunaq, ¡¡¡¡Bumbiru
bumbiru nir. Yanapayllamuy yanapayllaamuy awxiliw 59
awxiliw !!!
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Castillo Vásquez Yoryina

Then people gave food, gave mattres. They put a mask for
helping and care Corona virus Covis-19. It was a young
man who put in her mouth the old woman.

The elderly woman crying she received, after I received

this gifs I am happy very happy, so she was sitting at
Huará s Park.

This day she slept in Huará s, the next day people help to
build her roof, they put calamines, thick wood, so the
elderly woman return to her house and live.

We always be a good Peruvian

person, because we help us each
other, so we live better. In this life
life it only one. This Perú country we
are an generous people. Colorin
colorado this story end.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Castillo Vásquez Yoryina

Tsayshi yanapayanaq mikuykunata, kulchunkunatapis,

kalaminakunatapis apaykur. Tsaynawshi yanapayaanaq.
Tsaypita Corona virus pandemia kaptin huk maqta
maskarillata awichapa shiminman mana tsay virus
muyananpaq churarqan.

Tsay awicha waqakurir cosakunata yaskirqan, tsaypita

kananqa kushi kushi kaykan, Waras parkichaw

Tsay hunaq mamaqa Warasllachaw punukurqan,

runakunanash waratinna runakuna yanaparnin wayinta
shukshukunata churaykur, kalaminakunawan qataykur,
tsay awichapa wayinman kutinanpaq alzayaqan.

Ñ uqanchikpura imaypis
yanapanakur kawakushun. Kay
kaway vida tumarin ras rasllam. Kay
Perú suyuntsikchaw alli runam
Kulurin kuluradu kay willakuy
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Songs :
Checa Maryelin

N° 07. The colors of the rainbow

The rainbow has many colors,
what will I choose?
Red, orange, yellow, green,
what will I choose?
missing the blue, purple and lilac that I will choose?
I like all of them, I like all of them, which one will I

Those are, those are, the colors of the rainbow, of the

How beautiful, how beautiful, the rainbow.
I think in fruits, I think in fruits,
I like apples,
they are red, they are red,
apples are delicious;
tangerines, tangerines, orange color;
green pear, green pear, it's delicious,
I like all of them, I like all of them,
what will I choose?
Those are, those are, the colors of the rainbow, of the
How beautiful, how beautiful, the rainbow.
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Checa Maryelin


1.What have we sung?

2. What is the song´s tittle?

3. What colors did you choose in the third line?

4. What colors do you mention in the third line?

5. How many colors does the song totally mention?

6. What adjectives do the song describe the rainbow?

7. How many fruits does the colors relate it with? And

which are they?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Qutsu :
Checa Maryelin
N° 07. Turumanyaypa llimpinkuna

Turumanyaypa achka llimpinkuna kan,

¿Imataraq ñuqa akrashaq?
puka, qarwash, qallwash, qumir,
¿Imataraq ñuqa akrashaq?
Anqash, arwaq hina lila pishinran ¿Imataraq ñuqa akrashaq?
Ñuqa llapankunata yachanaa, llapankunata yachanaa,
¿imataraq akrashaq?
Taqay kayan, taqay kayan, turumanyaypa llimpinkuna,
Ima shumaqnaw, ima shumaqnaw, turumanyay.
Ñuqa luklikunatam yarpaa, ñuqa luklikunatam yarpaa,
Manzanata munanaa,
paykunaqa puka kayan, paykuna puka kayan,
Manzanakuna atallaw mishkinmi;
mandarinakuna, mandarinakuna, qarwash llimpi;
qumir pera, qumir pera, mishkinmi,
Llapankunatam yachanaa. Llapankunatam yachanaa,
¿Imatataq ñuqa akrashaq?
Taqay kayan, taqay kayan, turumanyay llimpinkuna,
turumanyaypiq llimpinkuna.
Ima shumaqnaw, ima shumaqnaw, turumanyayqa. 74
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Checa Maryelin

1.¿Imapaqtaq qutsuykantsik?

2. ¿Imataq kay qutsupa shutin?

3. ¿Ima llimpikunataq kima watuchaw akramushqa?

4. ¿Ima llimpikunataq pitsqa watuchaw riman?

5. ¿Ayka llimpinkunapitaq llapanninchaw rimaykan?

6. ¿Ima shuti shumaqtsikunawantaq turumanyayta


7. ¿Ayka luklikunawantaq llimpikunata rikaatsikun?

hina ¿Ima llimpikunataq kayan?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Coisffman Franchesca
Reading : ___________________________

N° 08. My gray desk

I have my big very well desk, it is special because

I keep my things there. It’s gray.
There’s a laptop in it. I use this laptop to work
and play videogames.
There are some pencils . They’re mine. There are
some USB inside the drawer.
They aren’t mine. They are my father’s. The
black chair is him, too.
I have a neightbour, Luis. The flower vase on my
desk is his. It has some green plants. There are
some trees next to the desk. They’re our family.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Coisffman Franchesca
Ñawintsay: ____________________

N° 08. Uqi wamparnii

Ñuqapa alli hatun uqi wanparni kapaman.

Tsaychawmi llapan kusasnikunata aw chayman
wiñashqa kaykayan.
Tsaychaw laptopnii kapaman. Laptopniita
uryaynapaq hina pukllanapaqpis iñishiyllaa.
Tsaychaw qillqaykunapis kaykanmi. Tsaykuna
nuqallaapam. Tsay rurinchaw USBkunapis chusku
kuchunninchaw kaykayan.
Tsaykuna manam ñuqallaapatsu. Hina yana
taakunapis taytallaapam kakun.
Ñuqapa vecinuu kapaman, Luismi shutin.
Waytankuna uma wamparniichawpis paypam.
Qumir qurakunapa rapranuna kaykan. Tsaychaw
musquwan quyu hacha wampar nawpanchaw
sharaykan. Tsaykunaqa aylluupam.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Song : Collantes Jhon

N° 09. The school´s chorus objects

Pencil pencil pencil, What is it?(2) (eraser)

This is the chorus school´s object. (3)

Eraser, sharpener, (Say speaking)

Notebook and scissors.

What is it? This is an eraser.

Eraser eraser eraser, What is it?(2) (bag)

This is the chorus school´s object. (3)

Bag, glue (Say speaking)

Book and pens

What is it? This is a bag.

Bag bag bag, what is it?(2) (chair)

This is the chorus school´s object. (3)

Chair, board, (Say speaking)

Marker and pencil case

What is it? This is a chair.

chair chair chair, what is it?(2)(board)

This is the chorus school´s object. (3)

board, desk, pen(Say speaking)

Stapler and posters

What is it ? This is a board!

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Collantes Jhon


1. What´s the son´s name?

2. What do you think about this song?

3. Do you have some school´s objects like this?

4. What´s your favorite school´s object?

5. Write some school´s objects.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Qutsu : Collantes Jhon


Qillqana, qillqana, qillqana, ¿Imataq? (tsupana)

Kaymi yachaywayipa kaqninkuna qutsukuynin.

Tsupana, qillqana llaqllaq,

kwadirnu hina rutuna.

¿Imataq? Kayka huk tsupanataq.

Tsupana, tsupana, tsupana. ¿Imataq? (piksha)

Kaymi yachaywayipa kaqninkuna qutsukuqnin.

Piksha, laqana, maytu hina qillqana

¿Imataq? Kayka huk pikshataq.

Piksha, piksha, piksha, ¿imataq? (taakuna)

Kaymi yachaywayipa kaqninkuna qutsukuynin.

taakuna, churana, qillqanata apaq hina qillqanakuna

¿Imataq? Kayka huk taakunataq.

Taakuna, taakuna, taakuna, ¿imataq? (pisaara)

Kaymi yachaywasipa kaqninkuna qutsukuynin.
Pisaara, qillqakuna, qillqana
grapadura hina yulaq raprakuna.

¿Imataq? ¡Kayka huk pisaarataq!

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2


1. ¿Imataq kay qutsupa shutin?

2. ¿Imataq kay qutsupa yarpanki?

3. ¿Ima yachaywayipa kaqninkunanta kapushunkiku?

4. ¿Imataq yachay wayipa kaqninta yaychananki?

5. Yachaywayipa kaqninkunta qillqaramuy.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : Cueva Jael

N° 10. My favorite bag

I have a black backpack.

I really love it because it is my favorite
color, so I have many things with this
In my backpack there are two books, one
is mine and the other one is my best
There are sunglasses and they are not
mine, they are my mother’s sunglasses.

Also there is a special wallet because it

was a present from Cusco, it has a
photography of Machu Picchu on it but
there is not money in it.

My backpack is old and its zippers

are damaged.
I know that I need to buy a new one.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawirina : Cueva Jael

N° 10. Yachanaa piksha

Ñuqapa huk yana pitsha kapaman.

Rasunpa allaapa yachanaa, hina tsaymi chay
llimpita yachanaa, aw tsaymi tukilaalla
kusasnikuna tsay llimpiwan kapaman.
Tsay rurin pitshachaw ishkay maytukuna
kaykayan, hukninqa ñuqallaapam hina hukqa alli
yanasaapan kakun.

Tsaychaw lintispis kaykan hina payqa manam

ñuqallaapatsu, tsay lintis mamallaapan kaykun.

Hina huk especial shumaq billitira kaykan tsayqa

mamallaami cuscupita rantirir qaramarqan, tsay
rurinchaw Machupicchu siqin kapun hina manam
ima qillaypis kantsu.
Pitshallaaqa awkisnam kaykan hina cierrinqa
atska inshiykaptishqa sirwinnatsu.

Ñuqa musyanan, huk mushuqtanam rantita


Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : De la Cruz Saida

N° 11. A cat like a monkey

One I was walking at the street at night when suddendly I found

a little kitten. It was so sad because he looked very sad and cold.
So, after thinking about it many times, I decided to take him to
my house.

I named him Monkey because days after his arrivals, he was

climbing in my house, like a real Monkey. And basically, that´s
the reason.

My cat is seven years old. He has green eyes, long whiskers, and
a coat with different colors. Moreover, he´s always giving a lot of
love to all the people who come to my house.

Finally, some curious facts about him are that he loves to see the
full moon. When I go to the store, he follows me like a dog. And
the last one is that every time that I´m with him, he drools.

1. Where was a kitty?

2. Why it was so sad?
3. How old is he?
4. What color is his eyes?
5. What does he love to see?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawintsay : De la Cruz Saida

N° 11. Mishi monunaw

Huk hunaqchaw ñuqa paqaschaw purikaptii imanawraq ras

rayunaw huk llullu mishita tariymurqa. Payqa allaapa yakishqa
kaykarqan sitsun pay alli allaapa llakikushqa karkan hina
rahunaw alalashqa rikaamarqan. Allaapa chaynam kikillachaw
huk kutir payman yarparir hina aywar, ñuqa decicionta apanapaq
wayima llullu mishita charitsinapaq.

Ñuqa monu shutinta churashqa hina chay hunaq tariptii payqa

monu niraqnaw hachakunaman lluqarir, wayichaw pintikachar
kaykarqan. Chaymi monu shutin churashqa.

Mishiipa qanchis watan kaykan. Payqa qumir ñawinyuqmi,

larguu shaprankuna hina punun achka llimpishka llikllachaw.
Imanawpis achka kuyayniimikuna quman, wasichaw llaapakuna

Ichillaachaw, curiuso pasan killa wiñashqata rikapan. Chaypiq

tiendaman aywaptii allqunaw katipama aywaynichaw. Hina
chaymi pasaq hunaqchaw paywan aywaa, pay kuyapaman.

1. ¿Maychawtaq ichik mishi karqan?

2. ¿Imanirtaq allaapa yakiska kaykarqan?
3. ¿Ayka watayuqtaq kapun?
4. ¿Ima llimpitaq ñawin kaykan?
5. ¿Imataq allaapa rikayta yachanan?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : De la Cruz Juliana

N° 12. Copito likes carrot

Copito is my pet rabbit, he has big eyes, his hair is white with
back and long ears. He likes to eat carrots, fruits and his favorite
dessert is the mango.

He is always happy, he likes to jump on my bed to take him for a

walk at he park since it is one of his favorite places.

Copito is very playful and naughty, he likes to bite the sofá and
shoes, he is 3 years old.

I remember that once going down to the park a dog wanted to

bite him but despite that he likes to continue going to the park.

1. What is the rabbit´s name?

2. What does the rabbit like?
3. What does he like to eat a lot?
4. What does he behavior?
5. What place does like a lot?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawintsay : De la Cruz Juliana

N° 12. Copito kuñi sanuryata yachanan
Copito kuñi waatay ashmaami, pay ishkay hatun ñawiyuq, yuraq
yanapis aqtsan kapun, pay hatusaq rinrin rikaakun. Pay allaapa
sanuryata mikita yachanan, yuklikunatapis allaapa ensalada
mangupita yachanan.

Copito hunaq hunaq kushi kaykan, asikun, pay kama hananchaw

pintiita yachanan hina parkichaw puriita kuyan pay
pampakunatapis wayllun.

Copito allaapa pukllaykuq hina yuta yuta kakun, pay sofata,

sapatukunatapis kaniikur rachirin. Payqa kima watayuqnam

Kanan yarpariillaa pay uran parkiman aywan hina huk allqu kaniita
munarqan chaymi payqa mana imatapis mantsakur parkiyuq
katipamarqan kutir kutir aywayta munar. Payllaa.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Song : Flores Allison

N°13. Everybody works

Hi everybody (2), She is my teacher, She is my
teacher, She teaches me A B C, She teaches me
A B C all the alphabet.

Hi everybody (2), He is my Doctor, He is my
Doctor, He saves my life, He saves my life.

Hi everybody (2), He is a policeman, He is a

3 policeman, He is very strong, He is very
Hi everybody (2), He is a singer, He is a
singer, He sings everyday, He sings everyday.

Hi everybody (2), She is an artist, She is an

5 artist, she paints many pictures, She paints
many pictures.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Qutsu : Flores Allison

N°13. Llapanmi uryayan

Winchisllay llapankikunawan, paymi
yachatsikuqnii, pay yachatsikuqnii, pay
yachatsiman A, AA, CH, H, pay yachatsiman
A, AA, CH, H llapan achawayankunata.

Winchisllay llapankikunawan, paymi

hampikuqnii, pay hampikuqnii, pay
3 kawanaapaq hampiman, pay kawaynii allí
kanaapaq rikaaman.

Winchisllay llapankikunawan, pay puliciam,

pay ullqu puliciam, pay atska kaypayuqmi, pay
allaapa kaypayuqtaq.
Winchisllay llapankikunawan, payqa
qutsukuqtaq, pay qutsuqtaq, pay hunaq hunaq
qutsun, pay qutsun hunaq hunaq.

Winchisllay, llapankikinawanpay
shumaqllatsikmi, pay artistam, pay chusku
5 kuchukunata llimpin, pay kwadrukunata

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : Gamez Alvaro

N° 14. The police: The national heroes

Photo took by Alexander

Police are very brave people who give security and justice
in a country, they are not afraid because they sacrifice their
lives to save the people, they are very strong and fast when
they are working.

The police never rest, they are always awake all day and all
night, some of them do not see their families for working,
being a policeman is not easy, it is hard work that needs
effort and dedication, they are admirable people and role
models, we must respect them because thanks to them we
are safe in the country.

1. Who is talking about?

2. Why the police are not afraid?
3. Be a police is easy? Why?
4. Do you need effort and dedication for be a police?
5. Why do we admire them? 120
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawintsay : Gamez Alvaro

N°14. Wardiya: suyuntsik heruwikuna

Wadiya alli wapu runakuna kayan paykuna

washaamantsik, kwidamantsik hina kay suyuntsikta
justicya apamun, paykuna mana mantsakuq kayan,
paykuna kawayninta peligruman churaymun. Paykuna
kawayan nuqantsikraykuy. Paykuna alli kallpayuq
hina ras ras paykuna uryaykayan.

Wardiyaqa manam hamantsu, paykunaqa manam

hunaq paqaspis pununtsu. Paykunaqa ayllunkunata
qunkayan uryaynir, paykuna ampichawpis uryayan.
Wardiya manam alli kaytsu. Paykunaqa allaapa
sasatam uryayan. Wardiya kayta munarqa kallpayuqta
munam, wukacion kaq. Paykuna kuyaypaqmi tsay
runakuna modelum kayan, nuqantsik respetashun
tsaypiq payllaa nishun. Kawaynintsikkunatam
waashamun kay suyuntsikchaw.

1. ¿Pikunapitaq ñawirina parlarmushqa?

2. ¿Imanirtaq wardiyaqa mana matsakuq kayan?
3. ¿Wardiya kayka facilku? ¿Imanir?
4. ¿Wardiya kayka dedicación, wucacion iñishiyku?
5. ¿Imanirtaq nuqantsik admirantsikman
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Guerrero Flor
Reading :
N°15. I love fruit
la, la, la , la.
This is the apple, this is the apple,
delicious and nutritious .... (2)

la, la, la, la.

This is the mango, this is the mango,
sweet and juicy ... (2)

la, la, la, la.

This is the pear, this is the pear,
white and green ... (2)

I love fruit.
La, la, la, la.
This is the banana, this is the banana
skinny and yellow .... (2)

La, la, la, la.

This is the strawberry, this is the strawberry,
petite, flirty and red ... (2)

la, la, la, la.

this is the melon, this is the melon,
very chubby and playful ... (2)

I love fruit.
La, la, la, la.
This is the fig, this is the fig,
purple or green ... (2)

La, la, la, la.

This is the peach, this is the peach,
soft and sweet ... (2)

La, la, la, la.

She is the cherry, She is the cherry,
small and round ... (2)

La, la, la, la.

I love fruit ... (2)
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Guerrero Flor
Qutsu :

N°15. Wayukunata yachanaa

La, la, la , la.
Kay manzanam kakun, kay manzanam kakun,
atallaw hina nutritiwus .... (2)

La, la, la, la.

Kay mangum kakun, kay mangum kakun,
mishki hina yakuyuq ... (2)

La, la, la, la.

Kay peram kakun, kay peram kakun,
yulaq hina quyu ... (2)

Nuqa wayukunata yachanaa.

La, la, la, la.
Kay latanus kakun, kay latanus kakun
Llanu hina qallwash .... (2)

La, la, la, la.

Kay fresam kakun, kay fresam kakun,
ichik asykuqnaw hina puka ... (2)

La, la, la, la.

Kay melon kakun, kay melon kakun,
Pachashnaw hina pukllaykuq ... (2)

Nuqa wayukunata allaapa yachanaa

La, la, la, la.
Kay iiqusmi kakun, kay iiqusmi kakun,
arwaq aw qumir ... (2)

La, la, la, la.

Kay melukutun kakun, kay melokutum kakun,
ñampu hina mishkiqmi ... (2)

La, la, la, la.

Pay ceresam kakun, pay ceresam kakun,
ichik hina ruyru rurunaw ... (2)

La, la, la, la.

Nuqa wayukunata allaapa yachanaa ... (2)
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

León Pablo
Reading :
N°16. The guava

When I was ten years old, my grandmother had a

guava tree in her house, when I went to visit her, I
always ate guava with my brothers because it was
very delicious.
The outer skin may be rough, often with a bitter or
mild and sweet taste. It is usually green before
maturity, but can be yellow or green when mature.
The tree had a lot of guava, so much so that she
gave us a bag to carry. Guava is often used in juices
and cocktails.
Sometimes I buy guava because they are so
delicious and they bring back memories of my

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawirina :
León Pablo
N°16. Shawintu

Unay chunka watayuq kapamarqan, awilaapa

shawintunmi hacha wayinchaw kapurqan, Nuqa
awilaata rahay aywayarqa, Nuqa mishkiiku
shawintuta wawqikunawan mikuyarqa.
Hanan qaaran qallwashmi, tsaymi qamla, astka
mishkipis mikuntsik, qumirmi mana puqur kakun,
hina kallwash, qumirpis puqukuna kayan.
Hacha shawintuqa astka wayunkuna kapun, tsaymi
pikshaman awilaa huntaramuy quramarqan
wayiiman apanapaq. Tsay yaku mishkitapis
Kananqa tsaymi shawintunkunata mishkiptin rantii
hina unay wamra karqa yaparir awilaatapis alli

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : López Sarely

N° 17. The gluttonous caterpillar

One night, on a leaf lit by the moon, there was an egg.

On Sunday morning, when the sun rose, warm and resplendent, the
egg moved and moved- It was born a caterpillar with a lot, a lot, a
lot of hunger. And she started looking for what to eat.
On Monday she entered into an apple ... but she still wasn't
satisfied enough.
On Tuesday she bit two pears, but she still wasn't satisfied enough.
On Wednesday she bit three strawberries. But she was much
hungrier, still not satisfied enough.
On Thursday, she bit through four mangoes, but still wasn't
satisfied enough.
On Friday she bit through five oranges, but she still wasn't satisfied
On Saturday she tasted a watermelon, a peach, a pineapple, a
cherry, a tangerine.
That night she had a stomach ache!
The next day a little house was built, called a cocoon, and it
remained inside for more than two weeks.
So, she punched a hole in the cocoon with her teeth, pushed it out
and ... it had transformed in a beautiful butterfly!

1.How many fruits do you eat on Tuesday?
2. What day did the caterpillar eat strawberries?
3.What is your favorite fruit?
4.What did the caterpillar build?
5.What does the caterpillar become

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawintsay : López Sarely

Huk ampish, raprapa hananchaw quyllur chipapaqkarqan, huk ruru
karakarqan. (Intillay) Domingo waraynash, inti yarquriptin, achachaptin
hina chipapayparqan, ruru muyurirqan hina muyukurarqan. Tsapita huk
wisuq yurirqan, atska, atsk mallaqashqa. Hina ashikuykurayqan imatapis

(Killallay) Luneschaw huk manzana rurinman yaykurqan ... Hina manaran

pachan juntankarkantsu mallaqashqa kaykanaq.
(Antipallay) Marteschaw ishkay perakunara kanirqan, masran mallaqashqa
kaykarqan mana pacha huntaraq aw wiñashqa.
(Quyllurllay) Miércoleschaw kima fresakunata kanirqan. Hina masram
mana pachan juntaptin mallaqashqa kaykanaq.

(Illapay) Jueveschaw, chusku mangukunata kanirqan hina masram

mallaqaynin shamurqan pachan mana imanaw kaykaptin.
(Chaykallay) Viernischaw pitsqa naranhakunata kanirqan, hina masram
mallaqashqa kaykarqan, pachan mana imanaw kaptin.
(Chirapallay) Sabaduchaw sandiata llamirqan, huk blanquillutapis, huk
piiñatapis, huk ceresatapis, huk mandarinatapis ¡Tsay ampichaw pachan
allaapa nanakurqan!

Huk hunaq qatiqchaw wayinta rurarqan, kapullu niyan, hina yaykurirqan

hina ishkay semanaman kakurqan. Tasaypita, huk uchkuta kapulluchaw

rurarqan, sutarqan hina kananqa huk shumaq pilpish tikrarirqan !

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Song :
Maqui Isabel

N° 18. My dear family is my great emotion

I have two beautiful grandparents

My family is very, very joy
their names are Lesly and Jean Carlos
my family is love, love, love
My grandmother is empathetic
my family is joy,
My grandfather is attentive
my family is love
they always read me beautiful fables.
my dear family is my great emotion.

My older sister loves me very much,

All families are very different,
my sister is cheery and funny,
my dear family is so unique
my sister's name is Rous.
my family is different,
She always is generous
my family is unique,
my prized Rous is from my family.
My dear family is my great emotion.

My family is very wonderful.

My parents love each other very much,
My family advises me a lot.
my parents love me very very much.
My family is great.
My mother is loving
my family is love
my father is a worker,
my dear parents love me, very very much. my dear family is my great emotion .

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Maqui Isabel

1. What does my family like?

2.What does my mother like?

3.What does my father like?

4.What is my sister's name?

5. What are my grandparents name?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawirina : Maqui Isabel

N°18. Kuyaa ayllu ñuqapa alli yarpana

Ayllukunaqa alli, allaapa kushi Awkis paniillaa allaapa kuyaman,

Aylluqa alli kuyakuqmi, kuyay, kuyay kayan Paniillami alli hina shumaq kakun

Aylluqa kuyay kayan, Rosa paniyaami kakun

aylluqa wayuymi kayan Pay alli allim kakun

Aylluqa alli kushikusqam kayan. Shumaq Rosa ayllullaapam kakun.

Llapan ayllukuna imalaya kayan, Ñuqapa ishkay awilukuna allim

Aylluqa allim hukllallam kakun
Shutinkuna Lesly Jean Carlos kayan
Aylluqa huklallam kakun,
Awilaa wayllukuqmi kakun
Aylluqa hukllam kakun,
Taytayllaa kuidakuq kakun
Ayllumi shunquta hatun allitsiman.
Paykuna atska willaykunata
Taytakuna allaapa walluykunayan,
Taytakuna allaapa walluykunayan Ichik aylluqa alli shumaq kayan
Mamallaa allaapa kuyakuqmi Aylluqa atsqam willaypayaman
Taytayqa uryaykuqmi kakun, Aylluqa allim kayan
Taytallakuna kuyayayman, Aylluuqa kuyayniimi kayan
nuqapis paykunata kuyaa. Aylluqa hatun shunquta muyutsik.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Maqui Isabel
Tapukuykuna yaskishun

1. ¿Imanawtaq ayllu?

2.¿Imatataq mama ruran?

3. ¿Imatataq tayta ruran?

4.¿Imataq paniipa hutin?

5. ¿Imataq mamapa taytapa hutinkuna?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading :
Marquina Alexandra

N°19. an unexpected accident (tale)


run noticed driving

passed started arrived
crossed policeman heaven

Adrian was running in the park and he

passed by in front to the bus station while
he ate cracker. When he crossed to the
park he stopped to look a big beautiful and
colorful flower.

At the same time he noticed that

had happened an accident. He
walked one of the people and ask
him. who started the accident?
He said the policeman was drawing
attention of a driver the driver
became aggressive, just when a
person crossed,
the road, started and ran over her, the ambulance arrived very
late, she had already died, those
lights mean the going of an
angel to heaven, you can't do
more than obey the call of the


Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawintsay: Marquina Alexandra

N°19. Huk mana rikaq accidente.

Mushuq shimikuna

ayqirqan makuq kaaru apaq

pasarqan kayayqan charirqan
chimparqa wardya hanan pacha

Adrian parkichaw ayqirqan hina pay

chimparirqan chimpanman wuspa
sharayninchaw hina tsaypita kaaru nitirirqaw
akraraakurqan. Tsaypiq sharamurqan shumaq
wamrata wayta ratasninkuta rikaarir.

Tsaychaw hinanllachaw wamrata rataparirqan

pay musyayriptin huk malaguero
tikrakaramurqan. Pay purikaptin huk nuna
nirqan ama puritsu tsaychaw pasashunki.
¿Imanawtaq accidente shamurqan?
Pay wardya chuferta kuidadu kaaruta apar
nirqan, nunakuna pasayaptin tsay pistachaw.

Piso nanichaw, pay ayqirqan payta rikananpaq paypa hananchaw,

wus ambulancia shamuptinyuq alli tardi kaptin, pay wanukurqan,

Rupana allinchaw angelnaw hanan pachachaw

kaykayan, qam manam pwendinkitsu kay
rurayta hina qam pwedinkin Apu
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading :
Medina Maria
N°20. Will´s adventures

How many siblings did Will have?
How many fruits did Jake harvest?
How many fruit salads did they make?
How old is Mathew?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Medina Maria

1. How many siblings did Will have?

2. How many fruit did Jake harvest?

3. How many fruits salads did they make?

4. How old is Mathew?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawintsay :
Medina Maria

N° 20. Willpa purininkuna

Huk hunaqshi, huk chuulu karqan Will shutiyuq, payshi hatun
wayichaw pararqan. Ishkay taytankunawan tsapita kima ichik
wawqinkunawan. Matew wawqin chusku watayuq, Jake wawqin
pitsqa watayuq, Daniel huqta watayuq hina Will qanchis watayuq.
Tsaypita paykuna chakraman aywayarqa

Chakraman charirshi, atska waayukunata tarir, hachakunachaw

kaykayarqan, tsayshi ayllupa kurishun nir, Mathewqa puwaq
manazanakunata ayllurirqan, Jake isqun naranhakunata ayllurirqan,
Danielshi chunka lemonkunata , willnash chunka huk mangukunata.
Taytannash chunka ishkay waytakunata mamanta quynanpaq.
Wayiman kutiriyananpaq, paykunata chunka kima pilpashkunata
qatirikayarqan tsay hachakuna rurinchaw , Uqraykariyanaq, chunka
chusku minutoschaw tsaypita chunka pitsqa minutoschaw naanita
pistakunanaw tariyarqan.

Tsaypitanash chunka pitsqa wiñashqa kaaruta rikayanaq. Chunka

huqta minutuchaw huk wusta chunka qanchis taakunawanta mana
pipis kaqman lluqallaanaq, paykuna kushikuska kaykayanaq tsay
aywaynanchaw, chunka puwaq minutus kaykarqan. Wayinman
charirshi chunka isqun wayukuna kapuyarqan, paykuna mishki
ensaladata rurashun niyarqan hina paykuna Ishkay chunka)
platukunata vecinunkunata quyarqan.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Medina Maria

1.¿Willpa ayka pani wawqinkuna karqan?

2.¿Jake ayka waayukunata ayllurqan?

3.¿Jake ensalada wayupita vecinnunkupa


4. ¿Mateo ayka watayuqtaq karqan?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Song : Montenegro Liz

N°21. The vegetable
Eat your vegetables
eat your vegetables
they are rich (X2)
they have vitamins,
they have vitamins
to always grow
healthy and not stay
like a dwarf. .

And what vegetables are there? (Spoken)

There are carrots,
they are sweet (X2)
We have the lettuce,
how green is (X2)
and also the broccoli
what tree does he look like (X2)
finally the tomato
red and juicy it is (X2)
they have vitamins,
they have vitamins
to always grow
healthy and not stay 178
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Qutsu : Montenegro Liz

N° 21. Qura mikuykuna

Qurakunata mikuy
Quraykunata mikuy

Qaykunata mishkinmi
Qaykunata vitaminan kapun
Qaykunata vitaminan kapun
tsaymi wiñantsik
allin saludwan kanapaq
kallpayujj kanapaq

Hina ima qura mikuykuna kan (parlarir)

sanahuryakna kan
Qaykunata mishkinmi (x2)
ñuqantsik liwas kapamantsik
ima qumir kayan (x2)
hina brocolikunapis kan
ima hachakuna rikakun (x2)
ushananchawa puka
yakuyuq tomati (x2)

qaykunata vitaminan kapun

qaykunata vitaminan kapun
imapis wiñayan
allin salud kanapaq
kallpayuj kanajpaq
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : Ortega Sofia

N°22. Vegetableland planet/ verdurapatsa planeta
Riddles Hamutsikuna

1. I'm chubby, I look like a 1. Ñuqa wira kaa, peranaw

pear, but don't confuse me, kaa, hina mana
although yellow inside and pantamaytsu, qallwash
green rurichaw qumir hanachaw,
outside, I have a heart that shunquumi hukllaylla
differentiates me other. hukninkunapita kaa.
Who am I? ¿Pitaq kaa?

Avocado Palta

2. Paykuna chakarachaw
2. They planted me in the
murullaaman, nuqa wiñaa
field, I grew up locked up,
rikaramay, sitsun nuqallaata
if you want to know about
rikamayta munay.
me. Pick me up with your
Makiqwan kichamay hina
hands and you will discover
qarallaata rachiriptiq
to scratch my skin.
Who am I?
¿Pitaq kaa?
Green peas Qumir allwi
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ortega Sofia
3. Ñuqa qarwashmi kaa hina
3. I’m orange and I have my
qumir corona kapaman, Kuñipa
green crown, I feed rabbits
mikunan kaa, nunakunapis
and people too. mikuyaman.
Who am I? ¿Pitaq kaa?
Carrot Sanurya

4. Raprayuqmi kaa, qumir

4. Always leafy, with a green
shuqshuyuq, Manam ichik
stem, I’m not an elf, I'm not a
ullqutsu kaa, hachapis katsu,
tree, I have curly green hair
kushru aqtsa kapaman
when people eat me.
runakuna mikullamaptin.
Who am I?
¿Pitaq kaa?
Broccoli Brocoli

5. I have a green crown. 5. Ñuqa qumir coronaa kapaman.

I'm red around on my body and Puka kurkullaapa tumarin hina
red my food inside and rurin puka mikunaa arukuq
in the kitchen you can find me for wayichaw tarimanki
cooking. arukunaymapti.
Who am I? ¿Pitaq kaa?

Tomato Tumati 56
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ortega Sofia
6. Ñuqa aruna wayichaw
6. I'm your favorite in the kitchen
yachanayki kaa hina sitsun
but if you cut me and chop me,
ruqumanki ichikman
I'll make you cry although
Ñuqa waqatsishayki mana
you aren't sad.
yakikushta kaykaptik.
Who am I?
¿Pitaq kaa?
Onion Siwilla

7. Ñuqa kiruyuq kaa hina manam

7. I have teeth but I don’t eat. I have
mikuyta pwiditsu. Aqtsa kapaman
hair but I’m not human. I have green
hina manam nunatsu kaa. Ñuqapa
layers that protect me, if you want to
qumir qara kapaman protejiman,
discover my golden teeth, open me qullqi niraq kiruta tariyta munarqa
and you will find a treasure for your kichamay hina tisoro tortilla mikuyta
meals and prepare an omelette. munaparir rurayramunki.
Who am I? ¿Pitaq kaa?

Corn Tsuqllu

8. I recognized among my
8. Ñuqa primokunata rikapaa
tsaypiq masam kaa hina
because I am a maze
rachiparamarqa quratanaw
that when you scratch me
my layers come out first.
¿Pitaq kaa?
Who am I?
cabbage kulis
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading :
Osorio Natalia
23. An amazing travel Shumaq aywana chusyaq
Huk hunaq, Tomwan Kitty mana
One afternoon, Tom and Kitty
makukushpa parkichaw
were playing very concentrated
pukllakuykanaq alli kikinchasqa
at the park but they did not know
tsaynash puka kaaru
the red car has being passed and
makuyanaqtsu aywakunaq tsayshi
they had to go on a trip to
paykuna Disneyman aywayta

Tsaypita paykuna kaaruta mana

Then they have known that the
chayarkantsu paykuna ras
car had left them, they ran to take
ayqipa puka wusman
a bus to get to the airport on time.
lluqallarqan aeropuertoman
tiempochaw chayananpaq.

They flew in a sky blue plane, but Qamlas anqash abyunchaw

during the trip they had a trouble paarillarqan itsanqa mana alli
and landed on an island, where they aywayayninkuna karqan hina
found a large white boat, to get to islaman ratapakuriyarqan
Disney. tsaychaw hatun yulaq butita
tariyarqan Disneyman

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Osorio Natalia

After that, they rode by bicycle Tsaypita tsay markachaw

bicicletawan puriyarqan, pullan
around the city, following at
hunaqchaw puripakiita munar
noon they decided to go out for a
yarquryarqan hina anqash
walk and got on a blue train with
trenman llapan ayllunkunawan
their family, the train had a lot of lluqayarqan, tren rurinchaw
different colors flowers for imayka maytsika tuki laya
everywhere. llimpishqa waytankuna

At the end of the day after they Hunaq ushananchaw trenta

chashqankanchaw, wayinman
took a train, they had to return
kutita munar mana kaarukuna
home but there was no cars, no
kaykarkantsu wuspis, tsaypita
buses, so they had to take a truck
wayiman kutiyarqan
to got them home. kamyunchaw chayarqan.

Tom and Kitty were very happy to Tomwan Kitty Disneyta riqiy

meet Disney. It was their best trip allaapa kushikushqan kaykayarqan.

Allaapa shumaq aywana
they had ever made and were very
kawayninchaw kayarqan hina
tired and fell asleep all night.
llapan paqaschaw utishqa kaykar
punukariyarqan. USHANAN

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Osorio Natalia
1. Who went to Disney?

2.What was the first means of transportation that

they used?

3. What colour was the plane?

4. Was the train full of flowers?

5. Were Tom and Kitty happy or sad?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Osorio Natalia

1. ¿Pitaq Disneyman aywarqan?

2. ¿Imataq punta medio de transporte


3. ¿Ima llimpiyuqtaq abyun karqan?

4. ¿Trenqa waytakunawan wiñashkaku kayqan?

5. ¿Tomwan Kitty kushishkaku aw

llakishkaku kaykarkayan?

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : Paico Dayana

N° 24. This is my sweet home
I have a house
with my family. It´s a big
and sweet home.

In my house, I like to live.

Dad and mom take care of me.

I read my stories, in the living room

I play and rest in my bedroom.

In my house, I like to live.

Dad and mom take care of me.

I wash my face in the bathroom

And I lunch in th edining room.

In my house,I like to live.

Dad and mom take care of me.

I read my stories, in the living room

I play and rest in the bedroom.

In my house, I lke tolive.

Dad and mom take care of me.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawintsay : Paico Dayana

24. Hatun qucha wayii

Nuqa huk wayii kapaman

Ayllukunawan kaykaa. Hatunmi
qucha wayii.

Wayichaw kayta yachanaa.

Taytaa mamaa rikapallaaman.

Nuqa willakuykunata taakuna wayichawñawintsay,

pukllaa pununa wayiichaw hamakuu.

Qaqllaata ishpana kutachaw shupakuu tsaypiq mikuna

wayichaw mikuu.

Wayichaw kayta yachanaa.

Taytaa mamaa rikapallaaman.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Story : Peña Klein

N° 25. Aleja rabbit´s house

Once upon a time there was a happy

rabbit living in a new house, she so much was her joy
that she met her turtle friend Tuga,
telling about her beautiful house.
Friend, my house has two windows,
a large door, a nice balcony with a view
of a large garden of jasmine, violets and
an Acacia tree.
My new house has a sofa where
I read the newspaper; a kitchen where
I prepare my carrot stew and it also
has a bathroom in which I brush my teeth,
in my room there is a television. I'm very
happy, little Tuga friend, I invite you.
Let's go! The friends went to the new house and played
a lot in the beautiful garden that I had spoken before.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Peña Klein
Willakuy :

N° 25. Kuñi alejapa wayin

Unayshi mushuq wayichaw kushi kuñi kawanaq tsayshi

allaapa kushikurnin karqan hina yanasam kunka tortugata
riqirqan, payta ninaq.

Yanasa wasi ishkay tuqun kapun, huk hatun punkun hina

huk balkunin, tsaypita shumaq huertan rikaakun
jazmineskuna, violetakuna hina huk acacia hachanpis.

Mushuq wayi huk sofanin kapun, tsaypita taakurar

willakuyta ñawintsarir; huk aruna wayi maychawtaq.
Ñuqa sanahuryta aruu hina ishpanakuna kutanpis kapun,
tsaypita kiruuta paqakuy, pununa wayiinan, kay
televisornin kapun. Tsaymi allaapa kushi yanasa Kunka
tortuga kaykan, wayiiman shamuy. ¡Aywashun!
Yanasankuna mushuq wayinman aywayarqan hina
allaapa pukllayarqan. Tsaychaw taakur wiyaykayarqan
shumaq huertachaw pikuna parlapayaptin.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading :
Pimentel Favian
N° 26. Children playing their favorite body parts

Today we will know about parts of our body.

Once upon some children played to discover which part their bodies like more, so
Pedro said: I like my head because I can turn it from one side to the other site. My
eyes because I can see, my eyebrows because they are big and my nose because I can
smell delicious meals.

Maria said: I love my mouth because I can speak, my ears because they useful for
listening, my teeth because they are white and small, my neck because it is long like
the giraffe.

Mario replied: I like my arms because they are big, my hands because I can touch
everything, my stomach because it digests all my food and my fingers are useful to

Rosa said too: I like my legs because they are strong and I can jump, my knees
because I can bend over and my feet because they are useful for walking.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawintsay : Pimentel Favian

N° 26. Wamrakuna kurkunkunapa kuyayninta pukllayan

Kanan ima kaqta kurkuntsipita yachakurishun.

Huk hunaq wamrakuna ima kurkuna kapuqta pukllariyarqan,

kaynaw qallariyarqan:

Pillu nirqan: nuqata piqallaata

yachanaa paywan kayman
wakman muyutsita atinaa.
Ñawiitapis yachanaa hina
paywan rikayta pwedi, qichipratapis
paykuna hatun kayan hina sinqatapis
paywan mishki mikunata muskipa

Malli nirqan: shimiita kuyapaa

paywan parlayta pwedi, rinritapis
wiyanapaq inshiy, kiruta paykuna
yulaq kayan hina ichikpis,
kunkallaata hatusaq kaptin

Mariunash yaskirirqan: nuqallaata

rikraa kuyanaa hatun kaptin, makiita
paywan llapanta latapakuu,
pachallaata mikunakuna tsaychaw
allishin hina rukanakunatapis
paykunawan tuksita pwedi.

Rosanash nirqan : chankallaata

kuyapaa tsakunawan kallpayuq kaa
hina pintikachaa, qunquyaa
paykunawan Diosta mañakurii hina
chakillaawan inshillaa purikunapaq.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : Pinedo Brenda

N° 27. The small worm walked on Jhon´s body part

Jhon one summer day went for a walk in the

nursery and suddenly appeared a worm and fell
on his head, he was scared, but he understood it
was only a small worm, so they became friends,
he lowered it to his hand and they went to walk
and play around the nursery.

In the afternoon, they had to say goodbye but

the little worm asked him a favor before Jhon
went home. He asked him, Can I walk on whole
your body part, I like to go up and down
everywhere, Jhon agreed to that request and the
little worm began to walk on his head, down his
shoulders, going from one side and other site,
then followed his arms, hands and fingers,
down his legs until feet.

In brief the worm walked on whole Jhon´s

body part. The little worm pleased said goodbye
Jhon and thanked a lot to him.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawintsay : Pinedo Brenda

N° 27. Ichik kuru jhonpa hanan kurkunchaw purirqan

Jhon huk veranuchaw llulluwamrapa yachawayinchaw

aywarqan tsaynawnash huk ichik kuru kurkunpa
piqanpita ratarir lluqaykarqan, Jhonqa mantsakashqa
kaykarqan, tsaypita ichik kurullaataq kaayirirqan, tsayshi
yanasanman tikraritsirqan, kuru makinpita urarir wamra
yachaywayichawpa purirayamurqan.

Tardichawnash paykuna manaraq aywayllaa

niriqnachawna, ichik kuru Jhon tapurirqan. Llapan
kurkikipa puriramuyta munaa. kurunash puriramushaq
llapan hananiykichaw. Jhon awmi kuruta aanirirqan,
kuruna payllaa nirirqan hina kuru hanan kurkunman
piqanpita qallarirqan purikuyta, matankanpa kayman
waqman urarir hananman muyukachar, tsaynaw rikranpa,
makinpa, rukanankunapapis uraramurqan chakinyuq
chaki rukananyuqpis.

Ichikllachaw kuru Jhonpa llapan kurkuninchaw

purikurirqan. Ichik kuru kushikusqa kaykarqan tsaypita
Jhonta payllaa nir aywakurqan.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Song :
Rodriguez Tracey
N° 28. Clothing´s song
Look at me this is a coat.
Coat is a coat for cold weather
Then I get dressed my trousers. .
They are long and nice.
I wear boots my feet are warm.
I wear my shorts
when the weather is hot,
cap for care me from the sun.
They are my shoes, my sunglasses
for helping me the sun too.
Finally I wear my shirt
that cover my body.
Let’s go learning
about clothes in English
I have my suit, my pants and
also my elegant shoes.
I have my shorts, my hat
and my sunglasses.
I have my clothes and
now I’m ready to go for studying.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Qutsu : Rodriguez Tracey

N° 28. Ratashkunapa qutsun

kayka abrigo latsapan.
Alalaq tiempupaqmi abrigo kakun
Huk latsapa alalaq tiempupaq kakun.
Tsaypita warata shukukuy
Tita hina shumaqmi kakun.
Butasta chakichaw iñishiiy
Iñishiy ichik warata achachaptin,
Kachupin intipita kwidakunapaq.
sapatukuna, lintisniikuna shukukuntsik.
Hina tsaynaw intipa arwapaman.
Ushananchaw kamsata shukukuu.
Kurkullaata chapapam.
Awayshun yachakuykunapaq
Latsapakunapaq quichwa shimichaw
Wuuuu !!!
Trajimi kapaman, warakuna hina shumaq sapatupis.
Ichik wara kapaman, tsukupis hina lintisniiwan intipaq
Ratashniikuna hina
kananqa lista yachakunapaq aywashun.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : Saavedra Anmery

N° 29. Justicia in kichwa people
One upon a time, there was a woman who called a Fiscal man. Then
she said good man I want to tell you some truthful real life for
people who speak Kichwa.
The fiscal man said: It ok you notice me your doubt.
Man I am happy to came, because for me there are justice. Anybody
pay attention if they see us that I wear straw hat, dress like pollera
and wear sandals. Only they look at me then, there are no justice for
us. It more if speak Kichwa we don´t understand then and we know
them, too.

So the fiscalia people only have justice for people who wear tie, suit
or miniskirt.

After that the fiscal interpreter said. Mother, mother don´t be sad. I
will have justice I will defend, It is not correct to defend only who
has money. For me don’t bother me if you are poor.
In this moment let´s go I will help and put your demand.
Finally the woman was happy and put her demand and the
interpreter say the idea of her case and thanks for helping a kichwa

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawintsay : Saavedra Anmery

N° 29. Justicia kichwa nunakunachaw
Unayshi, huk warmi fiscal nunataa qayarqan. Tsayshi alli nuna ninaq,
nuqallapaqqa rasunku manam justicia qallantsu, kichwata parlayapti
witikuriyan aw aywayan.
Fiscal nuna nirqan. imataq pasarishunki, ama pantakaytsu. -Tsayshi warmiqa
Nuqaqa kushikumi kanan justicia nuqapaq chamunqanta.

Pipis manam kasuyamantsu, nuqa tsukushqa kaptii, aw ruripata yakaraptii

hina llanqita yakaraptii rikaaramar aywakullan. Waqtsa kaptiichi.
Nuqallaakunapaq manam justicia kantsu sitsun Kichwata parlaqta
wiyaraymar hina mana kayiyamar asyaq añastanaw sinqankunata wiqsurir
mana runatanaw milanayaman tikrarir kutikuyan.

Tsay fiscal nunaqa nirqan: -mamallay mama kananqa nuqa qamkunapaq

justiciata ruramushaq, kay justiciaqa manam kurwata, ternu nunallapaqtsu aw
yulaq laqapa warmiyapaqtsu.

Mamallay mama. Ama yakikuytsu. Kanan justicia qamkunapaq charatsimuu,

nuqa washayllashkayki. Kaynawmi warmikunata quwan hakishqa,
awilakunata pis wawankuna hina llullu wamrakunata mana taytayupta
Kanan hunaq aywashun fiscaliata denunciekita churaynikipaq. Nuqa
kushikumi kichwa shimita rimankaata tsaymi llapan nimankaykita kallii.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Song :
Sanchez Margarita

N°30. “Big and small”

The elephant is big and the mouse is small.

The tree is big
and the ant is small.
The boy is big and the ball is small.
The flower is big and the bee is small.
Those we have to learn

The elephant is big and the mouse is small.

The tree is big
and the ant is small.
The boy is big and the ball is small.
The flower is big and the bee is small.

Those we have to learn

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Qutsu :
Sanchez Margarita

N° 30. “Hatun hina ichik”

Kay elefanti hatun kakun hina ichik ukush.

Hatun hacha kakun
hina ichik anwaqshuy kakun.

Hatun chuulu kakun hina ichik haytana kakun.

Hatun waytakuna kakun hina ichik tumpish kakun.

Kaykunata nuqantsik yachaykunapaq.

Kay hatun elefanti kakun hina ichik ukush kakun.

Hatun hacha kakun
Ichik anwaqshuy kakun.
Hatun chuulu kakun hina ichik haytana kakun.
Hatun wayta kakun hina ichik tumpish kakun.
Kaykunata nuqantsik yachaykunapaq.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Sánchez Nayeli
N°31. The biggest bear and Hatunkaray ukukuwan

the little Romina takshalla Romina

In a small house in the middle of Hachakunapa rurinchaw huk ichik

wayi karqan tsaychaw hatunkaray
the forest there lived the biggest
ukukuwam takshalla Rumina
bear with a girl named Romina.
taarayarqan. Rumina allaapa
Romina was very beautiful and shumaqshi karqan. Alli umanpis
intelligent. She had blonde hair, kapurqan. Pay qushru qurinaw aqtsan
she always wore a nice dress and a karqan, huk shumaq yulaq laqapayuq

small cute pink hat. They were hina ichick qamlas puka tsukuyuq.

best friends in the forest. Paykuna alli yanasakuna kayarqan.

Teddy manam Rominata waqtaman

Teddy wouldn't let yarkunanta munarqantsu. ¿Imanir? Yaqa
Romina out because kirusapa allaapa kallpayuq, watu watu

there was the strongest siqishqa tigrim kan. Tsaynaw nirqan.

striped and very Huk hunaqnash, ukuku waqtaman

aywashkanchawna, Romina ukuku
dangerous tiger. Until
yanasanpaq yarpachakurir yarkurqan. ¿Imanir
one day Romina decided
yarkurqan? Wanquyrupa mishkintam mañakur
to go to the forest to get aywanaq. ¿Imanir? Ukukupa watatsaynin
honey for giving Teddy kaptin, kushikurinanpaq mishkita quykuyta
for his birthday. munarqan.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Sánchez Nayeli

On the way she met the huge- Tsaychawna Romina naanichaw

toothed tiger who was very mallaqashqa kirusapa tigriwan tinkurirqan,
hungry. Romina, scared, runs as tsaynash payqa ayqipa ras ras mantsakashqa
fast as she could and screams aywaykurqan qaparikachar. ¡Yanapaymuy,
desperately for help; even so the yanapaymuy! Nir: tsaynaw
tiger managed to catch her. She kaykanchawnash tigriqa raslla hatun
was already hanging, her beautiful shiminwan yanqa puka laqapanninpita
dress in the tiger's mouth. warkuraachir amukushqa kaykatsinaq.

Tigriqa kikin shunqunchaw yarpachakur

kushishqa kanan mishkitachi mikurishaa
The tiger thought her dinner was nirqan, tsaynawchaw yarpachakur
ready, until Teddy the enormous, the kaykaptin ras hatunkaray ukuku
biggest bear appeared with a charamurqan, mantsakaypaq qaparikur,
terrible growl Grrr! Grrr! The big ¡Grrr! ¡Grrr! Hatusaq ukuku sinchi
bear gave a strong punch to the tiger kallpayuq tigritaqa ayawka makinwan
in its neck and very quickly with the kunkanchaw kutaykamurqan hina itsuq
other hand rescued the little makinman raslla Rominata tigritaqa
Romina. Romina tinily snuggled shiminpita quchiramurqan. Ichik
safely on the massive bear´s breast. Rominanash aqtsashapran ukukupa
THE END qasqunchaw quñushqa mana
mantsakasqana laqakarar kaykaanaq.
“The best friends will “Alli yanasakuna imaypis
always take care of us” washamantsik"

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : Sarmiento Zarela

N°32. «Balto the sleepy pet»

Balto is my pet dog. He is 9 years old.

He has big eyes and has brown hair.
He likes eating bones and meat.
In the morning, he wakes up at 6:00.
He cries when he wants to leave home.
Balto barns loud when Tom cat cries.
He sleeps on the sofa and snores loud.
When he is happy, he moves his tail.
Now he is reading a pet book.
Balto is the sleepy pet.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Sarmiento Zarela
Ñawintsay : …………………………………

N° 32 «Baltu punusapa allqum»

Baltuqa allqum, payqa chunka ishkay watayuqmi kaykan. Baltupa

hatunsapa ñawityuqmi hina chumpi llimpi aqtsampis kakun. Tsay
allqutaqa allaapam tullukunata yachanan, aytsatapis.

Payqa quyallachaw rikchayrin huk horachaw. Payqa waqarin waw waw

nir wayipita yarkuyta munar. Baltuqa waw waw nir kanin, Tom mishi
yanasam waqaptin paypis kanirin. Pay qupichaw, sofachawpis punun.
Baltuqa siqanta muyur muyur qaparatsin, waqatsin punuysapa kaptin.
Richkariptinam, chupanta muyuchin kushishqa kaykar.
Ushananchaw Baltuqa allaapa willakuykunata maytuchaw ñawintsarir
punukashqanan kaykan.

1. ¿Imataq allqupa shutin? Baltum
2. ¿Ayka watayuqtaq kaykan? Chunka ishkay watayuqmi kaykan.
3. ¿Baltuqa tullukunata yachananku? Awmi
4. ¿Maykunachawtaq punuyta munan? Qupichaw, sofachawpis.
5. ¿Imatataq allqu allaapa ñawintsayta ushariptin rurarqan? Kutipar

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : Suyon Guitierrez Yolanda

N° 33. Karol´s aventure

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Karol, this girl
lived in a very small house with her family. She loved riding
a bike, when she closed her eyes then she said:
´´I want to meet what countries are behind this sea, I want to
go and meet new people, different cultures´´.
She loved learning new languages so one day she took a
flight and started the most beautiful adventure in her life.
This land, it was very cold but she met friends who keep her
heart warm.
They were a funny group, her friend Samuel was from
Brazil, Moriah was from USA, Khalil was from Nigeria and
Danitza was from Peru too. They enjoyed long walks in the
mountains, they were talking about different topics,
suddenly somebody said:
´´The Peruvian food is better than European food´´ They
hanging out together so the pollution of the that small town
had been left behind, the air she breathed was pure and her
soul was free.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Willakuy: Suyon Guitierrez Yolanda

N° 33. Karulpa aventura nishqan

Huk hunaqshi, huk warmi wamra Karul shutishqa karqan, kay taksha
wamra ichik wayinchaw ayllunwan taararqan, payqa allaapa
bicicletawan puriyta yachanarqan, tsayshi ñawinta wichqarir nirqan:

´´Ima suyukunata kaqta qipan hatun quchapita rikayta munay, aywayta

munaa hina mushuq runata riqiyta munar, tuki laaya

Pay mushu qallukunata parlayta yachanarqan, tsayshi huk hunaq

paarir aywakurqan hina aventuran qallarirqan alli shumaq
kawayninchaw. Tsay markash, allaapa alalaq, hina yanasankunata
riqishqanta paykunash alalaq shunkullanta quñutsinirqan.

Huk alli kushikushqa parwakuna kayarqan, Samuel yanasam

Brasilpistash karqan, Moriahshi Estados Uniduspita karqan, Khalilshi
Nigeriapita karkan hina Danitzanash Perupitapis kallarqan.
Paykunawan kushikusqa karul purikuykunata rurarqan, hirkakunata
lluqar, imaykakunapitapis parlar, tsayshi pikuna nirqan:

´´Peru mikunash mas alli Europapita kayan´´ Kaayillarqan mana

rakcha contaminacion kayllarkantsu tsay ichik markachaw, wayra
shuqullarqan pawaypa limpio karkan hina supaynin libre karqan.

Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Reading : Vidaure Ashly

N°34. The continents
The Jack´s adventure
Jack was an adventurous New Zeland sailor, and loved to travel and
visit new places with his loyal friend, his dog Toby. The first
continent he visted was America, he went to Macchu Picchu in Peru,
Chichen Itza in Mexico and the Statue of Liberty in USA.
Then he continued his travel through Europe, he visited the Roman
Colosseum in Italy, the Eiffel tower in France and the Big Ben in the
UK. Jack also liked to take pictures of every place he visited.
He also fulfilled his dream of being in Dubai, visit the Bali beaches
and get to Kyoto in Japan. The travel through Asia was incredible for
Jack had Friends in Morocco, so his next destiny was the continent of
Africa, where he also visited the Cairo and Cape town.
Finally Jack wanted to finish his travel returning to the continent
where he was meeting up with his family in Oceania. Jack fulfilled
his big dream of travelling around the world next to his best friend

 Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Jack was a sailor.

2. The name of his dog is Pepe.
3. Jack visited Oceania first.
4. Jack had friends in Morocco.
5. Jack likes to take pictures of the places he visits? 275
Mg. Leiva Cilio Luis 2023 QUECHUA BÁSICO X CICLO PRIMARIA 2023-2

Ñawintsay : Vidaure Ashly

N° 34. Kuntinintikuna
Mayman Jackpa watukaynin
Jack allaapa purikuq nunam Marineru Nueva Zelandiapitam karqan, pay allaapa
mayman kayman alli Toby allqun yanasanwan tukuy laaya markakunata watukar
aywarqan. Puntachawqa America continentitash watukarqan, tsaypita Macchu
Picchu Peruman rataramurqan, Chichen Itza Mexicochawpis hina estatwa de la
libertadman USAta riqirirqan.

Tsaypita qati qatir Europamanpis aywarqan, tsaychaw Colisiw Romanuta

Italiachaw watukaramurqan, Torre de Eiffeltapis Franciachaw hina Big Ben
Ukchawpis charirqan. Jack siqikunatapis allaapa maychaw kaykanqanta
musyaananpaq yachanar hurqaramurqan.

Pay yarpaynintchaw kushisqa Dubaita rikarqan, Bali playakunata watukarqan

hina Kyotomanpis Japonchaw charirqan. Asiaman charikurqanshi Jack
asinaraykaq. Pay Moroccochaw yanasam kapurqan, tsaypita Africaman
aywarqan, tsaychaw Cairota hina Cabo markata watukarirqan.

Ushananchaw Jackqa may continentipita kutirqan, tsaychaw aylluwan tinkurir

Oceaniachaw qushikushqa parlapakurqan. Tsaynaw Jack llapan patsapa alli
yanasawan Toby tumarir.

 Kay qillqashkata ñawintsay tsaypita tapukuykunata yaskiramuy.

1. ¿Jack marineruku karqan?

2. ¿Allqupa hutin Pepeku kashqa?
3. ¿Jack Oceania puntachaw watukashqa?
4. ¿Jack Moroccuchawku yanasam kapurqan?
5. ¿Jack siqikunata hipir mayman aywankanta?

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