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The Greek word ethos, which meaning "character," is where the word "ethics"
originates. Behavioural concepts that differentiate among what is right and what is
wrong, are referred to as ethical principles.
Corporate culture and ethics can also be viewed through the prism of how a
company's management and staff uphold moral principles in the course of
conducting business abroad.

Definition: Muel Kapteinss, a professor of business integrity and ethics

management at the University of Rotterdam, defines ethical culture as a “collection
of managers' and employees' experiences, presumptions, and expectations regarding
how the organisation promotes and discourages ethical behaviour.”
Importance of Business Ethics and Culture
• Asset Security: A strong ethical culture inside the organisation is critical for asset protection. Workers who obey your ethical
practices will be capable of protecting and respect the assets of the company.
• Productivity and collaboration: Workplace ethics is crucial for increasing worker productivity and collaboration. It helps
bring employees' fundamental beliefs as well as the business closer together. One must encourage continual conversation
about the company's basic values, which support society, honesty, and open-mindedness among employees, in order to
achieve this consistency.
• Public Reputation: Making ethical decisions earns you a huge amount of respect and helps you establish a strong public
reputation. The public would regard your company with respect as one that maintains its operations with honour and dignity
while putting people first. A positive public image gained via moral conduct will bring in a lot more customers. Customers
will develop a sense of trust for you and use you for business.
• Decision-Making: Ethical behaviour at work fosters an ethical decision-making culture. This also enhances accountability
and transparency when making business decisions. A good culture helps to manage such dispute by making smart decisions
during difficult times.
• Influences the moral judgement of both employees and stakeholders: Companies that work hard to create strong ethical
practises encourage their employees to act and talk honestly and with dignity. Customers are attracted to businesses that
demonstrate strong ethics.

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