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Seminar Title

Student Name:
Seat Number

• Introduction (Introduction to your seminar topic)

• Motivation (Why you selected the particular topic/ title)
• Literature Survey (mention 10-12 references from IEEE/ Springer etc. journals in
table format.

• Related Work (Mention what work is already available worldwide. Explain the
significance of that existing work)

• Advantages
• Limitations/ Challenges in currently existing work
• Future Scope
• Conclusion
• References
• Slide count: approx 20-25
• Clear Images/ Diagrams/ figures/ tables wherever
• DO NOT include Implementation part as you are not
implementing ANYTHING
• You can format the slides by your choice, but keep
background in light color scheme, decent
• Instead of writing long theoretical paragraphs, try to
write precise bullet points.
• While presenting title, do not just read the
slides. You have to PRESENT the title.
• Evaluation criteria will be same as your review
1 that was conducted earlier.
Literature Review
Sr. No Title, Authors Information Description
1 Author name, issue details Short
“title” like journal/ description
conference about the
name, paper
year, volume,
pg no. etc. that
is available

Fig label sample

Fig. 1 Pie Chart

• College logo is mandatory for first slide.
• Add the other information as given in this
• Italics font is for your understanding. Remove
those instructions from your final PPT


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