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Basic Elements of

Technical Drawing:
Schematic Diagram & Flowchart
A Schematic is represented by a
picture using symbols. A
What is a Schematic Diagram may be a
picture that represents the
Schematic components of a process, device,
Diagram? or other object utilizing unique,
frequently standardized images
and lines.

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Schematic Diagrams in
In electronics, having a schematic diagram on
hand may help a user design a complete
circuit before building or troubleshoot an
electronic that has stopped working. It may
also be utilized to explain the general way
that an electronic capacity without specifying
the hardware or program utilized within the
actual electronic.

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Schematic Diagrams in
In case you're taking the Rail Transit, you'll
see a “map” appearing at all the stations
along a rail line but that map will not show
all the streets and buildings you will pass
along the way. In this case, the train map can
be spoken to as in an unexpected way colored
lines indicating the different train route, with
dots demonstrating the stops along the lines.

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Schematic Diagrams in
Schematic diagrams can be utilized to depict
machines as well. It may also be made by
someone in the field of engineering or
designing while they are planning the
machine so that they can appropriately
understand how the parts work together, and
make any vital changes before building the
real system.

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Schematic Diagrams in
Numerous chemical items are frequently
obtained by performing a few diverse
responses at different steps of the process. A
schematic diagram in chemistry can offer
assistance to someone understand all the
responses that were performed to yield a final
product, without showing the real products

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Schematic Diagrams in Business

Schematic diagrams are helpful in

passing on the main parts of a
complicated business model and
appearing how they all relate
together. This would then be
utilized to help organize all those
components, including elements
within each category, in ways that
would convey the main thoughts in
a clear and brief design.

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What is
Flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm.
Software engineers regularly use it as a program-planning tool
to solve a problem. It utilizes symbols which are associated
among them to show the flow of data and processing.
Using a flowchart includes a variety of
• It helps clarify complex processes.
• It identifies steps that don't add value to the internal or external
client, including delays; unnecessary capacity and transportation;
unnecessary work, duplication, and added cost; breakdowns in
• It helps individuals gain a shared understanding of the method
and utilize this information to gather information, recognize
issues, focus discussions, and recognize resources.
• It serves as a basis for planning new processes.
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Basic Symbols used in Flowchart Designs

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Basic Symbols used in Flowchart Designs

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Basic Symbols used in Flowchart Designs

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Points to be considered in developing the
1. Defining the problem.
2. Identify the different steps required to make a solution.
3. Determine the specified input and yield parameters.
4. Get anticipated input information values and yield result.
5. Determine the different computations and decisions

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• Open the Design Ideas pane
for instant slide makeovers.
• When we have design
ideas, we’ll show them to
you right there.

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presentations and share your work with
others, wherever they are. Type the text
you want here to get started. You can
also add images, art, and videos on this
template. Save to OneDrive and access
your presentations from your computer,
tablet, or phone.
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