Present Perfect

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- Review present perfect tense

- Use present perfect tense in speaking part 1
1. Where did you go for your last holiday?
2. Do you like holidays? Why?
3. What do you do on holidays?
4. What things do you bring on your holiday?
I’ve lived there for ten years.

I’ve lived there since I was in grade 3.

Rule 1:
If we are talking about an event which happened in the
past and if we don’t give an exact time (yesterday/two
days ago/last week), we can use ‘The Present Perfect
The exact time is not important.
I have bought a new house.
I have made some changes.
I have painted the walls blue.
I have changed the curtains.
I have removed the carpet on the stairs…

yesterday / last week / two days

Rule 2:
We often use ‘The Present Perfect Tense’ to talk about a
continuing situation. This is a state that started in the past and
continues in the present and will probably continue into the
future. This is a state (it is not an action). We usually use "for"
or "since" with this structure.
David has been at the sea since July.

He hasn’t seen his family for 5 months.

1970 Present

Sam became a shoemaker in 1970.

He is still working.
He has been a shoemaker since
Rule 3:
We use it for an action which happened in the near past.
And, it has strong connections or effects to the
You walked in the rain yesterday. And look;

I have broken my You have got a cold.

arm. You look very bad.

It still hurts.
Rule 4:
If we are talking about a period (today/this morning/this
week/this month/this year/this century) which hasn’t
then we can use ‘The Present Perfect Tense’.
Are they
Would you
No, thank you! I have been kidding?
like to go to
to the cinema twice this I haven’t
week. watched tv this
the cinema?
Rule 5:
Lately/Recently: These words give us information about the
events happened in the near past. They don’t give a specific
time in the past.
So, we can use ‘The Present Perfect Tense’.
….There has been a great
progress against cancer
Have you ​seen Unfortunately! I recently. Especially, Turkish
any good ​films have been very scientist Aziz Sancar, who
recently? busy lately. won the Nobel chemistry
prize, has found….
Rule 6:
Already/Just/Yet: We also use these words in this tense
‘The Present Perfect Tense’
Of course Boss!
I have already sent
them. Have you ​sent
the e-mails yet?
It isThe room
clean now.

The washing machine is still

working. It
finished yet.
This is Atilla. He lives in Turkey. But he is not in Turkey now.
He has gone to Egypt.
He has been in Egypt for a

I have been
here for
Sử dụng hiện tại hoàn thành đặt câu với những từ sau:

Brush my hair
Clean my teeth
Leave the house
Put on my shoes
Check my messages
Get dressed
Prepare my school bag
Tidy my room
Have breakfast
Wake up
Sử dụng hiện tại hoàn thành đặt câu với những từ sau:

Clean the house

Do my homework
Do the laundry
Take out the bin
Do the gardening
Feed the dog
Visit my grandparents’ house
Go out with my friend.
Teach English
Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
Have you ever stay up late?
Have you ever wash your hair in the morning?
Have you bought shoes online?
Have you ever worn a uniform?
Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
Have you ever stay up late?
Have you ever wash your hair in the morning?
Have you bought shoes online?
Have you ever worn a uniform?

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