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Formation en Anglais

Formatrice, Dr. N. Khiati
MCA, Anglais de spécialité
1. Choose the correct sentence
o Before 5000 years, the Summerians compiled the first medical handbook that listed symptoms of illnesses
and medicinal plants.
o 5000 years ago, the Summerians compiled the first medical handbook listed symptoms of illnesses and
medicinal plants. √

o They have worked here in 2012

o They have worked here since 2012 √

o They started the project on 2012.

o They started the project in 2012. √

o What did you do before you joined this lab? √

o What did you before you joined this lab?

o How many projects did you do last year? √

o How many projects you did last year?
2. Think of the other related forms of these words
words Other related forms
eliminate Elimination, eliminated
stimulant Stimulation, stimulate, stimulated
infectious Infection, infected
Prevention Prevent, preventive
transmit Transmission, transmissible
fatal fatality
3. Passive or Active?
• South American Indians used the first muscle relaxant to immobilize
animals when hunting. active Today,
drugs having the same characteristics are used in surgery. passive

• Ancient Egyptians developed complex theories to explain the causes

of diseases. active
• Information about plants toxicity and therapeutic effects was handed
down by ancient generations. passive

• In ancient times, medicinal plants and drugs were largely discovered

through trial and error. passive
4. Which word goes with which phrase?

• To start with
• Some people think
• On the other hand
• To some extent
• On the one hand
• The real question is
• On the ground that
• This would be great, except
5. Which nouns are countable?

ailments allergies analgesics clinics
concerns fatigue illnesses injections
nausea pain pills vaccination
6. Link sentence pairs with the appropriate connector. Make any necessary
On the contrary thus on the other hand such as

• Platinum is a rare metal. It is extremely expensive.

• Some types of chemical reaction take place rapidly. Explosions are
examples of rapid reactions.
• Current thinking claims that fructose is not harmful to the health.
Fructose is a poison.
• When water boils in an uncovered recipient it produces about 2,000
times its own volume of vapour. In a sealed recipient, vapour cannot
expand and steam pressure increases
• Platinum is a rare metal. Thus, it t is extremely expensive.
• Some types of chemical reaction take place rapidly such as
• Current thinking claims that fructose is not harmful to the
health. On the contrary, it is a poison.
• When water boils in an uncovered recipient it produces about
2,000 times its own volume of vapour. on the other hand , in a
sealed recipient, vapour cannot expand and steam pressure
8) Identify and correct mistakes in
countable¬uncountable nouns
• Many informations on the structure and function are being gathered.

• All patients gave a written consent to the tests.

• There are few knowledge about the best way to do this.

• About 60% of the feedbacks were negative.

• There has only been few researches in this field.

• Her mother died of a cancer when she was a teenager.

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