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0 Human Relations and Human Resource Approach

2.1 Human Relations Approach

2.1.1 Hawthorne Studies
2.1.2 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
2.1.3 McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

2.2 The Human Resources Approach

2.2.1 Blake and Mouton's Theory Managerial Grid
2.2.2 Likert’s System IV

2.3 Communication in Human Relations and Human

Resources Organization
2.4 Human Relations and Human Resources
Organizations Today
How management can best function & How an organization should be manage.

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation which states that five

categories of human needs dictate an individual's behavior. Those needs are
physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and
self-actualization needs
Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y as exemplars of the human relations approach .

Theory X explains the importance of heightened supervision,

external rewards, and penalties, while Theory Y highlights the
motivating role of job satisfaction and encourages workers to
approach tasks without direct supervision.
The Human Resources Approach
Blake and Mouton's Theory Managerial Grid

What Is the Blake Mouton Grid? The Blake Mouton Grid plots a manager's or leader's degree of
task-centeredness versus their person-centeredness, and identifies five different combinations of
the two and the leadership styles they produce.
The Human Resources Approach

Likert’s System IV

• Participative system (IV)

• Likert argues that the participative
system is the most effective form of
management within the systems. This
system also coincides with human-
resources theory based on the level of
lateral interaction between employees
and managers.
Communication in Human Relations and
Human Resources Organization
Human Relations and Human Resources Organizations Today

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