ET-AF06 M2 Pressurization PPT Final R0

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Cabin Pressurization System

PPT 2.1 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Module Objectives
• Define terms used in aircraft pressurization.
• Identify pressurization components and describe their principles of
• Describe the operation and function of pressurization
• components in given system operation modes.
• Describe inspection ,testing , troubleshooting and
removal/installation of pressurization system and components.

PPT 2.2 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Module Structure

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

2.1 2.2 2.3
Pressurization Pressurization Control Pressurization System
Fundamentals Components

Lesson 4 Lesson 5
Typical Aircraft
Maintenance and
Pressurization System

PPT 2.3 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Module Overview
• Pressurization Fundamentals
• Purpose of pressurization
• Pressurization Terms
• Pressurization Issues
• Source of air for pressurization
• Pressurization Control
• Basic Principles
• Pressurization System operation
• Pressurization Modes
PPT 2.4 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Module Overview
• Pressurization System Components
• Cabin pressure controller
• Cabin pressure regulator and outflow valve
• Cabin pressure safety valve operation
• Pressurization gauges
• Cabin pressurization Instruments

PPT 2.5 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Module Overview
• Typical Aircraft Air Conditioning System
• General Description
• System Operation
• Maintenance and Troubleshooting
• Inspection and Testing
• Troubleshooting
• Removal and Installation

PPT 2.6 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson 1:
Pressurization Fundamentals

PPT 2.7 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Purpose of pressurization
• Maintain a comfortable environment for aircraft occupants
• Allow the aircraft to operate efficiently at high altitudes
• Enables crew and passengers to function without the use of
supplemental oxygen
• Permit the occupants to be insulated from rapid changes in

PPT 2.8 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Pressurization Terms-1
• Cabin Altitude:
• express cabin pressure in terms of equivalent altitude above sea
• Aircraft Altitude:
• actual height above sea level at which the aircraft is flying
• Ambient Pressure (Pamb):
• pressure in the area surrounding the object under discussion.

PPT 2.9 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Pressurization Terms-2
• Gauge Pressure (PSIG):
• measure of pressure in a container or line , compared to ambient
• Absolute Pressure (PSIA):
• Pressure measured along a scale which has zero value at a complete
• Differential Pressure (PSID):
• a pressure that is measured relative to the pressure in the atmosphere
around it.

PPT 2.10 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Pressurization Terms-3
• Cabin Differential Pressure (delta P or ∆P):
• The difference between cabin and ambient pressure.
• Maximum Cabin Differential Pressure:
• Maximum differential pressure for which the aircraft is
• Cabin Rate of change:
• The speed how cabin altitude is changing.
• It is expressed in + or -.
PPT 2.11 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Pressurization Terms-4
• Cabin Climb Rate:
• The speed how cabin altitude is climbing (increasing).
• Cabin Descent Rate:
• The speed how cabin altitude is descending (decreasing).
• Pressurized areas:
• Sections in an aircraft which are to be pressurized.

PPT 2.12 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Pressurization Terms-5
• Pre-Pressurization or Take-off Mode:
• a control mode used to prevent pressure bumps during take-
• Abort Mode:
• a control mode used to prevent cabin altitude climbing, if
the aircraft doesn’t not climb after take-off.
• De-Pressurization or Landing Mode:
• a control mode used to equalize cabin pressure to ambient
pressure of the landing field after landing.
PPT 2.13 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Pressurization Issues-1
• Degree of pressurization and operating altitude limited by
critical design factors.
• Should maintain cabin altitude of 8,000 feet or lower.
• must be designed to prevent rapid changes of cabin
• Circulate air to
• Eliminate odors
• Remove stale air

PPT 2.14 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Pressurization Issues-2
• Aircraft structure must be
• Sealed
• Strong enough to withstand
• Pressure differential (3.5 up to 9 psi)
• Metal fatigue from repeated pressurization and depressurization
that weakens the airframe.

PPT 2.15 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Pressurization Issues -3


PPT 2.16 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Source of Air for Pressurization-1
• Sources of Air
• Supercharger and Turbocharger
• Engine air bleed
• Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)

PPT 2.17 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Source of Air for Pressurization-2
• Supercharger and Turbocharger
 Typical sources of air
 Supercharger
 Turbocharger and
 Engine-driven compressor

PPT 2.18 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Source of Air for Pressurization-3
• Supercharger and Turbocharger
 Permit better performance at high altitude
 Part of the air produced pressurize the cabin
 Supercharger is mechanically driven by the engine

PPT 2.19 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Source of Air for Pressurization-4
• Supercharger and Turbocharger
 Supercharger
 Supply both the intake and the cabin with air
 Part of the fuel intake system
 Must be located upstream of the fuel delivery
• To be used for pressurization

PPT 2.20 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Source of Air for Pressurization-5

A reciprocating engine supercharger

PPT 2.21 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Source of Air for Pressurization-6
• Supercharger and Turbocharger
 Turbochargers (known as turbo superchargers)
 Driven by engine exhaust gases(part of exhaust system)
 Source of pressurization
 Exhaust gases are put to work in the turbocharger compressor
 Both superchargers and turbochargers are oil lubricated
 There is a risk of contamination of cabin air

PPT 2.22 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Source of Air for Pressurization-7

A reciprocating engine aircraft turbocharger

PPT 2.23 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Source of Air for Pressurization-8

Turbocharger installation
PPT 2.24 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Source of Air for Pressurization-9
• Supercharger and Turbocharger
 Third source of air is an engine driven compressor
 Either belt driven or gear driven by the accessory drive
 Independent compressor for pressurization avoids contamination
 Independent compressor
 Add significant weight
 Consumes engine output since it is engine driven

PPT 2.25 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Source of Air for Pressurization-10
• Engine air bleed
• On turbine Engine Aircraft
• Bleed air tapped off from compressor section
• Bleed air is relatively free of contaminants
• Reduce volume of air for engine power production
• Modern aircrafts contain recirculation fans to maintain high
engine output.

PPT 2.26 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Source of Air for Pressurization-11
• Turbine engine aircrafts use
• jet pump flow multiplier
• Turbine engine compressor bleed air
• Drive a separate compressor
• Bleed air goes directly to the pressure vessel

PPT 2.27 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Source of Air for Pressurization-12
• jet pump flow multiplier
• Bleed air is tapped off from compressor section
• Ejected into a venturi jet pump
• Low pressure established in the venturi
• Air is drawn in from outside of the aircraft
• Advantage
• lack of moving parts.
• Disadvantage
• small volume of space can be pressurized
PPT 2.28 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Source of Air for Pressurization-13

Jet pump flow multiplier

PPT 2.29 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Source of Air for Pressurization-14
• Turbine engine compressor bleed air
• bleed air drive the turbine
• turbine rotates a compressor impellor
• Compressor has an ambient air intake
• Outside air is drawn in and compressed.
• Bleed air and ambient air mixes and goes to the pressure

PPT 2.30 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Source of Air for Pressurization-15

Turbo compressor
PPT 2.31 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Source of Air for Pressurization-16
• On large turbine aircrafts
• bleed air tapped off the compressor
• Then it goes to cabin through the environmental control

PPT 2.32 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Source of Air for Pressurization-17

air cycle
air conditioning

PPT 2.33 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson Summary
• Purposes of pressurization
• Pressurization terms
• Cabin and aircraft altitude
• Ambient, gauge and absolute Pressure
• Cabin Differential Pressure
• Cabin Rate of change
• Cabin Climb Rate
• Cabin Descent Rate

PPT 2.34 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson Summary
• Common sources of air for pressurization
• Supercharger and Turbocharger
• Engine air bleed
• Auxiliary power unit
Lesson 2:
Pressurization Control

PPT 2.35 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Basic Principles-1
• Cabin pressure controller control cabin air pressure
• Adjustments and settings on the pressure controller are
control inputs for cabin pressure regulator.
• Regulator controls position of outflow valve(s)
• Valve position determines pressure level in the cabin .

PPT 2.36 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Basic Principles-2
• Automatic vs Manual Control
• Modern pressurization control is fully automatic
• Requires entering or selecting a flight plan into the flight
management system
• Pressurization controller establish pressurization schedule
for the entire flight.
• No other input is needed from the crew.

PPT 2.37 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Basic Principles-3
• Automatic vs Manual Control
• All pressurization systems contain a manual mode that can
override automatic control.
• Manual mode can be used
• In flight if auto mode failed
• On ground during maintenance
• The operator selects the manual mode on the pressurization control
• A separate switch is used to position the outflow valve open or
PPT 2.38 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Basic Principles-4

B737-8 pressurization panel

PPT 2.39 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Basic Principles-5
• Pneumatic vs Electrical Control
• Cabin pressure controlled by
• Regulating the amount of air that flows out of the cabin.
• Cabin outflow valve establish the amount of air pressure maintained
in the cabin.
• Pneumatic control
• operate pneumatically in response to the settings on the cockpit pressurization
• correctly position the outflow valve without the use of electricity

PPT 2.40 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Basic Principles-6

Pneumatic cabin pressure regulator and outflow valve

PPT 2.41 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Basic Principles-7
• Pneumatic vs Electrical Control
• Modern aircraft often combine pneumatic, electric, and electronic
control of pressurization
• Cabin pressure controller inputs
• Cabin pressure controller selector
• Cabin pressure
• Ambient pressure and others
• The controller
• supplies pressurization logic for various stages of a flight.
• drives a torque motor in the outflow valve.
PPT 2.42 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Basic Principles-8
• Pneumatic vs Electrical Control
• Electrical control
• Use signals sent from cabin air pressure controller
• The controller positions the valve(s) as per the command
• Signals sent to electric motors to move the valve
• Often AC motors are used with a redundant DC motor for standby or manual

PPT 2.43 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Basic Principles-9

combination of
• electronic,
• electric, and
• pneumatic control

PPT 2.44 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Pressurization System Operation-1
• Modes of operation
• Automatic
• The normal mode of operation
• Standby
• Provides automatic control of pressurization
• Usually with different inputs, a standby controller, or standby outflow
valve operation.
• Manual mode
• For automatic and standby modes failure
• The crew directly position the outflow valve
PPT 2.45 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Pressurization System Operation-2
• Pressurization controller take input from
• WOW switch
• air ground
• Throttle position switches
• used to make a smooth transition from unpressurized cabin to a pressurized

PPT 2.46 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Pressurization Modes-1
• Modes of pressurization
• Unpressurized mode
• Isobaric mode, and
• Constant-differential mode

PPT 2.47 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Pressurization Modes-2
• Modes of pressurization
• Unpressurized mode
• Outflow valve remains open
• Cabin pressure is the same as ambient air pressure
• Isobaric Mode
• Cabin pressure is maintained at a specific cabin altitude as flight altitude
• Cabin pressure controller begins to close the outflow valve at a chosen cabin
• The controller will keep the selected cabin altitude up to the flight altitude
that produces the maximum differential pressure .
PPT 2.48 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Pressurization Modes-3
• Constant Pressure Differential Mode
• Cabin differential pressure, expressed in psid
• is the ratio between the internal and external air pressure
• When cabin differential pressure reaches maximum
• Cabin pressure controller shifts to constant-differential mode
• Cabin altitude will increase
• Maintains the maximum allowable pressure differential

PPT 2.49 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson Summary
• Basic principles of pressurization systems
• Automatic vs Manual Control
• Pneumatic vs Electrical Control
• Pressurization system operation
• Automatic
• Standby
• Manual

PPT 2.51 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson Summary
• Modes of pressurization
• Unpressurized mode
• Isobaric mode, and
• Constant-differential mode

PPT 2.52 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Progress Test 2.1
1. Explain purposes of cabin pressurization?
2. Define and differentiate cabin & aircraft altitude?
3. Define and differentiate ambient and gauge pressure?
4. List out sources of air for cabin pressurization?
5. What are the advantage and dis advantage of jet pump flow multiplier?
6. What are the three modes of pressurization?

PPT 2.53 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson 3:
Pressurization System Components

PPT 2.54 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Controller-1
• Cabin pressure controller
• Is a device used to control cabin air pressure
• Give control input for the cabin pressure regulator.
• Regulator controls the position of outflow valve(s)
• Aircrafts with electrical cabin pressure control
• The controller drives a torque motor

PPT 2.55 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Controller-2

PPT 2.56 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Controller-3
• Cockpit pressurization panel used to select the desired
• Cabin altitude
• Rate of cabin altitude change
• Barometric pressure setting
• Selection are made directly to the pressure controller

PPT 2.57 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Controller-4

pressurization panel

PPT 2.58 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Regulator and Outflow Valve-1
• Cabin pressurization controlled by
• Regulating the amount of air that flows out of the cabin.
• A cabin outflow valve may
• open
• close or
• modulate to establish the amount of air pressure maintained in
the cabin.

PPT 2.59 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Regulator and Outflow Valve-2
• Cabin pressure regulator
• Isobaric control
• maintains cabin altitude at a selected level
• Differential control
• limits cabin pressure to a preset differential value

PPT 2.60 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Regulator and Outflow Valve-3

regulator and
outflow valve

PPT 2.61 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Regulator and Outflow Valve-4

Out flow valve

PPT 2.62 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Safety Valve Operation-1
• Cabin pressure safety valves:
• Positive Pressure Safety Valves
• Negative Pressure Relief Valves
• Dump Valves

PPT 2.63 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Safety Valve Operation-2
• Positive Pressure Safety Valves
• Also known as Pressure Relief Safety Valves.
• Prevent over pressurization
• if control of the pressurization system is lost.
• Set to open at a predetermined pressure differential (between 8 and
10 psid).
• Allows air to flow from the cabin to prevent internal pressure from
exceeding design limitations.
• valves will remain open until the Differential Pressure is below the
actuation range.
PPT 2.64 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Cabin Pressure Safety Valve Operation-3

Positive Pressure
Safety Valves

PPT 2.65 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Safety Valve Operation-4
• Negative Pressure Relief Valves
• also known as vacuum relief valve
• Opens when outside air pressure is greater than cabin pressure.
• opens and closes based on the Differential Pressure forces
• The valve will open when differential Pressure is more than -1.0 PSID.
• Equalize a possible negative cabin differential pressure during
aircraft descent

PPT 2.66 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Safety Valve Operation-5

Negative Pressure
Relief Valves

PPT 2.67 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Safety Valve Operation-6

PPT 2.68 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressure Safety Valve Operation-7
• Dump Valves
• actuated by a switch in the cockpit.
• When the switch is in the ram or auxiliary –ventilation position
• Cabin pressure will be dumped
• Cabin altitude will rapidly increase
• also controlled by a squat switch on the landing gear so it will open
when the aircraft is on the ground.

PPT 2.69 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Pressurization Gauges-1
• Pressurization gauges:
• Advise the crew of pressurization variables.
• They are
• Cabin altimeter
• Cabin rate of climb or vertical speed indicator
• Cabin differential pressure indicator.
• Can be separate gauges or combined
• Located on the pressurization panel
• On modern aircraft the pressurization panel may contain no gauges.
PPT 2.70 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Pressurization Gauges-2

PPT 2.71 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-1
• Cabin Altimeter
• Measures cabin pressure in terms of equivalent altitude
above sea level.
• a pressurised aircraft is normally maintained at an altitude
of 8,000 ft or less.
• At 8,000 ft the use of supplemental oxygen is not required.

PPT 2.72 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-2

Cabin Altimeter

PPT 2.73 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-3
• Cabin Altitude Selector
• Selected by a member of the flight crew
• Controls isobaric (constant pressure) operation
• Can be set for cabin altitudes from 1000 ft below sea level to
10000ft altitude.
• The selector dial also shows maximum airplane altitude (isobaric
operation) for the selected cabin altitude and barometric correction.

PPT 2.74 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-4

pressurization panel

PPT 2.75 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-5
• Rate of Climb/Descend Indicator
• also referred to as aircraft's vertical speed indicator.
• Indicates the rate at which the airplane is climbing or descending.
• At Level flight the pointer shows zero.
• Change in altitude is indicated on the dial in feet per minute.
• During landing the rate of descent can be controlled.
• The climb indicator is a differential pressure instrument

PPT 2.76 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-6

Rate of Climb/Descend Indicator

PPT 2.77 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-7
• Rate of Climb/Descend Selector
• Controls the rate of change of cabin pressure
• Rate of cabin climb/descent is controlled using the Climb Rate
• Can be set for rates from -2000 to 2000ft per minute.

PPT 2.78 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-8

Rate of Climb/Descend Selector

PPT 2.79 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-9
• Barometric Correction
• Corrects landing field altitude for the barometric condition at the
landing field,
• Contributing toward an unpressurized cabin at landing.

PPT 2.80 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-10
• Differential Pressure Indicator
• Show the difference between cabin and atmospheric pressure.
• Usually given as pounds per square inch or kilopascals.
• Differential pressure must be within limit
• If the differential limit not maintained a differential pressure relief
valve will open

PPT 2.81 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-11

Pressure Indicator

PPT 2.82 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-12
• Mode Selector
• Selects
• Automatic
• Manual
• Ground
• when placed in the ground venturi position moves the outflow
valves full open for ground operation

PPT 2.83 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-13
• Fault Indications/Warning

PPT 2.84 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-14
• Aircraft like B737
• have fault indication on the cabin altitude panel
• When the cabin altitude is above 10,000 ft above mean sea level
• it causes an intermittent beep from the aural warning unit.
• The ALT HORN CUTOUT push-button switch lets the crew
deactivate the warning alarm until the next high cabin altitude event.

PPT 2.85 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Cabin Pressurization Instruments-15

B737 cabin altitude panel

PPT 2.86 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson Summary
• Cabin pressure controller
• Is a device used to control cabin air pressure
• Give control input for the cabin pressure regulator.
• Cabin pressurization controlled by
• Regulating the amount of air that flows out of the cabin.
• Cabin pressure regulator
• Isobaric control
• Differential control

PPT 2.87 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson Summary
• Cabin pressure safety valves
• Positive Pressure Safety Valves
• Negative Pressure Relief Valves
• Dump Valves
• Pressurization gauges
• Advise the crew of pressurization variables.
• They are
• Cabin altimeter
• Cabin rate of climb or vertical speed indicator
• Cabin differential pressure indicator.
PPT 2.88 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
Progress Test 2.2
1. What is the purpose of cabin pressure controller?
2. How does cabin pressurization control accomplished?
3. What are the three cabin pressure safety valves?
4. What is the purpose of pressurization gauges?
5. What is the purpose of cabin altimeter

PPT 2.89 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson 4:
Typical Aircraft Pressurization System

PPT 2.90 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

General Description-1
• B737 pressurization system
• These are the sub-systems of the pressurization control:
• Cabin pressure control system
• Cabin pressure relief system
• Cabin pressure indication and warning system
• The air conditioning packs supply air to the airplane cabin

PPT 2.91 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

General description-2
• B737 pressurization system
• Pressurization control maintains a safe cabin altitude.
• Pressurization control has these three sub-systems:
• Cabin pressure control
• Controls the rate that the air flows out of the cabin.
• Cabin pressure relief
• protect the airplane structure from overpressure and negative pressure
• Cabin pressure indication and warning
• gives you data about the pressurization system status.

PPT 2.92 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

General description-3

B737 pressurization control General


PPT 2.93 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

General description-4
• Auto mode flight profile
• Automatic mode of pressurization system controls the
airplane pressure for all phases of flight:
• Ground
• Takeoff
• Climb
• Cruise
• Descent
• Landing
PPT 2.94 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
General description-5

B 737 auto mode flight

profile - operation

PPT 2.95 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

System Operation-1
• System operation
• Pressurization control can be automatic or manual
• Two digital cabin pressure controllers (CPCs)
• Primary
• Backup
• Manual control mode overrides and bypasses the two CPCs.
• pressurization control system has a triple redundant architecture.

PPT 2.96 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

System Operation-2
• Inputs to the cabin pressure control module
• Pressurization mode
• Flight altitude
• Landing altitude
• The outflow valve has these three motors
• Two AUTO motors with electronic actuators
• One MANUAL motor

PPT 2.97 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

System Operation-3
• Auto mode:
• Altitude switches override CPC signals and close the outflow valve
if the cabin altitude is 14,500 feet.
• Manual mode:
• In the manual mode, the pilot uses the control module toggle switch
to operate the outflow valve. The

PPT 2.98 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

System Operation-4

B737 pressurization control - interface

PPT 2.99 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
System Operation-5
• Cabin pressure safety valves:
• Positive Pressure Safety Valves
• Negative Pressure Relief Valves

PPT 2.100 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

System Operation-6
• Positive Pressure Safety Valves
• prevent over pressure damage by bleeding fuselage pressure
• There are two positive pressure relief valves
• are pneumatically operated by cabin-to-ambient pressure
• When the differential pressure is more than 8.95 psi the valve opens

PPT 2.101 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

System Operation-7

B737 Positive Pressure

Safety Valves

PPT 2.102 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

System Operation-8
• Negative Pressure Relief Valves
• Prevent negative differential pressure damage to the airplane
E.g. during a rapid descent.
• Negative differential cabin-to-ambient pressure opens the valve(-

PPT 2.103 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

System Operation-9

B737 Negative Pressure

Relief Valves

PPT 2.104 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson Summary
• Sub-systems of the pressurization control:
• Cabin pressure control system
• Cabin pressure relief system
• Cabin pressure indication and warning system
• Automatic mode of pressurization system controls the
airplane pressure for all phases of flight
• Pressurization control can be automatic or manual

PPT 2.105 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson Summary
• Cabin pressure safety valves:
• Positive Pressure Safety Valves
• Negative Pressure Relief Valves

PPT 2.106 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson 5:
Maintenance and Troubleshooting

PPT 2.107 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Inspection and Testing-1
• Periodically inspect the system for component security and
visible defects.
• To check the cabin for airtightness
• A check of pressure regulator operation
• A check of pressure relief and dump valve operation
• A cabin static pressure test, and
• A cabin dynamic pressure test.

PPT 2.108 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Inspection and Testing-2
• Typical B737 Pressurization System Manual Mode Test

B737 flight compartment pressurization control panel

PPT 2.109 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0
• Troubleshooting consists of three steps:
• Establishing the existence of trouble
• Determining all possible causes of the trouble, and
• Identifying or isolating the specific cause of the trouble.
• Troubleshooting charts
• usually list the most common system failures.
• organized in a definite sequence under each trouble

PPT 2.110 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

• Troubleshooting charts
• To obtain maximum value when applying a troubleshooting chart
• Determine which trouble listed in the table is most close to the actual
• Eliminate the possible causes listed under the trouble selected
• Correct the malfunction by following the instructions listed in the
correction column

PPT 2.111 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Typical B737 Cabin pressure controller BITE:

B737 cabin pressure


PPT 2.112 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Removal and Installation
• Remove and installation of aircraft pressurization system
• Refer applicable maintenance manual
• Put isolation tags to ensure personnel safety
• Properly log the maintenance documentation
• Removed components should be tagged, sealed and packed
• Check to confirm correct part numbers, serviceability and modification status

PPT 2.113 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Lesson Summary
• During maintenance and troubleshooting
• Refer the appropriate maintenance manual
• Properly log the maintenance document
• Take the necessary precautions

PPT 2.114 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Module Review-1
• Purposes of pressurization
• Pressurization terms
• Cabin and aircraft altitude
• Ambient, gauge and absolute Pressure
• Cabin Differential Pressure
• Cabin Rate of change
• Cabin Climb Rate
• Cabin Descent Rate

PPT 2.115 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Module Review-2
• Common sources of air for pressurization
• Supercharger and Turbocharger
• Engine air bleed
• Auxiliary power unit
• Basic principles of pressurization systems
• Automatic vs Manual Control
• Pneumatic vs Electrical Control

PPT 2.116 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Module Review-3
• Modes of pressurization
• Unpressurized mode
• Isobaric mode, and
• Constant-differential mode
• Cabin pressure controller
• Is a device used to control cabin air pressure
• Give control input for the cabin pressure regulator

PPT 2.117 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Module Review-4
• Cabin pressurization controlled by
• Regulating the amount of air that flows out of the cabin.
• Cabin pressure regulator
• Isobaric control
• Differential control
• Cabin pressure safety valves
• Positive Pressure Safety Valves
• Negative Pressure Relief Valves
• Dump Valves

PPT 2.118 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Module Review-5
• Pressurization gauges
• Advise the crew of pressurization variables.
• They are
• Cabin altimeter
• Cabin rate of climb or vertical speed indicator
• Cabin differential pressure indicator.

PPT 2.119 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

Any Questions?

Thank You!

PPT 2.120 ET-AF06: Cabin Environmental Control System Rev No. 0

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