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The First Law of Thermodynamics

• At the end of this class, students will be able to-

• State first law as applied to a closed system executing a cycle
• State first law as applied to a closed system executing a process
• Explain the concept of energy and different forms of energy
• Define specific heat at constant pressure and specific heat at constant volume
• Define internal energy, flow work and enthalpy
• write first law as applied to an open system
• Write steady flow energy equation as applied many practical flow systems

• The first law of thermodynamics, is a law based on experiences and

experiments but carries no mathematical proof.
• It is in fact synonymous to the law of conservation of energy with additional
statement that internal energy is a property.
• Through first law deals primarily with energy associated with work and heat
only, yet it is the modern trend to include in it other forms of energies also.
• Therefore, this law envelopes all the fields of science wherever there is
energy conversion.
The First Law of Thermodynamics
• First law of Thermodynamics can be studied as
• First law applied to a closed system undergoing a cycle
• First law for a closed system undergoing a process
• First law applied to open system
First Law Applied to Closed System Executing a Cycle

Cycle executed by
the system

Cycle involving
many work and heat
Adiabatic work interactions
First Law Applied to Closed System Executing a Cycle

For the first case

W= Q (Both in same units) or W= J Q
J= Mechanical equivalent of Heat
For a number of interactions
(W)cycle= J(Q)cycle
If there are infinite number of interactions

 W  J   Q
where the symbol
 denotes the cyclic integral for the closed path. This is
the first law for a closed system undergoing a cycle.
First Law Applied to Closed System Executing a Cycle

Statement: “ The first law of thermodynamic states that during any cycle a closed
system undergoes, the cyclic integral of work is equal to the cyclic integral of heat”.
In the SI system of units : Unit of work is Nm(J); Unit of heat is J
Therefore, J = 1 Nm/J
In MKS Units J=427 kgf-m/kcal
kcal i.e., 1 kcal = 4.17 kJ
First Law Applied to a Closed System Undergoing a Change of State
• The expression (W)cycle= (Q)cycle holds good only for a system executing a cycle.
• In other words, for a closed system executing a cycle (Q)cycle- (W)cycle =0.
• But if a system undergoes a change of state during which both heat transfer and
work transfer are involved, the above equation cannot be applied.
• If Q is the amount of heat transferred to the system and W is the amount of work
transferred from the system during the process. Then what happens to (Q-W) ?
and what is it called?
• The quantity (Q-W) will be stored in the system. The stored quantity is neither
heat nor work, and is given the name ”internal energy”, or simply the energy of
the system.
First Law Applied to a Closed System Undergoing a Change of State
Concept of Energy
Q-W = E
where E is the increase in the energy of the system.
Q = W + E
Here, Q, W and E are all expressed in the same units
• Thus energy can be defined as “The increase of
energy of a system during a change of state is
numerically equal to the net heat during the process
minus net work during the process”.
This definition does not give an absolute value of energy
E, but only the change of energy E for the process.
Energy- A Property of the System
A property of a system depends only on end states not on the path followed while
executing a process

Energy- a property
Energy- A Property of the System

Q2 = 1W2 + E2-E1 -----------------3-5
E1 : initial value of the property energy
E2 : Final value of the property energy.
Different Forms of Energy
The symbol E refers to the total energy of the system. Basically there are three
forms in which energy may be stored in a system.
They are (a) Kinetic energy
(b) Potential energy
(c) Molecular internal energy.
Kinetic energy and potential energy are macroscopic energies, and molecular
internal energy is microscopic energy.
dE = du + d(KE) + d(PE)
Different Forms of Energy
When changes in potential and kinetic energies are neglected,
dE = du
Q2 = 1W2 + u ------------------3-6
In the absence of shaft, electrical, magnetic and other works except displacement
  Q   W  du

 PdV
Q2 = U + 1 -------------3-7
Specific Heat at Constant Volume

u: Specific Internal Energy U= m Cv T

• The specific enthalpy of a substance, h is defined as

• h = u + pv(Flow work) (kJ/kg)

• Total enthalpy H = mh

• H = U + pV
Specific Heat at Constant Pressure

H= m Cp T
Perpetual Motion Machine of The First Kind PMM 1
1. The first law states the general principle of
the conservation of energy. Energy is
neither created nor destroyed, but only gets
transformed from one form to another. W
2. There can be no machine which would
continuously supply mechanical work
without some other form of energy
disappearing simultaneously. Such a
fictious machine is called a perpetual
motion machine of the first kind, or in brief
3. A PMM1 is thus impossible.
• A stationary mass of gas is compressed without friction from an initial state of 0.3
m3 and 0.105 Mpa to a final state of 0.15 m3 and 0.105 Mpa, the pressure remaining
constant during the process. There is a transfer of 37.6 kJ of heat from the gas
during the process. How much does the internal energy of the gas change?
Solution First law for a stationary system in a process gives

Q  ΔU  W

Q1 2  U 2  U1  W1 2 ………………. (1)

W1 2  v pdV  p(V 2  V1 )

 0.105(0.15  0.30)MJ
 15.75kJ
 Substituting equation (1)
- 37.6 kJ  U 2  U1 - 15.75 kJ
U 2  U1   21.85 kJ
The internal energy of the gas decreases by 21.85 kJ in the process.
• When a system is taken from state a to state b, as shown in fig., along path acb, 84 kJ
of heat flow into the system, and the system does 32 kJ of work. (a) How much will
the heat flows into the system along path adb be, if the work done is 10.5 kJ? (b)
When the system is returned from b to a along the curved path, the work done on
the system is 21 kJ. Does the system absorb or liberate heat, and how much of the
heat is absorbed or liberated? (c) If Ua=0 and Ud =42 kJ, find the heat absorbed in
the processes ad and db.
(a) Q = U  Ua  W
adb b adb

Solution: = 52+10.5
= 62.5 kJ
Q = 84 kJ
(b) Q U U W
W = 32 kJ ba a b ba
= - 52 – 21
We have
= - 73 kJ
Q = U  Ua  W
acb b acb
The system liberates 73 kJ of heat.
 U  U a = 84 – 32 = 52 kJ

(c) W  W  W  W  10.5 kJ
adb ad db ad
(a) Q = U  Ua  W
adb b adb Q  Ud  Ua  W
ad ad
= 52+10.5
=42 – 0 + 10.5= 52.5 kJ
= 62.5 kJ
Now Q = 62.5 kJ = Q + Q
adb ad db

(b) Q U U W
 Q = 62.5 – 52.5 = 10 kJ
ba a b ba
= - 52 – 21
= - 73 kJ
The system liberates 73 kJ of heat.
• A piston and cylinder machine contains a fluid system, which passes through a
complete cycle of four processes. During a cycle, the sum of all heat transfer is -170
kJ. The system completes 100 cycles per min. Complete the following table showing
the method for each item, and compute the net rate of work output in kW.

Process Q (kJ/min) W (kJ/min) E (kJ/min)

a-b 0 2170 -

b-c 21000 0 -

c-d -2100 - -36600

d-a - - -
Solution: Process a-b: Process d-a:

Q  E  W  Q = - 170 kJ
0 = E +2170 The system completes 100 cycles/min.
 E = -2170 kJ/min Q ab  Q bc Q cd  Q da = - 17000 kJ/min
Process b-c: 0 + 21000 – 2100 + Q da = - 17000
Q  E  W  Q da = - 35900 kJ/min
21000 = E + 0 Now  dE = 0, since cyclic integral of any property is zero.
 E = 21000 kJ/min
 E a  b  E b c  E c d  E d a  0
Process c-d:
-2170 + 21000 – 36600 + E d a  0
Q  E  W
 E d a  17770 kJ/min
-2100 = - 36600 + W
 Wd a  Q d a  E d a
 W = 34500 kJ/min
= -35900 – 17770
= - 53670 kJ/min
The table becomes

Process Q (kJ/min) W (kJ/min)  E (kJ/min)

a-b 0 2170 -2170

b-c 21000 0 21000
c-d -2100 34500 -36600
d-a -35900 -53670 17770

Since Q  W
cycle cycle

Rate of work output

= - 17000 kJ/min
= - 283.3 kW
The internal energy of a certain substance is given by the following equation
U  3.56 pv  84
Where U is given in kJ/kg, p is in kPa, and v is in m3/kg.
A system composed of 3 kg of this substance expands from an initial pressure of
500 kPa and a volume of 0.22 m3 to a final pressure 100 kPa in a process in which
pressure and volume are related by pv1.2  constant.
(a) If the expansion is quasi-static, find Q, U , and W for the process.
(b) In another process the same system expands according to the same pressure-
volume relationship as in part (a), and from the same initial state to the same final
state as in part (a), but the heat transfer in this case is 30 kJ.
Find the work transfer for this process.
(c) Explain the difference in work transfer in parts (a) and (b).
For a quasi-static process
(a) U  3.56 pv  84
W   pdV  p 2 V2  p1V1
1 n
U  U 2  U1  3.56 (p 2 v 2  p1v1 )
 U  3.56 (p 2 V2  p1V1 ) (1 X 0.8455 X 0.22) 100
 1 1.2

=127.5 kJ
1.2 1.2
Now p1V1  p 2 V2  Q  U  W
= - 91 + 127.5 = 36.5 kJ
1 1.2 (b) Here Q = 30 kJ
 V2  V1  
1 1.2  5
= 0.22   Since the end states are the same, U would remain the same as in (a).
 W  Q  U
= 0.22 X 3.83 = 0.845 m = 30 – (- 91)
= 121 kJ
U = 356 (1 X 0.845 – 5 X 0.22) kJ
= - 356 X 0.255 = -91 kJ c). The work in (b) is not equal to  pdV since the process is not quasi-static.
First Law Applied to Flow Process
In the case of an open system, energy is transferred into and out of the system not
only by heat and work but also by the fluid that crosses into and leaves the
boundary of the system in the form of internal energy, gravitational potential
energy, kinetic energy and energy in the flow work. Thus, when the first law is
applied to the open system.

Energy Energy Accumulation of

Entering into = Leaving the + energy within
the System System the system
The Flow and Energy Exchange

W Q

m1(u1+p1v1+V12/2+gZ1) m2(u2+p2v2+V22/2+gZ2)

(Internal energy+ flow work+ Energy stored (Internal energy+ flow work+
Kinetic Energy+ Potential Kinetic Energy+ Potential
Energy) at Inlet Energy) at exit

Q - W = [m2(u2+p2v2+V22/2+gZ2) - m1(u1+p1v1+V12/2+gZ1)] + d(U+mV2/2+mgZ)

Steady Flow Energy Equation (SFEE)
• In engineering practice, we meet very often problems concerning steady flow
processes. The following are the conditions that exist in the steady flow
• The mass flow rates into and out of the system are equal and do not vary with time. This
implies that mass within the system does not change
• The state and energy of the fluid at the entrance and at the exit do not vary with time,
i.e. There is no change in energy within the system
• The rates of heat and work transfer into the system do not vary with time.
Thus for a steady flow process
m1 = m 2 = m

 mv 2 
d  u   mgz   0
 2 
Steady Flow Work  vdp
Applications of SFEE


Q=0 because it is insulated

change in potential energy =0 (Z1=Z2)

W = m{(h2-h1) + (V22-V12)/2}/1000 kW
Applications of SFEE


Q= 0 (Insulated)

Z1=Z2 (No change in potential Energy)

V1= V2 ( Not much change in velocities at inlet

and exit)

-W = m(h2-h1)/1000 kW
Applications of SFEE

Q= 0 (Insulated)
Z1 = Z2
W=0 (No Shaft work)

h2+ V22/2 = h1+V12/2

Applications of SFEE

Throttling Device
Q=0 (Insulated)
W=0 (No Shaft work)

h1= h2
Comparison of SFEE with Euler and Bernoulli Equation

Consider SFEE
V22  V12
Q  h2  h1    z 2  z1 g  W
SFEE in differential form is given by
Q  dh  VdV  gdz  W
Substituting corresponding values and differentiating

du  pdv  du  pdv  vdp  VdV  gdz  W

Fluid flowing through a pipe shaft work done is zero

vdp  VdV  gdz  0

This is Euler Equation
Comparison of SFEE with Euler and Bernoulli Equation
For an incompressible Fluid

V22 V12
v( p2  p1 )    g ( z 2  z1 )  0
2 2
p1 V12 p2 V22
  z1 g    z2 g
 2  2
p V2
  z g  cons tan t
 2

This is Bernoulli’s Equation, valid for an inviscid, incompressible fluid

Comparison of SFEE with Euler and Bernoulli Equation

( pv   gZ )  0 Bernoulli ' s equation
Q  W  (u  pv   gZ ) SFEE

• Bernoulli’s Equation is Valid for inviscid, incompressible flow

• SFEE is valid for viscous, compressible fluids as well
• First law of thermodynamics is the law of conservation of energy
• The concept of energy is due to First Law and it is a property of the system
• First law can be studied with respect to
• System executing cycle, process
• Open system
• Most of the engineering system obey SFEE
• Bernoulli’s Equation can be obtained from SFEE, hence, Bernoulli’s equation is the
equation of energy
• Air flows steadily at the rate of 0.5 kg/s through an air compressor, entering at 7
m/s velocity, 100 kPa pressure, and 0.95 m3/kg volume, and leaving at 5 m/s, 700
kPa and 0.19 m3/kg. The internal energy of the air leaving is 90kJ/kg greater than
that of the air entering. Cooling water in the compressor jackets absorbs heat
from the air at the rate of 58kW.
• Compute the rate of shaft work input to the air in kW
• Find the ratio of the inlet pipe diameter to outlet pipe diameter
W=? Q=-58kW


V2=7 m/s
1 Control Surface
v2=0.95 m3/kg
V1=7 m/s u2= 90+u1
v1=0.95 m3/kg
m 1= m 2
Q- W = m{ h2-h1 +(v2 -V1 )/2 + g(Z2-Z1)}/1000 kW
2 2

A1V1/v1 =A2V2/v2
Substituting the Values W= 122 kW
d1/d2 = 1.89
• In a steady flow apparatus, 135 kJ of work is done by each kg of fluid. The specific
volume of the fluid, pressure and velocity at the inlet are 0.37 m 3/kg, 600 kPa and
16 m/s. The inlet is 32 m above the floor, and the discharge pipe is at floor level.
The discharge conditions are 0.62 m3/kg, 100 kPa and 270 m/s. The total heat loss
between the inlet and discharge is 9 kJ/kg of fluid. While flowing through this
apparatus, does the specific internal energy increase or decrease and how much?
Q=-9 kJ/kg W=135 kJ/kg

Q- W = m{ h2-h1 +(v22-V12)/2 + g(Z2-Z1)}/1000 kW

v1=0.37 m3/kg
p1=600 kPa h2= u2+p2v2 , h1=u1+p1v1
V1=16 m/s
1 Substituting the values
Z1=32 m u2-u1= -20 kJ

2 v2=0.37 m3/kg
p2=600 kPa
V2=16 m/s
Z2=32 m
• In a steam power station, steam flows steadily through a 0.2 m diameter pipe line
from the boiler to the turbine. At the boiler end, the steam conditions are found
to be p=4 MPa, t=4000C, h=3213 kJ/kg and v=0.073 m3/kg. At the turbine end,
the conditions are found to be : p=3.5 MPa, t=3920C, h= 3202.6 kJ/kg, and
v=0.084 m3/kg. There is a heat loss of 8.5 kJ/kg from the pipe line. Calculate the
steam flow rate.
Boiler Turbine

1 2
p2= 3.5MPa
p1= 4MPa
h2=3202.6 kJ/kg
h1=3213 kJ/kg
v2=0.084 m3/kg
v1=0.073 m3/kg
• A Certain water heater operates under steady flow conditions receiving 4.2 kg/s
of water at 750C temperature, enthalpy 313.93 kJ/kg. The water is heated by
mixing with steam which is supplied to the heater at temperature 100.20C and
enthalpy 2676 kJ/kg. The mixture leaves the heater as liquid water at
temperature 1000C and enthalpy 419 kJ/kg. How much steam must be supplied to
the heater per hour?
hw=313.93 kJ/kg


ms =?
hs=2676 kJ/kg

Warm Water th=100oC
hh=419 kJ/kg
• A steam turbine delivering 18.375 kW receives steam at 1.4 MPa with u1=2715.7
kJ/kg, v1=0.166 m3/kg and V1=120 m/s. Steam is exhausted at 0.007 MPa with
u2=2172.5 kJ/kg, v2=18.666 m3/kg and V2=330 m/s. The heat loss over the surface
of the turbine is 20.89 kJ/kg. Neglecting change in potential energy, determine
the work done per kg of steam and steam flow through the turbine in kg/h
Q=-20.89 kJ

p1=14.00 kPa
u1= 2715.7 kJ/kg
v1=0.166 m3/kg
V1=120 m/s

p2=7.00 kPa
u2= 2172.5 kJ/kg
v1=18.6 m3/kg
V1=330 m/s
• A steam nozzle is supplied with 2400 kg/h of steam at 1.5 MPa. At the inlet
V1=1800m/min, v1=0.15 m3/kg and u1=2590.36 kJ/kg and the corresponding
values at the exit are p2=100 kPa, v2=1.7 m3/kg and u2=2506.8 kJ/kg. Calculate the
exit velocity.
1 2

p1= 1.5 MPa p2= 100 kPa

V1=1800 m/min v2=1.7m3/kg
v1=0.15 m3/kg u2=2506.8 kJ/kg
u1=2590.36 kJ/kg
• The inlet and exit conditions of the fluid passed through a nozzle to increase the
velocity are h1= 2987.27 kJ/kg, V1=60 m/s , h2=2757.48 kJ/kg. Neglecting the heat
loss from the nozzle and assuming the nozzle to be horizontal, find
• The exit velocity of the fluid
• The mass flow rate through the nozzle if inlet area is 1000 cm2and the specific
volume at inlet is 0.187 m3/kg
• The exit area of the nozzle if the specific volume at the exit is 0.498 m3/kg

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