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C Program Development Environment

 A C program must go through various phases such as:

1. Creating a program with editor
2. Execution of preprocessor program
3. Compilation
4. Linking
5. Loading
6. Executing

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Program is created in
Editor Disk the editor and stored
on disk.
Preprocessor program
Preprocessor Disk processes the code.
Compiler creates
Compiler Disk object code and stores
it on disk.
Linker links the object
Linker Disk code with the libraries,

Primary Memory

Loader puts program in memory.
Disk ..

Primary Memory

CPU CPU takes each

instruction and
executes it, possibly
.. storing new data
.. values as the program
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Difference between library and headerfile
Header File is On other hand Library is
the file where all the file where the
the headers implementation code of
name are each header is written
mentioned that down which is mentioned
going to be used in the Header file.
or consumed in
the main code

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C Program Development
Phase 1: Create your Phase 2: A preprocessor Phase 3: Compiler
program with an editor find some preprocessor compiles the program
program directives (#include into machine languages
<stdio.h>) to include
other files.

Phase 6: CPU executes the Phase 5: A loader loads Phase 4: A linker links
program one instruction at the executable image the object code with the
a time. The load process in into memory (RAM). code in library or other
Windows OS is just input places to produce an
the name of the executable executable image.

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C programs are converted into machine
language with the help of
a) An editor
b) A compiler
c) An operating system
d) An interpreter

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• Algorithm is defined as “ the finite set of steps,
which provide a chain of action for solving a
• It is step by step solution to given problem.
• Well organized, pre-arranged and defined
textual computational module

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Steps to create an Algorithm
1. Identify the Inputs
• What data do I need?
• How will I get the data?
• In what format will the data be?

2. Identify the Outputs

• What outputs do I need to return to the user?
• What format should the outputs take?
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Steps to create an Algorithm
3. Identify the Processes
• How can I manipulate data to produce
meaningful results?
• Data vs. Information

4. Break the Solution to steps

By breaking the solution to the steps we can
easily understand the logic of program

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Algorithm: Add 2 Numbers
Problem: To add two numbers.

• Step1. Start.
• Step2. Take the two numbers.
• Step3. Add them.
• Step4. Print the result.
• Step5. Stop.

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Flow Chart
• Flow Chart is pictorial representation of an
• Whatever we have done in algorithm we can
represent it in picture.
• It is easy to understand.
• Shows the flow of the instruction

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Flow Chart Symbols

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Flow Chart: Add 2 Numbers

Quick yak:
Ask students t
TAKE TWO draw a flow ch
for going to a



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• pseudocode statements that appear to have
been written in a computer programming
language but do not necessarily follow any
syntax rules of any specific language.
• The purpose of using pseudocode is that it is
easier for people to understand than
conventional programming language code,
and that it is an efficient and environment-
independent description of the key principles
of an algorithm.
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Example of Pseudocode
• start
input myNumber
set myAnswer = myNumber * 2
output myAnswer

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Q1 The symbol denotes _______

a) I/O
b) Flow
c) Terminal
d) Decision

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Q2 Informal high level description of an
algorithm in english is called
• A Function
• B Class
• C Pseudo code
• D None of the above

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• A simple C program consists of
– Comments (optional)
• //
• /*….*/
– Including header files
• #include<header file name>
– Functions
• main function as special function
• Other user defined functions (optional)

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Comments in C
• Two forward slashes ‘ // ’ (double forward
slashes), are used to write single line comment
• The next combination ‘ /*……..*/ ’ (forward
slash with asterisk) is used for commenting
multiple lines

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Header files
– stdio.h: standard input output header file for
functions printf(),scanf(),... and so on
– conio.h: console input output header file for
functions getch()…. and so on

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Header files
C code example

Program //Sample program

#include<stdio.h> //header file for printf()
#include<conio.h> //header file for getch()
int main()
//stdio.h is providing printf() function
printf(“Car is under process”);
//conio.h is providing getch() function

Car is under process

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• We have seen that Tokens are broadly classified as:
– Identifiers
– Keywords
– Constants
– Variables
– Strings
– Operators
– Special character

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• All of them are not variables.

• They are used to name a variable, a function, a class, a
structure, a union.
• It is created to give a unique name to an entity.
• They can consist of alphabets, digits, and underscores.
• There is no punctuation or special symbol, except the
• It can be upper case or lower case.
• It can start with lower case letter, upper case letter or an
• It helps locate the name of the entity which is defined along
with a keyword.

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It is used to give a name to a memory

It holds a value.
The names of variables are different.
They help allot a unique name to a specific
memory location.

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Rules for naming a Variable
1. An variable name is any combination of 1 to 31
alphabets, digits or underscores.

2. The first character in the variable name must be an

alphabet or underscore.

3. No blanks or special symbol other than an

underscore can be used in an variable name.

4. Keywords are not allowed to be used as variables.

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Variable Initialization
• Assigning some value to the variable at
time of creation of variable is known as
variable initialization.
datatype variable_name = value;

Example: int radius= 15;

float pi = 3.14;
char grade = ‘A’;

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• The entity which do not change throughout
the execution are called constants.
• Types of constants:
– Integer constant
– Character constant
– Floating point constants
– String constants
Name of person remains same through out
the life, example: Amit, Shubnam, etc.

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• Integer Constants
– When the constant contains only digits without
any decimal part
Example : 5;

• Floating Constant
– Constants that contains number with decimal
Example : 3.14;


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• Character constants
– Constants enclosed in single quotes(‘ ’).
– It can be any letter from character set.
Example : ‘\n’, ‘\t’ or ‘a’

• String Constants
– Set of zero or more characters enclosed in double
quotes (eg: “ ” )
– It is represented as sequence of characters within
double quotes. Example : “This is C programming”

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• Operator is the symbol which performs some
operations on the operands.

5+5=10 + and = are the operator and

5 and 10 are operands

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• Expressions are the statements or the instruction
given to computer to perform some operation.
• Every expression results in some value that can be
stored in a variable.
• Following are few example of expressions in
– Expression to calculate speed of a car.
• Speed=distance/time
– Expression to find similarity of two things.
• c=value1>value2

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Example: addition of two numbers, 5+8, these numbers will be

Example: The addition, subtraction, etc will be operators

Expressions in C are basically operators acting on operands.

An operand is an entity on which operation is to be performed.

An operator specifies the operation to be applied on operands.

Expressions are made of one or more operands.

Statements like :
a = b + c,
300 > (8 * k)
Types of Operators
• Types of operators are:
1. Arithmetic operator
2. Unary operator
3. Relational operator
4. Logical operator
5. Assignment operator
6. Conditional operator
7. Bitwise operator
8. Special operator
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Description of Operators

 Arithmetic Operators
These are binary operators i.e. expression requires two operands
Operator Description Example (a=4 and b=2)
+ Addition of two operands a+b=6
- Subtraction of two operands a–b=2
* Multiplication of two operands a*b=8
/ Division of two operands a/b=2
% Modulus gives the remainder a%b=0
after division of two operands

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 Unary Operator
These operator requires only one operand.
Operator Description Example(count=1)
+ unary plus is used to show +count; value is 1
positive value

- unary minus negates the value of -count; value is -1

++ Increment operator is used to ++count; value is 2
increase the operand value by 1 count++; value is 2
-- Decrement operator is used to --count; value is 1
decrease the operand value by 1 count--; value is 1

++count increments count by 1 and then uses its value as the value of the
expression. This is known a prefix operator.
count++ uses count as the value of the expression and then increments
count by 1. This is known as postfix operator.

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#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i = 1, 2, 3;
printf("%d", i);
return 0;
a)1 c) prints 1,2,3
b)3 d) compile time error

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• Operator % in C Language is called.?
A) Percentage Operator
B) Quotient Operator
C) Modulus
D) Division

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• Choose a right statement.
int a = 10 + 4.867;
A) a = 10
B) a = 14.867
C) a = 14
D) compiler error.

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int main()
int c=--2;
printf(“c=%d”, c);
return 0;
a)1 b) -2 c) 2 d)error

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int main()
int x = 4, y, z;
y = --x;
z = x--;
printf("%d, %d, %d\n", x, y, z);
return 0;
a) 4,3,3 b)3,3,3 c)2,3,3 d)4,4,3

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int main()
int c=2.4;
printf("c=%f", c);
return 0;
a) 0.000000
b) 2.4
c) 2
d) error

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 Relational Operator
It compares two operands depending upon the their relation.
Expression generates zero(false) or nonzero(true) value.
Operator Description Example (a=10
and b=20)
< less than, checks if the value of left operand is less (a < b) value is 1(true)
than the value of right operand, if yes then condition
becomes true.
<= less than or equal to, checks if the value of left (a <= b) value is 1
operand is less than or equal to the value of right (true).
operand, if yes then condition becomes true.
> greater than, checks if the value of left operand is (a > b) value is 0 (not
greater than the value of right operand, if yes then true).
condition becomes true.
>= greater than or equal to, checks if the value of left (a >= b) value is 1
operand is greater than or equal to the value of right (true).
operand, if yes then condition becomes true.
== equality ,checks if the value of two operands is equal (a == b) value is 0
or not, if yes then condition becomes true. (not true).
!= inequality, checks if the value of two operands is equal (a != b) value is 1
or not, if values are not equal then condition becomes (true).

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 Logical Operator
It checks the logical relationship between two expressions
and the result is zero( false) or nonzero(true).

Operator Description Example

&& Logical AND operator. If both the operands are (5>3 && 5<10) value is
true then condition becomes true. 1 (true).
|| Logical OR Operator. If any of the two (5>3 || 5<2) value is 1
operands is true then condition becomes true. (true).
! Logical NOT Operator. Use to reverses the !(8==8) value is 0
logical state of its operand. If a condition is (false).
true then Logical NOT operator will make

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 Conditional Operator
Conditional operator contains condition followed by two
statements. If the condition is true the first statement is
executed otherwise the second statement.
It is also called as ternary operator because it requires three

Operator Description Example

?: conditional expression, (a>b)? “a is greater”: “b is
Condition? Expression1: Expression2 greater”

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Choose a syntax for C Ternary Operator from
the list.
A) condition ? expression1 : expression2
B) condition : expression1 ? expression2
C) condition ? expression1 < expression2
D) condition < expression1 ? expression2

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int main()
int a=0;
a = 5<2 ? 4 : 3;
return 0;
A) 4 B) 3 C) 5 D) 2

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 Bitwise Operator
A bitwise operator works on each bit of data.
Logical Table Operator Description Example(a=1
and b=0)
a b a&b a|b a^b
& bitwise AND a&b=0
0 0 0 0 0
| bitwise OR a| b = 1
0 1 0 1 1
^ bitwise XOR a^b=1
1 1 1 1 0
~ bitwise one’s ~a = 0, ~b=1
1 0 0 1 1 complement
<< bitwise left shift, 1101 << 1 = 1010
indicates the bits are
to be shifted to the
>> bitwise right shift, 1101 >> 1 = 0110
indicates the bits are
to be shifted to the

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 Some Special Operators

Operator Description Example

, comma operator, can be used to link int a, b, x;
the related expressions together
sizeof () sizeof operator to find the size of an int a; sizeof(a)=2
type Cast operator, to change the data float x= 12.5;
type of the variable int a;
a = (int) x; value of a is 12.

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MCQ 11
Choose a right statement.
int main()
float c = 3.5 + 4.5;
printf("%d", (int)c);
return 0;
A) 8.0 B) 8.000000 C) 7 D) 8

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Precedence of Operators
• The precedence of operators determine a rank
for the operators. The higher an operator's
precedence or priority, the higher “binding” it
has on the operands.

Example: So how the expression a * b + c will be interpreted?

(a * b) + c or a * (b + c),
here the first interpretation is the one that is used because the multiplication
operator has higher precedence than addition.

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Associativity of Operators
• Associativity tell us the order in which several operators with
equal precedence are computed or processed in two
directions, either from left to right or vice-versa.

Example: In the expression

a * b / c,
since multiplication and division have the same precedence we must use the
associativity to determine the grouping. These operators are left associative
which means they are grouped left to right as if the expression was
(a * b) / c.

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Operator Associativity Type
() [] . -> ++(postfix) - - (postfix) left to right Highest
+ - ++ -- ! & * ~ sizeof (type) right to left Unary
* / % left to right multiplicative
+ - left to right additive
<< >> left to right shifting
< <= > >= left to right relational
== != left to right equality
& left to right bitwise AND
^ left to right bitwise OR
| left to right bitwise OR
&& left to right logical AND
|| left to right logical OR
?: right to left conditional
= += -= *= /= &= |= ^= <<= >>= %= right to left assignment
, left to right comma

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• What is the output of this C code?

int main()
int i = -5;
int k = i %4;
printf("%d\n", k);
• A. Compile time error
• B. -1
• C. 1
• D. None

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int main()
int i = 5;
int l = i / -4;
int k = i % -4;
printf("%d %d\n", l, k);
return 0;

• A. Compile time error

• B. -1 1
• C. 1 -1
• D. Run time error

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• void main()
int x = 4.3 % 2;
printf("Value of x is %d", x);
}A. Value of x is 1.3
• B. Value of x is 2
• C. Value of x is 0.3
• D. Compile time error

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• The precedence of arithmetic operators is
(from highest to lowest)?
• A. %, *, /, +, -
• B. %, +, /, *, -
• C. +, -, %, *, /
• D. %, +, -, *, /

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• Which of the following data type will throw an
error on modulus operation(%)?
• A. char
• B. short
• C. float
• D. int

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• void main()
int x = 0;
if (x = 0)
printf("Its zero\n");
printf("Its not zero\n");

• A. Its not zero

• B. Its zero
• C. Run time error
• D. None

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• int main()
int a = 20;
double b = 15.6;
int c;
c = a + b;
printf("%d", c);
• A. 35
• B. 36
• C. 35.6
• D. 30

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• int main()
int a = 20, b = 15, c = 5;
int d;
d = a == (b + c);
printf("%d", d);
• A. 1
• B. 40
• C. 10
• D. 5
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