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BY- Touheed Akhter

(Assistant Professor)
2.1-Teaching Technique-
1- Lecture Method- In the field of education, this method is familiar and
widely used by the teacher especially in the class rooms where he usually
goes on speaking and the students go on listening to him. The students
usually ask the teacher questions at the end of the lecture if need be or if
the teacher is prepared to give the answers. When the lecture has been
carefully planned and is delivered in an interesting manner, children
remains responsive but when lecture is poorly planned or there is no
humour in it or that the teacher can not keep the class wide awake, it
becomes irritating and dull. Lecture is a useful method of teaching only
when it is combined with other methods of teaching otherwise, it remains
teacher or subject centered with no student participation.
2- Command Method- In order to conduct any activity programme, this
method is considered to be most appropriate and accurate. It is the way by
which the students are commended to perform an activity especially drill
and marching or a start in athletics. In fact, command method itself is not
a full-fleged method because of the fact that an activity can not be taught
or done with command only unless it has been introduced, explained and
demonstrated fairly well.
3-Demonstration Method- In this particular method, the teacher will
demonstrate the activity with a brief explanation. It is the most important
method in teaching physical activities. The teacher demonstrates the skills
of the activities in front of the whole class. This method enables the
students to gain confidence to perform various physical activities including
morning assemblies, march- past, drill march, parade front of the
4-Imitation Method- This type of method is more appropriate in
imparting various physical activities programmes to the primary school
pupils. This method is more effective in the mind of primary school
children as their mind and understanding are not so developed to such an
extent that they can follow oral and commanding instructions. The primary
school children are in a habit of imitate and they can easily perform
activity by imitating their teacher’s demonstration.
5- Project Method- There has been more emphasis on this method in the
field of education. This method denotes that problems have been presented
to the students, areas have been demarcated and the school population is
grouped. Now the students themselves should find the answers to their
problems. Because of the nature of activities in physical education, this
method does not work effectively with the students. In arranging camps,
picnics, hikes and tracks, perhaps, this method may be of some use to the
teacher of physical education.
2.2-Teaching Procedure-
1-Whole Method- When a skill is taught as a whole without splitting
into part is known as whole method. The students are encouraged to do the
beginning, for example, a style in jumping events or diving.
2- Whole Part- Whole Method- In this method a full and clear cut
conception of the whole activity is given at the out set. Then the activity
divided into its meaningful parts and thought. After practicing these skills
by practice the players practice the game as a whole. This method is highly
recommended to teach a major game.
3- Part- Whole Method- When a particular activity is broken or
divided into some meaningful parts, it is called part method. For example,
teaching the skill in volleyball. When a skill is taught as a whole without
splitting into part is known as whole method. The students are encouraged
to do the beginning, for example, a style in jumping events or diving.
2.3-Presentation Technique-
Personal Preparation- The teacher should be prepared himself for
each class from head to foot. This includes clean, neat, appropriate
costumes, hair style etc., and such other factors as keep him well groomed
up. Appearance is too frequently neglected by the teacher of physical
education. Some of us apparently over look or forget the fact that pupils
are more strongly influenced by example then they are by percept. The
teacher’s costumes is a part of the environment that yields example to the
pupils behaviour. The teacher should be dressed in costume appropriate for
the activity. The costume worn by the teacher must be good and smart
Technical Preparation- The teacher must be prepared more than a
lawyer, a physician or a surgeon. He must have the technical knowledge
and skill which render quality to a professional service. Some of the
guidelines that guide the physical educator refer to the child, some of the
school, to the department. The teaching learning process, the programme
of physical education and the required facilities.

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