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Maja Strzelecka, Natalia Machowska, Lena Czech
1st year students of Organizational Science at faculty of management of
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Course: Work
Environment Physic

Our task is to design ideal workplace for the instructors of sport shooting. We want
to show how important it is to protect yourself from sound at the shooting range.
The profession of sport shooting instructor involves a high risk of hearing damage.
It is important that the appropriate workstation is well prepared so that our
employees do not lose their full health and can perform their duties in peace.
Stoppers, or ear plugs. They can be disposable or reusable. For people
using the shooting range, silicone stoppers are recommended - semi-
active stoppers recommended for shooters, permitting sounds below a
certain limit, which is 80 db. In these semi-active stoppers, you can talk
freely and the impulse sound, which is the bang of a gunshot will be

Passive protectors This type of earmuff is shaped like a large

headset. Their special design gives comfort of use, even during
long time of wearing. Active protectors They are similar to the
passive ones but their advantage is the possibility of free
conversation with other shooters on the range. Built into the
protectors, active soundproofing system automatically blocks
uniform and impulsive sounds. Continuous regulation gives the
possibility of cutting out the sounds above a certain limit, e.g. 85
dB. Thanks to that, the gunshot noise will be suppressed and
conversations or given commands will be perfectly heard.

Rest area An important aspect of the instructor's work is rest, it affects

concentration and allows our body to breathe. Specially soundproofed Chill
Zone allows you to rest from the noise and stress associated with shooting,
gives the opportunity for a momentary convalescence, thanks to the break
in work we reduce the risk of hearing damage

Shooting range surroundings The shooting range should be located away

from the city center so that it does not disturb other residents. It is
important that the building is surrounded by nature - trees, which will
protect and drown out the noise. Surrounded by nature, the instructors have
the opportunity to go for a walk in an interesting area without the
surrounding city noise.


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