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1.The base and height of the triangle are in the

ratio of 4:3 and its area is 294 sq cm, the base is?
A.21cm B.24cm C.20cm D.30cm E.nota
2.The height of a triangle is 4/9 of its base and its
area is 450 sq cm , the height is?
A.45cm B.20cm C.25cm D.30cm E.nota
3.The sides of a triangle are in the ratio of 3:5:7
and its perimeter is 90cm, the largest side is?
A.48cm B.40cm C.45cm D.42cm E.nota
4.The sides of a triangle are in the ratio of
3:5:7 ,and its perimeter is 150cm , the largest
side is?
A.25 B.20 C.30 D.35 E.nota
5.Area of an equilateral triangle is 9 √3sq cm. its
perimeter is?
A.9cm B.18cm C.18√3cm D.21cm E.nota
6.Perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 24cm its
area is?
A.16 B.48 C.16√3 D.13√3 En.nota
7.What is the side of an equilateral triangle of
height 3√3cm ?
A.6√3 B.6 C.3 D.8 E.nota
8.Find the area of an equilateral triangle of
height 12cm?
A.72 B.48 C.48√3 D.36√3 E.nota
9.Find the height of an equilateral triangle of an
area 16√3 sq cm ?
A.12 B.48 C.16 D.4√3 E.nota
10.The sides of a triangle are 8cm,15cm and 17cm
its area is?
A.120 B.68 C.60 D.30 E.nota
11.The sides of a triangle are 9cm, 40cm, and
41cm its area is?
A.180 B.360 C.90 D.150 E.nota
12.If the length of the diagonal of rhombus is
56cm and its area is 1176cm sq the length of its
other diagonal is?
A.84 B.42 C.56 D.112 E.nota
13.If two adjacent sides of a rectangle are in the ratio
of 3:4 and its area is 48m sq and its perimeter is?
A.14 B.24 C.28 D.30 E.nota
14.The diagonal of a square is 6cm its area is?
A.9 B.12 C.15 D.18 E.nota
15.If the ratios of the areas of two squares is 16:1
then the ratio of their perimeters is?
A.4:1 B.16:1 C.1:3 D.3:4 E.nota
16.The length of rectangle is 1cm more than its
width , its perimeter is 14cm, the area of the
rectangle is?
A.16 B.14 C.12 D.10 E.nota
17.The length of a diagonal of a square is 20cm ,
the area of a square is ?
A.400 B.300 C.200 D.D.I E.nota
18.The difference between the length and breadth
of a rectangle is 23 cm, if its perimeter is 200cm
and its area is?
A.1520 B.2420 C.2480 D.2520 E.nota
19.The angles of a triangle are 2x-15,x+20,and x-5
find the value of x?
A.90 B.60 C.35 D.45 E.nota
20.The circumference of a circle is 132cm, its area
A.1386 B.2464 C.616 D.693 E.nota
21.The area of a circle is 616 sqcm its circumference
A.60 B.132 C.44 D.88 E.nota
22.The radius of circle becomes 50% by what
percentage will its area be decreased?
A.25 B75 C.50 D.80 E.nota
23.The circumference of semi circle is 72cm its area
A.616 B.154 C.308 D.77 E.nota
24.The are of a semi circle is 693 sqcm its
circimference is?
A.72 B.144 C.98 D.108 E.nota
25.There is a path of 3m with around and outside of
a circular field of 9m radius, area of the path is?
A.108 B.198 C.594 D.452 E.nota
26.There is a path of one meter width around and
outside of circular field of 13 m diameter, find the
cost of paving it at Rs.360 per square meter?
A.110 B.220 C.140 D.88 E.nota
27.Find the area of sector of radius 8cm and angle
made by the sector center at the centre of the circle
is 35 degrees?
A.17 5/9 B.19 5/8 C.19 2/3 D.18 1/5 E.nota
28.Find the angle made by the sector of area
8.8sqcm in a circle of radius 4cm?
A.45degree B.36 degree C.54 degree D.63
degree E.nota
29.The side of a square is increased by 20%, find
the percentage change in its area?
A.44%inc B.20%inc D.140%inc E.nota
30. The of a square is 69% find the percentage
increase in its side?
A.35inc B.60%inc C.30%inc D.20%inc E.nota
31. The area of a square is decreased by 36% find
the % change in its area ?
A) 25% dec B)20 C)30 D)40 E)nota
32. The length of a rectangle is increased by 30%
and the breadth is decreased by 30%. Find the %
change in its area ?
A)9% inc B)30% dec C)9% dec D)0.9% dec
33. The length of a rectangle is increased by 20%
and the breadth is decreased by 40%. Find the %
change in its area?
A)28% inc B)20% inc C)20% dec D)28%dec
34. Find the % change in the area of a rectangle if
only its length is increased by 25%?
A)50% inc B)62% inc C)25% inc D)56.25% inc
35. Find the % change in the area of a rectangle if
only its breadth is decreased by 12% ?
A)6% dec B)44% dec C)20% dec D)12% dec
36. The length of a rectangle is increased by 50% .
By how much percentage should its breadth be
decreased to get the original area ?
A)33 1/3 % B)30% C)20% D)66 2/3% E.nota
37.The length of a rectangle is decreased by
25%. By how much percentage should its
breadth be increased to get the original area?
A.20% B.33 1/3 % C.16 2/3 % D.40%
38.Three solid metallic balls of diameter 3cm,
4cm, and 5cm are melted into a solid sphere.
The radius of the new sphere is?
A.6cm B.4cm C.3cm D.5cm E.nota
39.The volume of a cube is 512 cubic cm Its
surface area is?
A.284 B.384 C.484 D.576 E.nota
40.A semi circular shaped window has diameter of
53cm. Its perimeter equals to?
A.126cm B.162cm C.198cm D.251cm E.nota
41.A solid spherical ball of diameter 6cm is melted
into a cone with diameter of the base as 12cm .
The height of the cone is?
A.6cm B.2cm C.4cm D.3cm E.nota
42.A copper sphere of diameter 9cm is melted and
drawn into a wire of 2m diameter. The length of wire
is ?
A.122m B.121.5m C.121.75m D.122.25m E.nota
43.The surface area of two spheres are in the ratio
1:16. Their radii are in the ratio:
A.16:1 B.4:1 C.1:4 D.1:16 E.nota
44.The number of spheres of 6cm diameter that
can be made out of a metallic solid cylinder of
diameter 4cm and height 45cm is?
A.5 B6 C.8 D.10 E.nota
45.The radii of two cones are in the ratio 2:1. their
volumes are equal. Find the ratio of height?
A.2:1 B.4:1 C.1:8 D.1:4 E.nota
46.A circular well is dug to a depth of 14 meters
with a diameter of 2m. What is the volume of
the earth dug out?
A.32 B.36 C.40 D.44 E.nota
47.If the volume of two cubes are in the ratio 27:1 ,
the ratio of their edges is?
A.3:1 B.27:1 C.1:3 D.1:27 E.nota
48.A solid metallic cone of height 10cm and
radius of base 20cm is melted to make
spherical balls each of 4cm diameter. How
many such balls can be made?
A.25 B.75 C.50 D.125 E.nota
49.The area of the ring between two concentric
circles, whose circumferences are in 88cm and
132cm is?
A.780 B.770 C.715 D.660 E.nota
50.The volumes of two spheres are in the ratio 8:27
The ratio of their surface areas is?
A.4:9 B.2:3 C.4:5 D.5:6 E.nota
51.How many cubes each of edge 3cm can be cut
from a cube of edge 15cm?
A.25 B.27 C.125 D.144 E.nota
52.If the volumes of two cubes are in the ratio
27:64, the ratio of their total surface areas is?
A.27:64 B.20:27 C.9:4 D.4:9 E.nota
53.The base radii of two cylinder are in the ratio
2:3 and their heights are in the ratio 5:3 . The
ratio of their volumes is?
A.27:20 B.20:27 C.9:4 D.4:9 E.nota
54.Three solid metalic spheres diameter 6cm, 8cm
and 10cm are melted and recast into a new solid
sphere. The diameter of the new sphere is?
A.4cm B.6cm C.8cm D.12cm E.nota
55.Three solid metalic balls of radii 3cm , 4cm and
5cm are melted and mouled into a single solid ball.
The radius of the new ball is?
A.2cm B.3cm C.4cm D.6cm E.nota

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