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Sentences and
A sentence is a group of words
that expresses a complete
thought. A sentence names
someone or something and tells
what that person or thing is or
Example: I love reading books.
 A fragment is a group of words that do not
express a complete thought.
 A fragment is simply an incomplete
sentence - it does not have all the parts
required to be a complete sentence.

 Example: Spent hours in gift shops. (Who?)

Let’s Practice!
Sentence or Not?
 My family visited many places this
 Going to the house.

 Make things by hand.

 Machines change people’s lives.

 I love to watch movies.

Practice continued…
 Walking through the woods.
 The circus clown under the big top.

 My name is Nida Nazar.

 She is my daughter.

 Welcome to the class of Basic English.

 To the moon and back.

Did you get them right?
 My family visited many places this
year. (Sentence)
 Going to the house. (Fragment)

 Make things by hand. (Fragment)

 Machines change people’s lives.

 I love to watch movies. (Sentence)
 Walking through the woods.
 The circus clown under the big top.

 My name is Nida Nazar. (Sentence)

 She is my daughter.( Fragment)

 Welcome to the class of Basic English.

( Sentence)
 To the moon and back.( Fragment)
Do you ever need to ask a
question? Of course you do! Do
you ever need to make a request
or give a command? Certainly! Do
you ever need to show emotion?
Emphatically! Do you ever need to
give information? Without a doubt.
Just as you ask question, deliver
information, make exclamations, or
make a request in daily
communications, the written words
need to reflect the same goal. For
this reason the structural aspect of
language is divided into categories
based on the purpose and form of
the sentence
The Fabulous Four
No, we’re not talking about the
popular British rock band here.
Nothing as exciting, but
fundamentally much more
important when it comes to your
writing. We’re talking about the 4
fundamental sentence kind. So,
let’s get to it.
Four types of Sentences

1. Declarative
2. Interrogative
3. Imperative
4. Exclamatory
Declarative Sentences
Declarative sentences make a
statement to relay information
or ideas. They are punctuated
with a simple period. Formal
essays or reports are
composed almost entirely of
declarative sentences
Declarative Sentences

 The concert begins in two hours.

 You’re a good man, Charlie Brown.
 Green is my favorite color.
Imperative Sentences

Imperative sentences issue

command or request or they
express a desire or wish. They are
punctuated with a simple period.
Imperative Sentences

 Watch for oncoming traffic.

 Please lower your voice.

 Respond immediately.
Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences express

strong emotion. Exclamatory
sentence always end in an
exclamation mark, so it’s pretty
easy to spot them.
Exclamatory Sentences
 I can’t wait for the party!
 Please don’t go!

 Oh, my goodness, I won!

Interrogative sentences are also
easy to spot. That’s because they
always ask a question and end in
a question mark.

 Is it raining?
 Do you want Coke or Pepsi?

 How are you feeling now?

 Don’t forget that
a sentence always
begins with a
capital letter and
ends with an end
Lets Practice!
 What kind of candy do you like
 Go get the paper off the porch

 Wow, you did great

 I love to watch old movies

 I prefer coffee over tea

 Put the eggs in the basket

 Silence please

 My favorite color is Black

Did you get them right?
 What kind of candy do you like?
 Go get the paper off the porch.
 Wow, you did great!
 I love to watch old movies.
 I prefer coffee over tea.
 Put the eggs in the basket.

 Silence please!

 My favorite color is Black.

Subjects and
 Subject-  Predicate-
naming part of the the telling part of the
The predicate tells you
The subject tells you what the subject is
who or what the doing or has already
sentence is about. done.
Example: My friend Example: My friend
Mark loves to write. Mark loves to write.
Mark is who the Loves is the predicate
sentence is about. of the sentence.
Complete Subjects and
 The complete subject  The complete predicate
includes all the words includes all the words
that name who or what that tell what the subject
the sentence is about. of the sentence is or
The simple subject is does. The simple
the main word or words predicate is the main
in the complete subject. word or words in the
 Example: The empty complete predicate.
glass fell onto the floor.  Example: The empty glass
Glass is the simple fell onto the floor. Fell is
subject. The empty glass the simple predicate. Fell
is the complete subject. onto the floor is the
complete predicate.
Lets Practice!
 Milky-colored glass is used to make light

 Some kinds of glass do not break.

 Other kinds of glass can be heated to very

high temperatures.
 Simple Subject: glass
 Complete Subjects: Milky-colored glass

Some kinds of glass

Other kinds of glass

 Simple predicate: used

 Complete predicate: used to make light bulbs.

do not break.
can be heated to very high temperatures.

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