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5 Ms of development

5 Ms of development
Natural resources
Fundamental resources
Climate, soil, rainfall, forests, mineral
deposits, energy resources
Money or Capital Formation
 Single largest organisational invention in past 5000 yrs,
An abstract unit of account in terms of value, goods,
services and obligations can be measured.
 Barter system
 Babylon – receipts issue for grains deposit
 Money increased the no, size, speed and efficiency of
 Indefinite storage and overcame limitations of space
 Transforming effect in society, killed the feudal system
 Power of money is based on authority, economic aspect,
capacity to maintain fiscal discipline, to collect taxes, to
prevent counterfeiting
Money derives its power from the system
of which it is constituted and through
which it acts
Serves as a symbol of the infinite
potential for human accomplishment
Machinery or technological
Turning out a better product at same cost or
the same product at low cost.
New equipments
Capital formation & technological
advancement are closely related processes
Earlier labour intensive tech
Use of tech in health and education
Knowledge to operate user friendly tech
( demystification), costly maintenance, not
reducing manpower
Koontz, “Art of getting things done
through and with the people in formally
organised groups.”
Mc Farland, “ For conceptual, theoretical
and analytical purposes as that process by
which manager create, direct, maintain
and operate purposive organisation
through systematic, co-ordinated, co-
operative human effort.
Development requires proper planning,
organising, co-ordinating, staffing,
decision making and controlling all the
inputs for desired results.

Allother Ms are dealt through

Mass media as an agent of social change
Mass media’s role in Economic change
Media as an agent of cultural change
Symbiotic relationship b/n media and
society, economy and culture
Basic Needs Model
it refers to the situation where large
sections of country‟s population do not
participate in social, cultural, economic
and political activities of that country. The
concept of marginality gave rise to the
idea that the depressed groups have the
right to enjoy the products of society be it
goods, services, cultural values or 12
any other results of modernization.
The dominant group must cooperate so
that change is possible through gradual
extension of these products. The evident
underlying attitude is paternalistic and
giving to the needy.
The attributed causes of underdevelopment are
that the marginal sector is devoid of basic needs
and people are living below subsistence level.
The Bariloche Foundation in Argentina (1972)
first developed a world model to show the
feasibility of meeting the basic needs of people
all over the world on the basis of certain
assumption regarding resource availability and
environmental constraints, development must
enhance the welfare of the poor and satisfy
minimum needs.
At later stages, the concept of BMN was
broadened to include non-material human
needs to give quality of life to the poor,
once the material needs were satisfied.
Both mass media and interpersonal
channels should be used for achieving
normative needs.

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