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We are the Group 4

Ellyza Mitch Arciga

Keziah Michaela Denosta
Princess Mae Quimada
Ma. Queenie Angela Ricardo
John Dave Rubio
Renz Manny Amante
Before we start, let’s play a game first it is
called “Pinoy Henyo”
“Pinoy Henyo” is a word and mind game
popularized in the Philippine’s. The
mechanics of the game is actually very
simple. The guesser should guess the word
within 3 minutes and the twist is that the
word is related to our recent topic. We have
one simple rule, that is no whispering the
answer to the guesser.
Definition Essay:
Trust, What Is Trust?
Are you ready to listen?
Definition Essay: Trust What is trust?
The dictionary meaning of trust is a firm belief in the reliability,
truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. The second meaning is,
confidence placed in a
person by making that person the nominal owner of property to be held or used
for the benefit of one
or more others. But what can we really define as trust? In this paper, I will
discuss how trust is used
every day in different situations, how we deal with trust in various relationships,
and how we as
individuals practice trust within ourselves. There are many different kinds of
examples of trust. Some
include, trust in your family, trust in your friends, and trust in someone special to
You want friends who you can count on, tell your deepest secrets too, and be able to
everything with. As a child I had two best friends who meant the world to me and w
anything too. These girls we’re both my next-door neighbors who I have known now
As a child, you make a variety of friends and every new friend you make you can ca
because there is innocence and excitement there when having someone new come in
of growing up is realizing who your true friends are. Who your life-long friends will
never relate to those temporary friends you made again. Another example, high scho
where you can make so many friends before you head off to college. In high school
drama that could cause you to lose trust in someone you thought would always have
is when you realize that in times of trouble and disappointment, the friends that have
many years will always be there to comfort you. We put our trust in people that we h
backs on to take us back once again when we need them, even if we do not deserve t
treatment. Trust comes and goes and you experience that in many relationships, but
have to learn not to hold someone up on a pedestal and accept whatever flaws and b
anyone has, because we ourselves carry some of those things as well.
When it comes to a relationship with someone you are dating, trust is an
essential element to have.
When you meet someone for the first time, you can trust them because you
haven’t experienced
something that tests the trust between you both. When getting into a serious
relationship, you
experience the good times and the bad times. When the tough times come, you
want to be able to
confide in that special person to help you through it and lift you up when you
are feeling down. Trust
comes and goes as you get to know someone and grow closer and closer into a
relationship with
them. As easy as it is to trust someone, it is easier to lose it. Owners of
companies, managers, chief
executive officers; these are people that employees apart of a company put
Therefore, the top head of any company puts trust in his or her
employees to get the job as well. Putting trust in God is another example
of trust. This is a type of trust that is very complex. Nonbelievers do not
seem to understand how we can put our trust into someone we cannot
see. With faith comes trust, and as we grow in our faith, trusting comes a
lot easier every day. We put our trust in the Bible and trust that
everything that is said in it is true. This is a form of trust that is different
than trusting people who you have earthly relationships with. We often
confide in different passages and scriptures in the Bible to see examples
of how we should trust God. One example of trust in the Bible is the
story of Joseph. Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers, who
he trusted, and became sold to Potiphar, the official in Pharaohs
household. After being thrown into prison by Potiphar for being accused
for raping Potiphar’s wife, he worked hard and became in charge of the
Joseph’s brothers traveled to Egypt to buy food, and there he revealed himself
to his brothers and
they apologized to him for what they did to him. Josephs forgave them and
sent for his father Jacob
and the rest of his people. Then they all came to Egypt and settled in a land
pharaoh gave them.
Joseph had saved the twelve tribes of Israel, Gods chosen people. Joseph
trusted God no matter
how bad the situation became. This is an example of how we as Christians put
faith first and learn to
trust God through these stories of how he reveals himself faithfully. The last
type of trust I want to talk
about is self-trust. We as people believe the lies we tell ourselves of not being
able to do certain
things. When we learn to trust ourselves and our capabilities we can go above
Trusting yourself could be bad if you know what your weaknesses are or how
strong your will-power
is. For example, if you have to be somewhere at a specific time, and you say to
yourself, “I have 30
minutes, I’ll be fine” but in reality you know by just knowing yourself that you
should’ve been on the
way a long time ago, could be used as a poorly self-trusting act. Trusting yourself
in situations where
you could make a big mistake by doing something you’re not supposed to and
walking away from a
problem, is an example of a good use of self-trust. To bring my essay to a close, I
would like to end
with my conclusion of the definition of trust as an essential asset in any
significant relationship you
Thankyou for

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