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Appadurai (1996) five dimensions of

global cultural flow.

 1. Ethnoscape- global movement of people
 2. Mediascape- flow of culture
 3. Technoscape- circulation of mechanical goods and
 4. Finacescape- global circulation of money
 5. Ideoscape- realm of political ideas
 Windows into the broader phenomenon of
Economics expert
 Globalizations means;
 fast speed of trade (importing and exporting are done in just a
millisecond through technology)
 global economic organizations International Monetary Fund (IMF),
World Bank (WB),
 World Trade Organization (WTO). International Labor Organization
(ILO), ASEAN, etc.
 multinational and transnational corporations
 free trade (governments not to restrict the importation of products and
the exportation of local products
Culture expert
 Globalizations means;
. - establishment “global village” (media, facebook has
connected the world)
- “shrinking world” (breaking boundaries)
- cultural imperialism (Better Culture)
- borderless world
- adoption of other cultures (KPOP)
Political science expert
 Globalization serves as a challenge to the nation-state.
 - strengthening of regional blocs (ASEAN) (UN)
 - emergence of global political norms (the norm that each country is
entitled to the exploitation
 of human resources for its own growth)
 - emergence of corporations (businessmen and investors)
 - international laws (conflicts)
 - world governance
Four attributes of globalization

 Globalization occurs worldwide

 Intensification and acceleration of social exchanges and
 Expansion and stretching of social relations
 Various forms of connectivity
A. Globalization occurs worldwide
(Every person is a global citizen because
he or she thinks about the issues of the
 - Think about the world
 - Associate ourselves with global trends
- Sense of responsibility
B. Globalization Intensification &
acceleration of social exchanges and

 Door-to-door mail delivery to FB messages – IG, SnapChat,

- Live TV telecast
 - Travel capacities brought about by low airfares
C. Globalization Expansion &
stretching of social relations
 Regional and international non-governmental organizations
 Humanitarian Institution
- Government associations
- multinational companies
D. Globalization has Various forms of

 They are diverse (economic, political, cultural, etc.)

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Why is it crucial to emphasize

that globalization is uneven?
Justify your answer.

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