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Felt nervous Mouth dry Heart rate 85 beats per minute Breathing rate 18 breath per minute He was sweating

Spontaneous reaction of human being. Low production of saliva. We were sweating when we were nervous.

What is responsible for raising Jimmys heart and respiratory rate and stimulating sweat just before the race? Why is the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system active just before the rest? What changes are occurring in the digestive and urinary systems at this time? What is happening to Jimmys blood glucose levels just before the race. Why is Jimmy mouth dry?

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The race is getting ready to start. Jimmy is at the start line his nervous system starts to send signals from the brain causing his heart and respiratory rate to increase. Jimmy feeling the pressure the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system which is always active during times of stress . Digestive system activity is inhibit. Jimmys heart, respiratory rate and body temperature is changing Changes occurring within the urinary system as Jimmy sweats. This has caused his kidneys to work over time. The kidneys play a major role in the urinary system at this time because they maintain the electrolytes, water, and acid-base balances in the body. Jimmy begins to constantly sweat causing dehydration at the beginning of the race. As a result of this his blood glucose level starts to drop. Jim has all these changes that start to occur right before the race then he notices that his mouth is dry this is because the salivary glands have started to slow down its excretion of salvia or perhaps at this point they arent producing any at all.

FACTS Heart rate 201 beats per minute Two breath per stroke His muscle hurt (felt like burning)

IDEAS His muscle feeling the burn and pain Heart rate increase. Breath faster

LEARNING ISSUES Rowing full speed is putting new demands on Jimmys body. What are these demands and how does the body respond to them? What changes in Jimmys muscle promote unloading of O from haemoglobin? Why do Jimmys muscle feel like burning?

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Jim is Rowing full speed ahead, putting new demands on body which is O because the muscle need more ATP to contract and O is needed in the process.
The changes in Jim's muscles that promoted unloading of O from haemoglobin for use by the muscle cells is because Jims muscles are feeling the burn and pain. His haemoglobin had to unload its oxygen so that the muscles could use this oxygen in the aerobic reaction within his cells, so his body could maintain its homeostasis. The reason Jim's muscles feel like they are burning is because Jimmy's body have begun to use glycogen within the muscle cells to make ATP and that produced lactic acid and causing most of the burn, Jim is experiencing.

The conflict produced between Jim's need to keep his body cool and his need to remove nitrogenous wastes from his blood is called hydration verses dehydration. The steps Jim took before the race to help alleviate this are : 1) He tried to make the conflict easier by making sure he was well hydrated prior to the race 2) He stay calm and relaxed in order to keep his heart and respiratory rate down.





Heart rate, 180 beats per minute Respiratory rate down slightly Body temperature, 38C

Heart rate and respiratory rate reduced Body temperature increase

Jimmy has decreased the demands his muscles are making. How has he done this? Why has he done this? What are the changes in his conditions as result?

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Jim had decreased the demands his muscles were making and this can be explained by the fact that the "fight and flight" message from the brain had slowed down, with less production of adrenaline, hence less energy demand from the muscles. The changes in his condition include his heart rate decreasing from 201 to 180 beats per minute. His respiratory rate has also decreased slightly. Nervous system changes would include "fight and flight" response which is usually activated in a stressful situation. In the respiratory and cardiovascular system with the physical strain that he is enduring, his heart and lungs have to work over harder. His brain sends signals to the lungs to bread faster and deeper and the heart to beat faster. Increase amounts of blood gets pumped to the muscles, carrying oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. All bodily systems work together to withstand the demand of Jimmy pushing his body to the very limits of its capabilities. Homeostasis is maintained by negative feedback to restore Jimmy's body back to its normal state.

FACTS Heart rates, 208 beats per minute Breathing rate, 80 times per minute Sweating more He felt light headed Body temperature, 40C

The hearts rates and breathing rate are so high. Jimmy body is trying to cool back.

Jimmy has stopped rowing and his muscle are now at rest. Why are his heart and breathing rates still so high. Why is he sweating more than during the race? What changes have occurred to his blood chemistry since the start of the race?

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His muscles relaxed, but his breathing was still high due to the fact that this is the recovery period for the body system, which progresses steadily. Oxygen was still needed to meet-up with the heart beat as to circulate the needed nutrients to the tissues for energy. Jimmy is sweating more now at the finish line as a result of accumulated body heat, which is lost to the surrounding through sweat. This is needed to cool his body thus returning it back to its normal state. The work of the muscles cause an increase in blood flow to the muscles. As a result of increase in activity in the muscles, there is a reduction in the amount of blood glucose as it is converted to energy. Carbon dioxide level in the blood will increase as it is produced with the use of glucose. The oxygen level will increase as more is needed for energy. The pH of the blood will drop (acidic) from the slightly alkaline nature of blood due to the formation of carbonic acid from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. There is also an increase in body heat with the use energy. The lactic acid level of the blood will also increase as it is an end product of glucose and glycogen metabolism.



What changes have occurred in the last 10 minutes to allow Jimmys heart and respiratory rates to come down? Why is Jimmy four pounds lighter than at the start of the race? Why Jimmy only take sip of water after the race? What could happen if he drank as much as he wanted to?

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Jimmys heart rate Weight decrease and respiratory rate because dehydration were almost back to occur normal. His body temperature was still half a degree above normal. He had allowed himself only small sip of water on the row back. He weighed 76 kilogram.

The changes that have occurred in the last ten minutes that allowed Jim's heart and respiratory rates to come down are caused by the positive feedback loop. This loop causes everything to return to "normal" causing his heart and respiratory rates to return to normal. Jim is four pounds lighter at the end of the race because of dehydration. He was well hydrated one hour before the race began. One hour after he did his warm up exercises and relaxed for awhile he started thinking about the race and how it was going to be. Jim was nervous, which in turn made his heart rate go up. He was also sweating before the race and had a dry mouth which means he was already dehydrated before the race began. As he used his muscles, his heart rate, respirations and temperature elevated further. He had dehydration synthesis or loss of water from the cells in his body. Since Jim was dehydrated after the race, that he had a loss of fluid and electrolytes. The small sips allowed his body to adjust to his state of dehydration.

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