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Information and

Technology (ICT)
History and Development of
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT)
Definition of Terms:
• Technology – a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical
processes, methods, or knowledge
• Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – the tools and
processes to access, retrieve, store, organize, manipulate, produce, present
and exchange information by electronic and other automated means
(Marquez, 2018)
• Communication – a process by which information is exchanged between
individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior
• Information – knowledge obtained from investigation, study or instruction
• Digital Divide – the natural consequence of advancements in ICT. It refers
to the discrepancy in people’s access and skill related to ICT.
UTAKan: ICT Quiz Bee
Directions: You can use any ICT to answer the questions provided that you answer
each question within the time limit.
History of ICT
• Abacus – first technology invented around 3000 BC; developed during
the early 19th century after the discovery of electricity in 1780s
• Initial Computer Designs – 1833, Charles Babbage created the initial
designs of the computer but it was not until 1931 that the first electronic
calculator was assembled by the Konrad Zuse
• Wireless Telegraphy – 1894; Guglielmo Marconi invented the wireless
telegraphy which led to the development of the radio in the 20th century
• Television – developed and originated in the late 19th century; earliest
television transmission was made in 1920s; Colored television was
developed in 1940s and became prevalent 1960s
History of ICT
• Telephone – invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell
• Mobile Phone – introduced in the 1970s and the earliest mobile
phones sold in the 1980s; widespread use of mobile phones during
the early 2000s
• Modern and High Tech Computers – late 20th Century; initial versions
of computers that we use today was manufactured by IBM in 1981
• Microprocessor – introduced by INTEL in 1971
• World Wide Web – “internet” as we all know today was created by
Tim Lee in 1991
Task #1: Field Name of
Picture Description
and Function
ICT is Everywhere ICT in
• Provide at least one SPECIFIC ICT in
example of ICT used in each Healthcare
field provided. Write the name
ICT in
of the app/product/technology Education
on the 2nd column, paste a
ICT in
picture of it on the 3rd column Society
and provide the description
and function of the specific ICT. ICT in
Banking and
• Write your answers on pieces Finance
ICT in
of bond paper using the Business
template shown.
Task #2: 1,2,3
• Differentiate WWW 1.0, WWW 2.0, and WWW 3.0 by completing
the table below.
Category Description Characteristics Uses

WWW 1.0

WWW 2.0

WWW 3.0

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