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Opendss Presentation

What are the studies we get from Opendss

1. Hybrid simulations of communications & power network
2. Unbalanced, multi-phase power flow
3. Quasi-static time-series (QSTS)
4. Fault analysis
5. Harmonic analysis
6. Flicker analysis
7. Dynamic (electro-mechanical) analysis
8. Linear and non-linear analysis
9. Stray voltage/current analysis
10. Wind Analysis and many more
Advanced types of data
1. Harmonic Spectra for Harmonic Analysis
2. Various curves like load shapes, temperature shapes, storage dispatch
curves, growth curves
3. Efficiency curves for PV inverters
4. Voltage dependency exponents on loads
5. Capacitor & voltage regulator control settings
Explanation of the Summary
Results we can see from Opendss : vOLTAGE
Results we can see from Opendss : cURRENT
Results we can see from Opendss : pOWER
Case Studies - 1
Changing Load at R18,I2,C20

• Increasing the load decreasing the voltage at some remote

• Increases current in the line
• Overall losses are increasing proportionately
Changing Load at R18,I2,C20
Case Specific variation
• Uniformly 5 times increase: Exceeding current limit at I2
• Uniformly 10 times increase : Exceeding current limit at UG2 ,UG3-R17 losses - 8.593%
• Uniformly 15 times increase
(a) Exceeding current limit at UG2 ,
(b)UG3-R18 losses -12.74%
(c)Voltage decreases at R8,R9,R10,R18,I2
• Uniformly 20 times increase :
(a) Exceeding current limit at UG3-R18,UG2(I2)
(b)UG3-R18 losses -16%
(c)Voltage decreases at C20,R6,R7,R8,R9,R10,R16,R17,R18,I2

Non-uniform Increase of load

Tested on Industrial load section 50% i.e. UG-2 ,the result is may not exceeding current value but decreases voltage to 190 volt
Why per unit curve is constant?
Because it’s only showing the maximum & Minimum values
Why current sequence is giving double results?
It’s showing terminal based values
Why Power is giving +ve & -ve values?
Usual Load Curve: Residential
Usual Load Curve: Industrial
Usual Load Curve: Commercial
Reason for Distorted load curves
Loadshapes Values
Maharashtra DEC,2022
Case Studies - 2

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