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QR Code Generator


• Introduction
• Functional Requirements
• Non-Functional Requirements
• Steps to Execute
• Conclusion

QR code-based payment is a digital payment method that

allows customers to make payments by scanning a QR
code using their smartphone. This method has become
increasingly popular in recent years as it offers a quick,
secure, and convenient way to make payments. In this
document, we will define the requirements for
implementing a QR code-based payment system.
• Functional Requirements: • Non-Functional Requirements:
• 1. The system should generate a unique QR code for • 1. The system should be secure and protect
each transaction. customer data using encryption technology.

• 2. The QR code should contain information about the • 2. The system should be reliable and available 24/7
merchant, the payment amount, and the transaction
with minimal downtime.

• 3. The system should support multiple payment methods

• 3. The system should be scalable and able to handle
such as credit cards, debit cards, and mobile wallets. many transactions.

• 4. The system should validate the payment information • 4. The system should be user-friendly and easy to
entered by the customer. navigate for customers and merchants.

• 5. The system should process the payment and provide a • 5. The system should comply with relevant
confirmation to the customer and merchant. regulations and standards such as PCI DSS and GDPR.
Steps to Execute

• Start --> Input Data --> Select QR code

type --> Enter Payment Amount -->
Generate Payment QR code --> Display
Payment QR code --> Scan QR code with
Payment App --> Enter Payment
Information --> Confirm Payment -->
Payment Completed --> Display
Confirmation Message --> End!
Here's a breakdown of each step in more detail:
• 1. Start: This is the beginning of the flow chart.

• 2. Input Data: This is where the user inputs the

data that they want to encode in the QR code,
such as a product name, description, or other

• 3. Select QR code type: The user selects the

type of QR code they want to generate, such as
a standard QR code or a custom designed QR
• 4. Enter Payment Amount: The user enters the payment amount they
want to charge for the product or service.

• 5. Generate Payment QR code: The QR code generator uses an algorithm

to convert the payment amount and other data into a payment QR code.

• 6. Display Payment QR code: The generated payment QR code image is

displayed on the screen or saved as a file.

• 7. Scan QR code with Payment App: The customer uses a payment app
to scan the QR code displayed on the screen.
• 8. Enter Payment Information: The payment app prompts the customer to enter their
payment information, such as credit card details or other payment methods.

• 9. Confirm Payment: The customer confirms the payment information and submits the

• 10. Payment Completed: The payment app confirms that the payment has been completed.

• 11. Display Confirmation Message: The QR code generator displays a confirmation message to
the user, indicating that the payment has been received.

• 12. End: This is the end of the flow chart.


• A QR code-based payment system

provides a quick, secure, and
convenient way for customers to make
payments. By implementing the
requirements outlined in this
document, we can develop a robust
and scalable system that meets the
needs of customers and merchants.

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