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1 Systems of Coordinates

• There are four main coordinates systems namely

 Rectangular,
 Polar,
 Cylindrical and
 Spherical coordinates

• We will deal here mostly with rectangular system of coordinate

while we will extend in later sections to the relation between the
other coordinates system and rectangular Cartesian coordinates .
1.2 Rectangular Cartesian Coordinates

• The position (location) of a point in space can

be determined in terms of its perpendicular
distances (known as rectangular cartesian
coordinates or simply rectangular coordinates)
from three mutually perpendicular planes
(known as coordinate planes).

• The lines of intersection of these three

coordinate planes are known as coordinate
axes and their point of intersection the origin.
1.2 Rectangular Cartesian Coordinates
1.2 Rectangular Cartesian Coordinates
• The three axes called x-axis, y-axis and z-axis are marked
positive on one side of the origin.
• The positive sides of axes OX, OY, OZ form a right handed
• The coordinate planes divide entire space into eight parts
called OCTANTS.
• Thus a point P with coordinates x, y, z is denoted as P(x, y,
• Here x, y, z are respectively the perpendicular distances of
P from the YZ, ZX and XY planes.
• Note that a line perpendicular to a plane is perpendicular
to every line in the plane.
1.2.1 Second-Degree Plane Curves (2 Dimensions)


• Ellipse:
• Hyperbola
• Parabola:
• Circle:
1. Ellipse:
• Ellipse is a locus defined by the parametric
2 2
equations: x y
 2 1
a b
x  a cos t (1.1)
y  b sin t (1.2)
• Squaring both sides of (1.1) and (1.2) and add,
we have
x2 y 2
 2 1 (1.3)
a b
1. Ellipse (contd…)
• Equation (1.3) thus describes an ellipse with
centre at origin (0,0).

• An ellipse looks like an elongated circle. It

extends in the x - direction from -a to a and in
the y - direction from -b to b.

• It is illustrated in Fig 1.2 below

1. Ellipse (contd…) y

a x
-a 0



Figure 1.12: Ellipse with centre at Origin

1. Ellipse (contd…)

• For ellipse with centre

at (h, k), Fig. 1.3 illustrates this

-a y y

0 h x

Figure 1.13: Ellipse with centre at (h,k)

1. Ellipse (contd…)
• The standard equation for ellipse with centre at (h, k) as
analogous to equation (iii) is
x2 y2
 2 1
a 2
b (1.4)
• If we thus make the translation substitution,
x  xh (1.5)
y  yk
• then, the equation becomes
 x  h  y k
2 2

 1
a 2
b 2
Example 1.1


2 2
Sketch ellipse x

4 9
Example 1.1 (Contd…)
Solution. Figure 1.4 illustrates the sketch.

-2 2


Figure 1.14: Sketch of an ellipse

Example 1.2

Put the equation x 2  3 y 2  4 x  6 y  1

in standard ellipse equation.
Example 1.2 (Contd…)
• Solution:
Completing the square, we obtain
x 2  4 x  3  y 2  2 y   1

 x  2   3  y  1  4  3  1  6
2 2

     1
2 2
x  2 y  1
6 2
This is the equation of an ellipse with centre
(h, k) = (2, -1) giving the standard form
2 2
x y
 1
6 2
NOTES on Example 1.2
• There are two interesting situations that may arise
with ellipse equation given in Example 1.2 if the
constant on the RHS takes another value.
 Case 1:
If the constant on the RHS of the equation in
example 1.2 had been -7, we would obtain
i.e  x  2   3  y  1  4  3  7  0
2 2

x 2  3y 2  0
Thus, the equation describes a single point
since a = b = 0 in this case.  x , y   0, 0 
This single point is regarded as a Degenerate Ellipse.
NOTES on Example 1.2 (Contd…)
 Case 2:
 If the constant had been -8, we would have
 x  2  3  y  1  4  3  8  1 or x 2  3 y 2  1
2 2

Which has no real solution, the ellipse is then

called Empty.
Thus, every polynomial equation ,
c1 x  c2 y  c3 x  c4 y  d
2 2

, c1, c2 >0
describes an ellipse possibly degenerate or empty.
2 2
x y y 2 x2
2. Hyperbola: a 2
 2 1
or b 2
 2 1

• Hyperbola is a locus defined by the parametric

x  a cosh
y  b sinh t

• Squaring both sides

2 of 2(1.7) and (1.8) and add, we have
x y
 2 1
a b
• Equation (1.9) thus describes an hyperbola with centre
at origin (0,0).
2. Hyperbola: (Contd…)
• The hyperbola never crosses the axis
corresponding to the variable having the
negative sign.
• It is illustrated in Fig. 1.15 below.
y y


-a a x
-a a x

2. Hyperbola: (Contd…)
• The dashed diagonal lines y    are
 x the
asymptotes of the hyperbola.
• Hyperbolic functions are usually defined by
sinhx and coshx as illustrated in Fig. 1.16.
y 1
coshx coshx


0 x

2. Hyperbola: (Contd…)
 x2 y 2
Example 1.3:Sketch the hyperbola  1
4 9

Solution. Fig. 1.17 illustrates the sketch.

2. Hyperbola: (Contd…)
x2 y 2
Example 1.4: Sketch the hyperbola  1
4 9

Figure 1.18: The Sketch of hyperbola in Example 1.4

2. Hyperbola: (Contd…)
In general every polynomial equation ,
c1 x  c2 y  c3 x  c4 y  d, c1, c2 < 0
2 2

describes a hyperbola.

Note that the coefficients of x2 and y2 have opposite

For 2 the2 case where
2 the
2 final equation reduces to
x y x y
 2  0 or   2  0
a b a b
y    x
Asymptote a
the equation will represent 2 lines that can be
3. Parabola: y  ax or x  ay 2 2

• The parabola is along the axis corresponding

to the variable not being squared. Fig. 1.9
illustrates this
y y

y = ax2, a > 0

x x

x = ay2, a < 0

Figure 1.19: Parabolas with centre at origin (0,0)

3. Parabola: (Contd…)
• In general, the equations
c1 x 2  c2 x  c3 y  d (1.10)
and c1 y 2  c2 x  c3 y  d (1.11)
describe parabolas.
 If c3 in the first equation and c2 in the second
equation is not equal to zero, these equations
can then be reduced to the form
x 2  ay and  ax
y 2
3. Parabola: (Contd…)
 If c3 in the 1st equation is zero and c2 in the 2nd
equation is zero, then equation reduced to
c1 x  c2 x  d
c1 y  c3 x  d

And each describes two parabola lines that

can be considered DEGENERATE PARABOLAS.
3. Parabola: (Contd…)
Example 1.4
Sketch the parabolas (i) y  2 xand
x  2 y2

Solution. The required sketches are as shown in

Fig. 1.20 below
3. Parabola: (Contd…)
• In summary, every equation of the form

c1 x 2  c2 y 2  c3 x  c4 y  d (1.16)

With at least one of c1 or c2 non-zero describe

a (possibly degenerate or empty) Ellipse,
Hyperbola or Parabola.
1.2.2. Three-Dimensional Space Systems

• Here we consider the 3-Dimensional space and the

conventions that we’ll be using.
• We will also take a brief look at how the different
coordinate systems can change the graph of an equation.
• Let’s first get some basic notation out of the way. The 3-
D coordinate system is often denoted by . 3
• Likewise the 2-D space system is often denoted by and
the 1-D space system is denoted by . 
• Also, as you might have guessed then a general n
dimensional Space system is often denoted by .  n

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