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Cheska Monique T. Macababbad
Princess L. Rumusud
Cazandra Angela M.Tolentino
Mona Bin Fadil


Background of the study
Tourism has become one of the most important industries worldwide with the
creation of new jobs and business opportunities for operators and suppliers in this
sector. Thus, the relation of tourism to Dabbay Falls in Garab, Iguig, Cagayan
creates new opportunities and new ways to improve the place and to make the
government unit of Iguig prioritize the area that will also benefit them.

Hence this study was created to develop the Dabbay Falls located in Garab Iguig,
Cagayan. The tourist attraction needs serious development and attention since the
Tourist Attraction was neglected by the vacationers. The benefit of the
development of the place will create new job opportunities and the Municipality
of Iguig would pave its way to its prosperity.
Review of Related literature
Foreign Literature Local Literature

• According to Sachooda Ragoonaden (2016) Tourism • According to, Philippine Tourism

and Recreation. Industry

• Developing New Tourism Destinations (Simon, 2019) • According to Maria Rona Beltran (2017) Town of Iguig,
Cagayan: Where to Go, What to See and Tourist Spots
• Impact of Five A’s of Tourism on Tourist Loyalty (Yoo to Visit
& Bai, 2013)
• According to Makatakami (2017)Flaunting The Cryptic
• According to Hudson, Brian (2006) Waterfalls, Tourism Treasures Inside The Pot
and Landscape.

• According to Lee (2022) Why do we love Waterfalls?

• According to UNWTO (2004) Sustainable

Development: Solid Waste Management

• According to Murchison Falls, National Park(2020)Why

Waterfalls Are Important?
Review of Related studies
Foreign Studies

• According to Wariboko (2016) Tourism Planning and • According to Ismail and Rohman (2019) The Role of Attraction,
Development Accessibility, Amenities, and Ancillary on Visitor Satisfaction
and Visitor Attitudinal Loyalty of Gili Ketapang Beach
• According to Raphael Sabo (2021) Assessment of the Tourism
Potentials of Gurara and Mayanka Waterfalls in Niger State, • According to Dimitrios Stylidis, Avital Biran, Jason Sit and Edith
Nigeria Szivas (2014) Resident’s support for Tourism Development: The
role of residents’ place image and perceived tourism impacts
• According to (Hasan, 2015) Promotional Activities in the
Strategic Tourism Development of Lapland • According to (Hasan, S., Hasan, M. & Islam, S., 2013) Tourism
Development and Management in Bandarban
• According to (Sorupia 2005) Road Accessibility to Tourist
Destinations • According to Lisheng Weng and Zhouwei Huang (2018) A Study
of Tourism Advertising Effects: Advertising Formats and
• According to Huang-Ping yen, Po-Chi Chen and Kung-Cheng Ho Destination Type
(2021) Analyzing Destination Accessibility from the Perspective
of Efficiency Among Tourism Origin Countries • According to Obed Henry Mwinuka (2017) Reviewing the role of
tourism marketing in successful sustainable tourist destinations
• According to Manoj Edward and Babu George (2008) Tourism
Development in the State of Kerala, India: A study of Destination • According to Hudson, Brian ( 1998) Waterfalls: Resources for
attractiveness Recreation and Tourism
Review of related studies

Local Studies

• According to (2012) The Importance of Tourism in The Philippines

• According to (2012) Effects of Tourism in the Philippines

• According to Hansel Mae (2019) Case Study on Dodiongan Falls

• According to StudyMode Research (2021) Five A’s of Tourism

Conceptual Framework

Development Plan for
Dabbay Falls in

Iguig, Cagayan

Assessment of the Potential benefit to

current status of Dabbay the local
Falls in terms of government unit,
accommodation, community, nearby
attraction, activities, and towns, and tourism
amenities. industry.
This study aimed to assess ways to improve
of the Dabbay falls in Iguig, Cagayan in order
to benefit the locals and future visitors.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:
Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile 2. What is the profile 3. What is the profile

of the local of the resident of the tourists in
government unit in participants in terms of:
terms of: terms of: 3.1 Age
1.1 Age 2.1 Age 3.2 Gender
1.2 Gender 2.2 Gender 3.3 Educational
1.3 Educational 2.3 Educational Attainment
Attainment Attainment 3.4 Purpose of
1.4 Position 2.4 Place of Visit
1.5 Years in Residence
Statement of the Problem

4. What is the current 5. Is there a significant 6. What are the problems

status of Dabbay Falls difference in the encountered by the
in Garab, Iguig, participants participants who visited
Cagayan in terms of: assessment of the Dabbay Falls?
4.1 Accessibility status of the
4.2 Attraction Dabbay Falls when 7. What are the
4.3 Activities grouped according participants
4.4 Amenities to profile suggestions/recommend
4.5Accommodation variables? ations to maintain or to
develop Dabbay Falls
as a tourist attraction?
Methods and Procedures

Contains the methods and procedures that

were used in the study that includes the research design,
participants of the study, instrumentation, data gathering
procedure and the data analysis tools which were utilized
to analyze the gathered data.
Research Design

This investigation will utilize the mixed

research approach. The quantitative approach
is intended to assess the
current status of Dabbay Falls as a Tourist
Attraction. The qualitative approach will be
used to assess encountered by the participants
who visit the Dabbay Falls.

The researchers chose the Iguig

residents, the Local Government
Unit, tourists who visited Dabbay
Falls as participants and decided
to have 50 respondents.
Data Gathering Tools

The main instrument will use in this

study is the
survey questionnaire.
Data Gathering Procedures

To gather the necessary data for the study:

I. The researchers will ask the approval of the dean of the School of
Business, Accountancy, and Hospitality Management to conduct the

II. A letter will be forwarded to the Local Government Unit of Iguig to

officially visit Dabbay Falls and float questionnaires to the residents.

III. The questionnaires will be floated immediately after the approval of

the study.

VI. Information gathered from the respondents will tabulate, analyze,

and interpret.
Data Analysis
The data obtained through the questionnaire were interpreted and analyzed using the statistical tool described

1. Frequency Count and Percentage Distribution. This will be used to determine

the profile of the participants.
2. Weighted Mean and Descriptive Interpretation. This will be used to determine
the tourist’s ratings on their experience in Dabbay Falls.
3. Frequency & Rank Distribution. This will be used to determine the
recommendations of the participants to improve Dabbay Falls as a tourist
4. Analysis of variance (ANOVA). This will be used to determine if there is a
significant difference on participants assessment of the current status of the
Dabbay Falls when grouped according to profile variables.
Data Analysis
Scale of descriptive interpretation

3.25 – 4.00 – Very Satisfied 2.50 – 3.24 – Great Extent

2.50 – 3.24 – Satisfied 1.75 – 2.49 – Low Extent
1.74 – 2.49 – Not Satisfied 1.00 – 1.75 – Very Low Extent
1.00 – 1.74 – Very Not Satisfied

3.25 – 4.00 – Very Great Extent

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik and illustrations
by Storyset

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