Gender Issues

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Gender Issue in

Workplace Diversity
Macababbad, Cheska Monique T.
Bin fadil, Mona I.
Tolentino, Cazandra Angela M.
The issue of discrimination at work
is commonplace in most parts of the
world. This comes quite often when
women are considered as part of
today’s workforce. This is a sea
change that has taken place
worldwide seen from images from
the media and activities undertaken
by today.
Traditional Roles in Society
Tradition broadly establishes roles and intention of
people. Starting from dressing habits to activities in
the family to gifts like balls for boys or dolls for
girls, tradition has an overwhelming presence in
shaping the role of men and women in society.
The rapidly developing world has brought about
many changes into traditional roles of both men
and women. People have been socialized to expect
men to be brave, industrious and domineering,
whereas women have been expected to be
submissive, timid, and nurturing.
Women as a Basic Unit of Society
The basic unit of society is
a woman. As woman
makes a family, family
makes a home and homes
make a society. So we
should never think that a
society would come into
existence without the
contribution of women.
Women’s Movement
The first women’s movement grew out of
the context of European revolutions during
the 18th and 19th century.

Republic Act. 9710

It conveys a framework of rights for
women based directly on international law.
Women’s Emancipation
They were usually closely connected to
political and social opposition movements.
In liberation movements and revolutions in
which men and women jointly exerted
themselves for basic rights, national
independence, and a constitutional charter,
the position of women was also
on the agenda.
The advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of
the equality of sexes.

The term “feminism” is increasingly found since

the early 20th century, when it was used as a
synonym for the women’s issue and female
emancipation endeavors. Today, feminism can
be assumed as a political movement as well as a
critical trend in the philosophy of science that
deals with power, power relations and
Gender equality is achieved when people are able
Gender to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources
and opportunities regardless of whether they are a
woman or a man. Many countries worldwide have
made significant progress towards gender equality
in recent decades, particularly in areas such as
However, women continue to earn less than men,
are less likely to advance their careers as far as
men, and are more likely to spend their final years
in poverty. At the same time, some men find it
more difficult to access family-friendly policies or
flexible working arrangement than women
(Commonwealth Government of Australia, 2014).
“The fundamental transformation that took place in
Beijing was the recognition of the need to shift the
focus from women to the concept of gender,
recognizing that the structure of society, and all
relations between men and women within it, had to
be re-evaluated. Only by such the fundamental
restructuring of society and its institutions could
women be fully empowered to take their rightful
place as equal partners with men in all aspects of life.
This change represented a strong reaffirmation that
women’s rights were human right and that gender
equality was an issue of universal concern,
benefiting all. (UN org, 2010)”
The aim of gender equality in the workplace is to achieve broadly equal
outcomes for women and men, not exactly the same outcome for all
individuals. To achieve this requires:

Workplaces to provide equal remuneration for women and men for

work of equal or comparable value.

The removal of barriers to the full and equal participation of women in the

Full and genuine access to all occupations and industries, including to

leadership roles for women and men

Elimination of discrimination on the basis of gender particularly in relation

to family and caring responsibilities for both women and men.

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,

including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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