Eng 4 (Anusha M G)

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Exercise 1.2: B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. B 8.B 9.

Exercise 1.1 B 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. 18.
1. Downward communication A 19. D 20. C
2. Upward communication
3. Horizontal communication
4. Downward communication
5. Upward communication Exercise 1.3:1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. F 9. T
6. Radial communication 10. F 11. T 12. T 13. T 14. T 15. F 16. T 17. F 18. T
7. Downward communication
8. Grapevine
9. Downward communication
10. Upward communication

Exercise 1.41. . The term ‘communication’ implies the exchange of information, ideas,
thoughts, and feelings between individuals or groups. It involves transmitting and receiving
messages through various mediums, including verbal and non-verbal methods .Effective
communication is vital in today’s world for several reasons :a . Building Relationships
Collaboration and Teamwork . Resolving Conflict. Information Sharing. Personal and
Professional Growth
a. Intrapersonal Communication: This level of communication refers to the internal
dialogue that individuals have with themselves. It involves the process of self-
reflection, introspection, and internal reasoning . Interpersonal Communication:
Interpersonal communication occurs between two or more individuals and involves the
exchange of information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal channel
sc. Group Communication: Group communication involves interactions among
members of a small group or team. It includes discussions, brainstorming sessions,
meeting s,and collaborative problem-solving activities.d. Organizational
Communication: This level of communication pertains to the flow ofinformation
within an organization. It encompasses formal channels such as officialmemos, reports,
and emails, as well as informal interactions among employeese. Mass Communication:
Mass communication involves the transmission of messagesto a large audience through
various media channels such as television, radio,newspapers, magazines, websites, and
social media platformsf. Mass Communication: Mass communication involves the
transmission of messagesto a large audience through various media channels such as
television, radio,newspapers, magazines, websites, and social media platformsg.
Digital Communication: With the advent of digital technologies, a new level
ofcommunication has emerged. Digital communication encompasses
interactionsthrough emails, instant messaging, social media platforms, video
conferencing, andother online channels
There are several barriers to effective communication, but here are four common ones
withexamples for each:1. Language Barriers: When the sender and receiver do not
share a common language or havedifferent levels of proficiency in a language, it can
lead to misunderstandings. For example, ateam of engineers from different countries
working on a project may have troublecommunicating effectively if they have
different native languages.2. Physical Barriers: Physical barriers such as background
noise, poor acoustics, or distancebetween the sender and receiver can hinder effective
communication. For instance, in anoisy construction site, workers may have difficulty
hearing instructions from theirsupervisor.3. Emotional Barriers: Emotional barriers,
such as fear, anger, or stress, can interfere with themessage being conveyed or
received. An example of this could be a student feeling stressedduring an exam,
making it difficult for them to effectively communicate their knowledge andideas.4.
Cultural Barriers: Differences in cultural norms, values, and customs can lead
tomisunderstandings and misinterpretations in communication. For instance, a
businessnegotiation between representatives of two different cultures may break
down due tomisunderstandings arising from differing communication styles a

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