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Subject Verb


01/09/2024 1

The verb should agree with the subject in


Both must be singular or both must be plural.

01/09/2024 2
Subject Verb Agreement - Be

Tense/ Present Past Future

1st person Am/are Was/were Will be/will be

2nd person Are/are Were/were Will be/will be

3rd person Is/are Was/were Will be/will be

01/09/2024 3
Subject Verb Agreement - Have

Tense/ Present Past Future

1st person Have/have Had/had Will have/will have

2nd person Have/ have Had/had Will have/will have

3rd person Has/have Had/had Will have/will have

01/09/2024 4
Subject Verb Agreement – Other verbs

Tense/ Present Past Future

1st person Do/do Did/did Will do/will do

2nd person Do/do Did/did Will do/will do

3rd person Does/do Did/did Will do/will do

01/09/2024 5
Rules to Follow

There is a cat. There are three cats.

Rule: Singular subject takes singular verb. Plural subject takes plural verb.

If I were to go there, I would surely meet him.

Rule: Singular subject may take plural verb in subjunctive mood.

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Rules to Follow

The grass is green. My hair is turning grey.

Rule: Uncountable nouns, though plural in sense, take singular verbs.

The poor are not always dishonest. The old are respected.

Rule: Adjectives used as nouns take plural verbs.

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Rules to Follow

The captain and manager of the team is coming.

Bread and butter is my favourite food.

Rule: Two singular nouns, referring to same person/thing/idea take singular


‘Little Women’ is my favourite book.

‘The chronicles of Narnia’ is a famous movie.

Rule: Titles and names of plural forms take singular verb.

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Rules to Follow

Two hours is a long time to wait.

Rule: A phrase of measurement in plural form takes singular verb.

The boy or the girl is asking a question.

Either he or she has eaten the mango.

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Rules to Follow

Nikhil or his friends have done this work.

Rule: When two subjects joined by or/nor/either…or/neither…nor are of

different number, if the plural subject comes latter then the verb is plural.

Here is a group of boys. A group of boys are playing.

Rule: A lot of/a group of/a number of take singular verb before and plural
verb after them.

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Rules to Follow

People have to obey the law.

Rule: Nouns singular in form but plural in meaning take plural verb.

News, physics, politics, fees, wages etc.

Physics is a tough subject

Rule: Nouns plural in form but singular in meaning take singular verbs.

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Rules to Follow

The quality of oranges is not good.

Rule: When subject is a phrase, verb must agree with the main noun in the

The Prime Minister with all cabinet members has arrived.

Rule: When words are joined by with/together with/as well as, verb agrees
with first subject.

01/09/2024 12
Rules to Follow

She and her friends are at the fair.

Rule: When the subject of a sentence is composed of two or more nouns or

pronouns connected by and, use a plural verb.

The book or the pen is in the drawer.

Rule: When two or more singular nouns or pronouns are connected by ‘or’ or
‘nor’, use a singular verb.

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Rules to Follow

Parents or the boy* runs every day.

The boy or his friends* run every day.

*Compound subjects are two different subjects taken as one.

Rule: When a compound subject contains both a singular and a plural noun or
pronoun joined by or / nor, the verb should agree with the part of the subject
that is nearer the verb.

01/09/2024 14
Rules to Follow

One of the boxes is open.

The people who listen to that music are few.

Rule: Do not be misled by a phrase that comes between the subject and the
verb. The verb agrees with the subject, not with a noun or pronoun in the

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Rules to Follow

Each of these hot dogs is juicy.

Everybody knows Mr. Jones.

Either is correct

Rule: The words each, each one, either, neither, everyone, everybody,
anybody, anyone, nobody, somebody, someone, and no one are singular and
require a singular verb

01/09/2024 16
Rules to Follow

These scissors are dull.

Those trousers are made of wool.

Rule: Nouns such as scissors, trousers, and spectacles require plural verbs.
Other examples include Belongings, clothes, congratulations, earnings,
savings, stairs, surroundings, trousers, glasses.

01/09/2024 17
Rules to Follow

He doesn’t like it.

Rule: Doesn't is a contraction of does not used only with a singular subject .

They don’t like it.

Rule: Don't is a contraction of do not used only with a plural subject

01/09/2024 18
Rules to Follow

There are many questions.

There is a question.

Rule: In sentences beginning with there is or there are, the subject follows
the verb. Since there, is not the subject, the verb agrees with what follows.

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Rules to Follow

The news is on at six.

Five dollars is a lot of money.

Dollars are often used instead of Rubles in Russia.

Rule: Nouns such as civics, mathematics, dollars, measles, and news require
singular verbs.
Note: the word dollars is a special case.
When talking about an amount of money, it requires a singular verb, but
when referring to the dollars themselves, a plural verb is required.

01/09/2024 20
• If the subject is singular and the predicate is
plural, the verb must agree with its subject
and not its predicate.

1. A theory of physics ascertains that bodies in

motion stay in motion.
2. The causes of this prevalent disease are bad
diet and lack of exercise.

01/09/2024 21
• Indefinite pronoun such as someone,
somebody, each, nobody, anyone, anybody,
one, no one, everyone, everybody, either,
neither etc. Always take a singular verb.
1. Somebody is at the door.
2. Nobody went to the party.

01/09/2024 22
• Indefinite pronouns which indicate more than
one (several, few, both, many) always take
plural verb.
1. Both are qualified for the job.
2. Many went to the beach and got sunburned.

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• Collective nouns (fleet, army, committee,
crowd) are singular when the group works
together as a unit and hence take singular
The jury was pleased with his performance.
The team implements the plan.

01/09/2024 24
• Collective nouns are plural when the members
of the group are acting individually and hence
take plural verbs.
1. The audiences have made noise for quite a
2. The team were putting on their uniform.

01/09/2024 25
• Some words (such as news, measles, mumps
etc.) end in –s but represent a single thing.
These words need singular verbs.
• Example:
Mumps is a dangerous disease
The news is about start

01/09/2024 26
• Some words ( such as scissors, trousers,
spectacles, shorts etc.) end in—s and seem to
represent a single thing but they are two parts
to that single thing. These words take plural
This scissors are very sharp
The spectacles are broken

01/09/2024 27
• Words (such as politics, ethics, athletics etc.)
that end in –ics are usually singular and hence
take singular verbs.
Mathematics is a difficult subject.
Physics is my favourite subject.

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• Title of the books need singular verbs.
• Example:
The eleven minutes is a book by my favourite
Panchatanthra is an old ethics book

01/09/2024 29
• Some nouns in the plural form represent an
amount, a fraction, or an element of time.
These nouns are considered singular and
hence take singular verbs.
• Example:
seventy minutes is the amount of time taken to
cook this dish.
Four- fifth of the arena is covered by water.

01/09/2024 30
• If two subjects are joined together by as well
as the verb will act according to the first
• Example:
John as well as his father is working on this
I as well as Pragna is playing here.

01/09/2024 31
• The subject Many a ... Is always followed by
the singular verb.
• Example:
Many a women is willing to buy this job.
• If two subjects are joined together by ‘with’
the verb will act according to the first subject.
• Example:
The students with the principle were playing
01/09/2024 32
• If the subject is The number of ... Used a
singular verb.
• Example:
the number of stones in the box is less
The number of plates is more on the table

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• If the subject begins with A number of ...
(=many), use a plural verb.
• Example:
• A number of earrings are missing.
• A number of pipes are found in the lobby.

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• If two subject express one idea, use a singular
• Example:
pen and paper is all we need for examination.
Coffee and biscuits is what we eat everyday in
the morning.

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• When adjective such as much, less, little and
more are used as nouns, they must have a
singular verb.
• Example:
More of this is of no use
Little by little amount is added

01/09/2024 36
1. Annie and her brothers (is/are) at school.
2. Either my mother or my father (is/are) coming
to the meeting.
3. The dog or the cats (is/are) outside.
4. Either my shoes or your coat (is/are) always
on the floor.
5. George and Tom (doesn’t/don't) want to see
that movie.
6. Benito (doesn’t/don't) know the answer.

01/09/2024 37
1. Are
2. Is
3. Are
4. Is
5. Don’t
6. Doesn’t

01/09/2024 38
 Ram, and not you _____ won the prize.
A) have
B) has
C) is
D) are

 One of them _______ it.

A) Have done
B) Has done
C) Have does
D) Has does

01/09/2024 39
 _____ there any news about her?

A) Are
B) Has
C) Is
D) Have

 Everyone_____ helpful.

A) was
B) has
C) were
D) none of the above

01/09/2024 40
 The majority ____ against any compromise.

a) Is
b) Are
c) Has
d) Have

 The old furniture ___________ discarded before a new set is placed in the

a) Will have to be
b) would
c) Has to be
d) none of the above

01/09/2024 41
 ______ lad was sent with _____ oral message to _____ doctor.

a) The, the, the

b) A, the, an
c) The, an, the
d) none of the above

 My foots are tired from walking too much.

a) My foot is tired from walking too much

b) My feet are tired from walking too much
c) My feet is tired from walking too much

01/09/2024 42
Practice Exercise
1. Your friend (talk/talks) too much.
2. The man with the roses (look/looks) like your
3. Shella ________ everyday.
a) Walk
b) Walks
4. Margo and her parents (visit/visits) each other
01/09/2024 43
5. Either the cup or the glasses (are/is) in the

6. Cupcakes and potato chips ( are /were) bad for

7. Police or constable (is/are) responsible for this
8. A teacher or a student (has /have) to read this
01/09/2024 44
9.Neither Ravi nor Sheena ___ going to village.
10. Police ____ chasing the thief

Talks, looks, walks, visit, are, are, is, has, is, are

01/09/2024 45
Thank You..!!
01/09/2024 46

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