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Travel & Tourism

Benefit Of Travel
1. Refresh our brain/ learn how people live & have fun/ love
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2. Meet new people / friendship / culture
3. stories → having something to talk
→ Things to do :
1. It is better to spend your money or experience rather than material
2.Get away from your every day life and look at it from a different point of
3.When we have travel: We go out from the comfort zone
a.Meet new people
b.Exposed to different culture
c.See different landscape and views
d.Have experience in new things
e.Traveling makes you smarter
4.Know yourself better
Some Important Verbs
Talking About Travel
What Is Phrasal Verb?
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→Phrasal Verbs is a combination of words

(verbs+preposition) that when it is used together, usually
take on a different meaning to that of the original verb
Ex:Get in drop off
Get up Put off
Get on take off
Get over break out etc
1.Drop off: We take someone to a place and then we
leave her
sentence:we drop susi off at the airport
explanation:We put the name of the person in the
middle of the drop and off
off :See title someone off
Means →Sometimes yourClickfamily or your
here to add content friends
of the text , are
and briefly explain going
your point of

away for a long time, Maybe they are going on a vacation/

a trip,So you want to see them off.
It means you want to say goodbye to them to the airport at
the train station so it’s that goodbye you say before
Click here to add content of the text , and briefly explain your
somebody goes off on vacation
point of view.

Ex: we see Joni off
means: Joni is going to Australia, so we go to the airport
because you want to sayClickgoodbye to
here to add content of Joni
the text , and briefly explain your point of


Travel Phrasal Verb
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frank checks out

frank sets out early to explore
Joni Picks frank up ( in his car)
Jane : isn’t it great
titlethere aren’t any classes on monday? we have
three day aweekend
Jhon:That’s right! Do you have any special plans?
Jane:My family is talking with trip to Jakarta,I‘m really looking forward to it
have you ever been there?
1 2
Jhon:No,But I’ve heard about it, is it nice?
3 4
Jane :Yes, there are so many things to see. the city is famous for its
beautiful Monument
Jhon :What kind of Monument?
:It here
is very
to addfamous
content ofmonument, it is called
the text , and briefly national
explain your point of monument
here to add content of the text , and briefly explain your point of view.
:How far from here?
Jane :It only takes about an hour by train from here
Jhon :That certainly makes for an easy trip. when are you leaving?
Jane :we are going Saturday morning.We will be back on Monday evening
Jhon:Have a nice time! Bring me some souvenirs OK!
Articles : a, an, The noun
an : use before a vowel or vowel sound
(a,i,e,o,u). (hour)
a : general = any
the a. spesific = you choose
b. 2nd time you talk about the same noun
ex : I bought some frouits. the fruit was bad
c. the speaker and listener both know
d. Igo of countries:........
ex: United kingdom
United Emirate Arab. we use “THE”
United States
e. the countries name more than 2 words
f. the is used if the country is a small island
• the canary island
• the Philipines
• the west indies
• the Timor Leste
Enter title

1. what is the best way to travel?

-Do you prefer
whatbyis the best way
a plane, to or
a train travel?
a car?
* i prefer to -Do you prefer to travel by a plane, a train or a car?
1 travel by train
* if You travel by*train,
i prefer
see by
view of the country
* ifYYou
*.off you travel by travel
train, you canbysleep,
you can see the size of the
or work
country alone or with a group?
-Do you prefer traveling
here to add content of the text , and briefly explain your point of
*Traveling withClick
group is always fun
*You can do many activities
Click here withofthe
to add content , and briefly explain your point of
the text
*But in my opinion, traveling alone is more relaxing
-When is the best time of year to travel?
* it depends on where you want to travel
Enter title

-How many different countries have you visited?

*I have visit 15 countries
Click here to add content of the text , and briefly explain your point
of view.
1 Click here to add content of the text , and briefly explain your point
-Which was yourof view.
*Yogyakarta, I had a really good time there and I met a lot of friends
when I was there.
Click here to add content of the text , and briefly explain your
-How did you travel
point ofto Yogyakarta?
*I traveled to Yogyakarta
Click here to addby Plane
content of the text , and briefly explain your
2 point of view.

- How long did you stay there?

* I stayed they for a week. it was an amazing ex

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