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 Introduction
 History
 How is it Made?
 What are its Properties?
 Why does it Work?
 Is it Expensive?
 Is it Worth it?
 Applications
 Advantages and Disadvantages
 References

 Transparent concrete or light-transmitting concrete or

translucent concrete is a smart construction material that
allows pass light through it from one side to another side.
 Due to some amount of coarse aggregate content of concrete
is replace with light-transmitting material or optical fibers. In
this concrete, the high amount of fine aggregate is used or
fine material is used.
 Transparent concrete is used to provide a better aesthetic
view of a building or other architectural purposes.

 The Transparent Concrete Concept Is First Found In

1935 by Canadian patent. But due to the development
of optical fiber and other materials, this concept is not
more popular.
 But after some time this concept also comes and in
2001 the idea of transparent concrete is found by
Hungarian architect aron losonczi. In 2004, he started
the german company, named LiTraCon, and started
producing LiTraCon commercially.
How is it Made ?
 Mostly the same as regular concrete
 Glass fibers are spread throughout the aggregate and
cement mix.
 Small layers of the concrete are poured on top of each
other and infused with the fibers and are then connected
 Process is tedious and costly
 Big reason why this product costs so much.
What are its Properties ?
 Carries the same amount of light through a brick no
matter how thick it is
 The light carried maintains its original color
 Weighs about the same as conventional concrete
 96% traditional aggregate and cement, 4% glass fibers
 Can be manufactured in any color upon request
 Normally sold in bricks
Why does it Work ?
 Based on Nano-Optics
 Light passes as much light when tiny slits are placed
directly on top of each other as when they are staggered
 Principal can carry because glass fibers in the concrete
act like the slits and carry the light across
Is it Expensive ?
 Currently more expensive
 Due to:
• tedious manufacturing process
• only made in a small factory in Hungary run by inventor Aron Losonsczi

 Possible production tradeoff to United States

or Japan
 Maybe less expensive in future
Is it Worth it ?
 Depends on the buyer and the project
 Adds an interesting property to a strong material
 Could take fiber optics in a new direction
 Definitely looks cool nonetheless

 For decorative elevation.

 Illuminate wall.
 Get creative with a design.
 Use in a pavement or load-bearing walls.
 Increase visibility in a dark subway station.
 Light fixture.
 Use as transparent and decorative floors.
 Light sidewalk at night.
 In furniture for aesthetic view.
 It has very good architectural properties for giving the
good aesthetical view to the building.
 Where light is not able to come properly at that place
transparent concrete can be used. The main advantage of
these products is that on large scale objects the
 texture is still visible – while the texture of finer
translucent concrete becomes indistinct at distance.
 Energy saving can be done by the utilization of
transparent concrete in building.

 Casting of transparent concrete block is difficult for the

labor so a special skilled person is required.
 The main disadvantage is this concrete is very costly
because of the optical fibers.
Future of Transparent Concrete

 Many experts have predicted that translucent concrete

can bring about a positive change in the overall market
and become an economical and eco-friendly alternative
to traditional concrete.
 As a result, manufacturers are now working hard to
develop translucent concrete at a lower cost, so it can
become an affordable alternative for both commercial
and residential projects.


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