Practice Questions - Propositional Logic

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What shall we do now ?

Who is better ?
YOU (or) YOUR FRIEND sitting next to you ?

Let’s find out 

Open your class NOTEBOOK.
Keep the PEN ready.
Read the QUESTION first & ANSWER them by yourself.
After writing all the answers, EXCHANGE your book with
the friend sitting either FRONT or BACK. But NOT WITH
your friend.


T: Tom hit the ball.
J: Jane caught the ball.
S: Spot chased the ball.
1 Tom did not hit the ball
2 Either Tom hit the ball or Jane caught the ball
3 Spot chased the ball, but Jane caught it.
4 If Jane caught the ball, then Spot did not chase it.
5 Spot chased the ball if and only if Tom hit the ball.
6 Tom hit the ball, and if Jane caught the ball, then Spot chased it.
7 If Tom hit the ball and Jane caught it, then Spot chased it.
M: Mary went to the store.
P: Paul stayed at home.
Q: Quill played in the garden.
8 If Mary went to the store, then both Paul stayed at home and Quill
played in the garden.
9 Either Mary did not go to the store or Quill played in the garden, and
Paul stayed at home.
10 Mary went to the store and Paul stayed at home if and only if Quill
played in the garden).
11 Either if Mary went to the store, then Paul stayed at home, or if Quill
played in the garden, then Mary did not go to the store.
12 If Mary did not go to the store and Paul stayed at home, then Quill
played in the garden.
A: Alice read the book.
B: Bob wrote a poem.
C: Carol painted a picture.
13 Alice read the book, Bob wrote a poem, and Carol painted a
14 Either Alice read the book or Bob wrote a poem if and only if Carol
painted a picture
15 Either if Alice read the book, then Bob did not write a poem, or
Carol painted a picture and Bob wrote a poem
16 If Alice read the book and Carol painted a picture, then Bob wrote
a poem
17 Bob wrote a poem if and only if Carol painted a picture, and Alice
did not read the book
R: Ryan plays the guitar.
S: Sarah sings beautifully.
T: Tom dances to the music.

18 If Ryan plays the guitar and Sarah sings beautifully, then Tom
dances to the music
19 Sarah sings beautifully implies Tom dances to the music if and
only if Ryan plays the guitar
20 Ryan plays the guitar or Sarah sings beautifully, and if Tom
dances to the music, then Ryan plays the guitar
1 ¬T
2 T∨J
3 S^J
4 J → ¬S
Answer Key 
5 S↔T
6 T ^ (J → S)
7 ( T ^ J) → S
8 M → (P ^ Q)
9 (¬M ∨ Q) ^ P
10 (M ^ P) ↔ Q
11 (M → P) ∨ (Q → ¬M)
12 (¬M ^ P) → Q
13 A^B^C
14 (A ∨ B) ↔ C
Answer Key 
15 (A → ¬B) ∨ (C ^ B)
16 (A ^ C) → B
17 (B ↔ C) ^ ¬A
18 ( R ^ S) → T
19 (S → T) ↔ R
20 (R∨S)^(T→R)

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